Ukrainian War Developments

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Jingle Bells

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What piss me off the most is the NATO expansionism emboldened a group of individuals in Ukraine to think that is was safe to poke Russia in the eye despite multiple warnings from Russia. If NATO was not willing to deal with the full consequences, why cause trouble?
The same go for Taiwan, if the U.S is not willing to face the full consequences then they shouldn't embolden the separatists there to think that they will be safe if they poke Beijing in the eye.

Exactly, it's like typical 渣男 behavior.


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Yeah, we do. Germany tried that twice. They got demolished twice and the second time were enslaved for 50 years. They want round 3? Germany hasn't won a war since the 1870's, they're just good at dealing damage before going down.
I don't get this fascination with German/Prussian militarism. They were very avantgarde, ingenius and all, but they always ended up overreaching and flying too close to the sun. Their track record is no better than the French, who get ridiculed all the time.


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Moderator - World Affairs
I distintively recall back when I was joking about getting popcorn ready and Overborn stated he would buy an NFT, that he also said the hint is to look at what the Chinese embassay does, many other countries were already telling their citizens to leave and offering evac (this was pre-invasion) but China had not yet taken action, Overborn surmised that once/if China took action that was 100% certain the invasion was going to happen....

So surely many other countries and actors/players were also looking for hints and anything that would tip them off

I'm inclined to believe China did this for OPSEC and like the Vulcans often say, the good of the many outweight the needs of the few. The fact of the matter is, entire fate of civilizations are at stake and often it hindges on criticial moments such as these, so in the grand scheme of things sacrificing the safety of some Chinese dispora abroad the Ukraine in terms of cost benefit analysis may have been determined to be in the best interest of the long arc of Chinese national interest and Sino-Russian relations in order to maintain the element of surprise and timing or whatever it is 4D chess and 11D Go that Putin and Xi have in store that has yet to play out .
Bro, there is no "element of surprise"... US broadcasted 'Surprise Invasion' for almost 3 months non-stop everyday. If China withhold evacuation order to protect Russia's 'operational security' and 'invasion plan', that would be the dumbest cuck thing I'd ever heard. More likely explanation is China didn't believe US war hype, no matter what evidence was provided. Perhaps it's a psychological fail rather than intelligence failure, I am sure PLA has spies to know the exact timing, but leadership didn't take it seriously.
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Jesus. The USAF would be creaming themselves with such a target. I hope Ukraine can do something about it.
Yea, last time your lil boys were having headache from tehranic rockets.
You are already saying "USAF", Russia might make it even more short form in real time.
Btw when are you heading for Ukraine to volunteer? I see lots of free people from OO.Azz are firing lots of online opinion & meme barrage. :rolleyes::rolleyes:
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