Ukrainian War Developments

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I think its becoming obvious that this is becoming the final struggle for the fate of Ukraine. Its either Russia destroys the Ukrainian state and nationalist thinking. Or they back down and Ukraine joins EU and Nato. There is no negotiated solution. There is no compromise solution.

Now the question is: Is russia capable enough to destroy Ukraine as a state and taking over without harming itself too much. The Western empire will certainly throw everything except direct war to try to degrade Russia and force a regime change. So, if Russia give up, I don't think they can survive as a state as they are now. Their power, prestige and even national territory is probably at stake right now.

As for China, I don't think they can enjoy from the sidelines much longer. The western empire's next goal will not be lets focus less on China to take down Russia first, but let devote more resources to take down both at once. So, they will put more resources on the line. So, more military budget, more sanctions on China, more support for Taiwan, more military moves in the pacific, more financial support in Africa.

So, the western empire will use greater percentage of its GDP to fight against China and Russia.

They will only stop when the western empire encounters an economic crisis and recession. Only then there will be some pause and perhaps reflection. Until then, its going to be full on proxy, economic, social battle
I don't think the West is interested in, "taking down" China but it will be more interested in a full decoupling. Being dependent on a country determined to be your enemy doesn't make a whole lot of sense.


I don't understand it. Instead of saying this is nothing. it's just western media demonizing China/Chinese people. Why don't you just condemn those 'few comments' so that there are thousands of Chinese voices that's on the right side. Isn't that the more direct and moral thing to do?
Don't be silly. These comments are disrespectful but I have seemed so much worst and so much more disrespectful comments and hate speech that these comments compare with them are tame and mild. It is like you are making a big deal out of nothing. Don't be a moral police. Fight the good fight.
I am condemning behavior so clearly and unambiguously wrong. But you think that would lead to Chinese could not speak at all? I understand that there are moral dilemmas and gray zones in this world. But I am smart enough to know making sexual explicit remarks about female Ukraine refugees ain't one.

Isn't that what I did? Haven't you seen how some Chinese tourists' behavior in foreign countries can badly damage China's image?
A few mainland Chinese came to Hong Kong behave badly. Like not putting trash in the trash can, like allowing their kids to pee and poo on the street. Is it morally wrong? The behavior so clearly and unambiguously wrong. But does it represent all mainland Chinese, definitely not.

Hong Kong newspapers use such irrelevant things to demonize mainland Chinese. After so many years, you have a bunch of Hong Kongers that hate and look down at mainland Chinese no matter what.

So do Hong Kongers have bad behaviors. Of course they do. Many Hong Kongers also don't throw trash in the trash can. They also allow their children to pee and poo on the street in emergency. Same thing applied to all other tourists. Like Americans talk loud and rude.

So you see. No one is a saint. What you and some media and some social media are doing are to exaggerate a trivial thing and to make a big deal out of nothing and to demonize all Chinese for bad behavior when everyone perfectly knew that it is only bad behavior of a few people and when everyone knew that other countries people can behave even worse.
You've got to be kidding me! Nathan Chen, a born and bred Chinese American, won a gold for his country. But people on this forum condemned him as a traitor to all Chinese people. Many people gave likes to those posts. somehow that association works?
And Americans also condemned Elieen Gu as a traitor. Twitter and Reddit posts went rampage about her. All American media attack her and using the most hateful words toward her. Did Chinese media attack Nathan Chen, rarely. So you want to make a big fuss about a poster here called Nathan Chen a traitor that has a few likes. I do see you have the tendency to be extremely critical of China and Chinese.

now let's try the opposite side. few Chinese netizens were very thoughtful and supportive to a country that was struck by natural disasters and people from that country were really thankful of them and developed appreciation for all Chinese people. Would I be wrong (or spineless) to think they brought pride to all Chinese people?
You definitely need to grow a spine. People did a good deed or a bad deed. It should be about them first and foremost. They should be proud or they should be ashamed. You shouldn't take the credits for what they did or should be blamed for what they did. You can be proud of them or ashamed of them. But don't try to bring all Chinese people into this.
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I don't think the West is interested in, "taking down" China but it will be more interested in a full decoupling. Being dependent on a country determined to be your enemy doesn't make a whole lot of sense.

They want to decouple for only one reason, cause they think decoupling will force China to collapse as an economy and cause a regime change. If China for example becomes a bigger economy than EU and US combined -> which can happen since China has 2 times population than US and EU combined, then decoupling from China becomes an overall loss in terms of beating China.

In fact, they will not stop just decoupling, but use their economic power to force everyone else to decouple from China. Ofcourse, China is too big to do that now completely. But they will certainly try in certain sectors such as telecommunication, chips and so on.


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Where Germany goes the rest of EU follows.

That's a combine 18 Trillion USD GDP economy (the same as China) rearming after three decades of military neglect and fully in the US camp now thanks to Putin.

Somewhere Xi Jinping must be banging his head against the wall screaming something along the lines of "with friends like this, who needs enemies"
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