Ukrainian War Developments

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Nah. A few people may have seen it that way, like Patton, especially when that view was trending during the early 20th century, but now the rhetoric especially from the right wing is to unite with Russia to counter the Asiatic hordes.

Make no mistake: Russia may be seen as the least white among the whites in the west, but it is still incontrovertiblely
seen as white. The Orthodox Christian aspect is even more important to many, e.g. American conservatives and that German admiral.
but it's the same right wing that is putting total sanctions on Russia, expanding NATO near Russia, and support the ring wing in Ukraine, Baltics, Balkans, etc. who hate Russia.


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I know the diplomat was bullshitting but the grilling imho crossed the line in a professional setting It was over the top.. It was unprofessional conduct and notice I agree with the reporter but his conduct was horrible bro..

Respect has to be preserved regardless of different political ideologies
You're literally tone policing the reporter here when the government official is basically creating agit-prop in real-time? Like which do you think is more important here? The reporter's tone? or the manufactured consent that could have the U.S. sleepwalk into a conflict with Russia?

reservior dogs

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Gee, after numerous attempts to destabilize and smear China from Hong Kong to Tibet to Xinjiang while forming economic and military alliances in an attempt to stunt China's growth, the US has the confidence to dictate China what and not what to do lol :rolleyes:
These had always been tools number one uses on other nations. The double standard is the privilege of being number one. The only issue I have with this press conference is hysterical tone which suggest weakness. If you are sure of your power, you would not need to warn others of it. They would instinctively know not to disobey. It is the silent dogs that bite. If you have to loudly proclaim your power to sanction, it might mean that they are not going to be that effective?


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Gee, after numerous attempts to destabilize and smear China from Hong Kong to Tibet to Xinjiang while forming economic and military alliances in an attempt to stunt China's growth, the US has the confidence to dictate China what and not what to do lol :rolleyes:
The US neocon/neolib regime is getting increasingly desperate and schizophrenic.


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We should also not forget that this would send an indirect signal to Asia-Pacific (maybe even Central Asian) countries on how China views such matters

For example, if China is seen to support a military attack against Ukraine, countries in ASEAN would surely be alarmed and start thinking "if China doesn't have a problem with that happening in Europe, who knows if China will do something here?"

On the other hand, by supporting Russia for its security demands but not supporting military option, the countries would feel like even on serious diplomatic issues, China doesn't support invasions. Surely such a thing would be a relief for countries which have an (irrational) fear of China.

That's why I am saying these things are extremely complex. You have to take into account hundreds of variables and side-effects when you take such monumental decisions. I don't envy the jobs of diplomats and decision makers. Sounds like a job which is mentally exhausting
Beauty of to be the person controlling the network and getting the first cut from profit is the amply room for errors.

Means if the top of dog start to worry about errors and try to preciselly restrict the victim of they bullying then they is getting close to loose his position .


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Beauty of to be the person controlling the network and getting the first cut from profit is the amply room for errors.

Means if the top of dog start to worry about errors and try to preciselly restrict the victim of they bullying then they is getting close to loose his position .
Indeed. That's how we know that China is rising to power.

In the past, noone would have bothered to talk with China. And the US would just do whatever it wanted.
Now we see the whole world converging on China to discuss and take its opinion into account when making decisions.

And the US has to resort to threats to change China's position (it won't).
Good example of how the balance of power has changed over the past 2 decades


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Putin Blames the West for Ukraine Tensions & The U.N. Holds an Emergency Session | The Daily Show​

Ladies and gentlemen, reality does not matter anymore. (At least not for the US neocon/neolib regime)

IMHO, US neoliberal corporate/regime propagandists like Trevor Noah, John Oliver, Stephen Colbert are not helping their profession by peddling US propaganda and misinformation.
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