Ukrainian War Developments

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Well, Actually, I think the BIGGEST failure is NATO.
They actually lost one of the best opportunity to confront and defeat Russia, at minimal cost.
By yesterday when RuAF cleared the skies of Ukraine and established air superiority over the region, NATO actually lost their best time to intervene. Right now, any workable effort by NATO (without starting WW3) won't only be "添油战术".

Had NATO rapid reaction forces reached Ukrainian front right after Putin started the operation, they would have a change of confronting the Russian forces by just staring them down without really starting a war. Or, they should have stepped in when Russian forces are still on their way to their initial position, anytime during the first 3 days of battle. That would also result in a stare down with the Russian troops.

In fact, what you are saying, (that the West knew what Russia planned to do and yet didn't act) will simple confirm the fact that strategically, they lost their best chance to humiliate and deter Russia for decades.

No, it just proves nuclear weapons actually have a use.
Russia's military would already be half destroyed by NATO without the nuclear umbrella.


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Timeline of Chinese evacuation:

  • December, 2021, US intelligence warns of Surprise Invasion of Ukraine.
  • 12 days before invasion,
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    • US/UK evacuates all diplomatic staff from Ukraine, strongly encourages citizens to evacuate or face no help if conflict occurs.
  • 2 days before invasion,
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    • Russia evacuates all diplomatic staff from Ukraine.
    • China says situation is "worsening", tells citizens to stockpile food/water/neccessities, but No Evacuation order for citizens/diplomats issued as 'peacekeepers' sent to Donetsk/Luhansk. (
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  • <<Feb 24th, large-scale Russian invasion begins>>
    • China advises citizens to 'stay at home' and 'display Chinese Flags' to car to avoid getting attacked by Russian troops. (
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  • 1 days AFTER invasion,
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    : China advises evacuation of citizens, "starts registering" for charter flights.
  • 3 days AFTER invasion,
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    : China tells citizens to NOT display any symbols (
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    ) and seeks alternatives to charter flights, including bus evacuation.
  • 4 days AFTER invasion, Feb 28th, first wave of 400 Chinese citizens evacuated out of almost 6,000 national.
This is an intelligence failure! Even
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that they had plans to evacuate citizens long long long before China did. If Putin gave big hints to Xi during Olympics,
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with China, and Chinese intelligence agency didn't do jack shit, then they really dropped the ball.
I distintively recall back when I was joking about getting popcorn ready and Overborn stated he would buy an NFT, that he also said the hint is to look at what the Chinese embassay does, many other countries were already telling their citizens to leave and offering evac (this was pre-invasion) but China had not yet taken action, Overborn surmised that once/if China took action that was 100% certain the invasion was going to happen....

So surely many other countries and actors/players were also looking for hints and anything that would tip them off

I'm inclined to believe China did this for OPSEC and like the Vulcans often say, the good of the many outweight the needs of the few. The fact of the matter is, entire fate of civilizations are at stake and often it hindges on criticial moments such as these, so in the grand scheme of things sacrificing the safety of some Chinese dispora abroad the Ukraine in terms of cost benefit analysis may have been determined to be in the best interest of the long arc of Chinese national interest and Sino-Russian relations in order to maintain the element of surprise and timing or whatever it is 4D chess and 11D Go that Putin and Xi have in store that has yet to play out .


Registered Member
No, it just proves nuclear weapons actually have a use.
Russia's military would already be half destroyed by NATO without the nuclear umbrella.
But it open also a pandora box that you have impunity with nuke... US know that too. So how much this stuff can go on ?


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Also, couldn't China's own intelligence experts have made sure that Russian statement was true or not? Likewise to what President Biden has claimed all along of an impending Russian invasion? Having a capable and robust intelligence operation is vitally important in winning a war. It's a bit naive for any country's leader to rely upon another leader's "trust me bro" spiel if the stakes or the consequences of the actions have global impact and dire consequences.

I mean, the U.S. was so convinced and has been proven to be correct in their intelligence assessment that Russia was going to attack and even if their dates was off by a couple of days, the attack culminated in the month it said Russia was going to commerce an invasion.

So am just curious just how reliable, robust, the PLA intelligence if at all? Because having an excellent intelligence is of supreme vital importance to the area we all know what am referring about.

@Overbom @gelgoog @ansy1968 @FairAndUnbiased @taxiya @Phead128 @solarz any comments on China's intelligence capabilities or lack thereof?
My guess is China did not expect an actual invasion. In fact I don't think Putin even made that decision until the last minute during the Munich security conference; from the looks of it, it was indecisive, then it was supposed to be a small Syria style COIN operation, but turned out that didn't work, and only after week 1 does Putin realize that this is a war of attrition, not a COIN operation. Here's some background.

Zelensky calls on West to confront Russia, Feb. 19

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The comments by the embassy seem to indicate they expected a very rapid win. That did not happen.


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this was a very high risk maneuver though, because looking strong discourages foreign intervention, looking weak encourages it.

See Battle of Shanghai by KMT vs. Imperial Japan. KMT didn't resist hard enough and was written off as a lost cause even by imperialist sponsors.
If nuclear weapons were not in play, then it would be interesting to see what the threshold for foreign intervention in the Ukraine conflict would be. The KMT in the battle of Shanghai managed to inflict 18,000-19,000 KIA, ~40,000 WIA and ~40,000 sick to the Japanese forces at the cost of 187,000 KIA and ~80,000 WIA. They stalled the Japanese advance in urban combat for 3+ months and required them to commit 300,000 men to eventually breakthrough. I sometimes find it amusing or interesting that the historical consensus is that the battle of Shanghai was a failure for the KMT. If the Ukrainian army ever manages to perform like the KMT in the battle of Shanghai, then the modern media would probably be calling it a Russian failure or a pyrrhic victory at least.
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