Ukrainian War Developments

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reservior dogs

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Short truce of peace for a few years in exchange for letting the Americans control and limit your missile systems. We all know how well the US/NATO promises account for.

I don’t believe this can be rehashed again in a few years. If this happens again, then the West will be in a more advantageous position over Russia. The only reason why they are balking right now is due to inflation and imminent raise in interest rates. Any sudden increase in energy prices will send the global world into turmoil.
Don't worry, Putin is a shrew negotiator. The final deal will look very different from what is being offer in round one. A deals is only as good as both sides have the hard power to enforce it. The U.S. promised no further expansion of NATO and reneged on that promise because there was little Russia could do. The U.S. is really not after breaking up Russia anyways, we are doing this mainly to control Western Europe. Russia is just being dragged into this to act as a bogyman. I think the final deal will be much more limited in scope and basically have the U.S. promise not to use Russia this way.


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This is how MSM operates, bots write articles based on a variety of scenarios that are likely to occur. This ensures fast reporting.
One of these days in the event that the west loses it place in the world and these nations that have been victimized end up on top, should these nations hunt down the operatives of the MSM and their various lackeys and have then tried and executed for using the media to cause suffering around the globe, I will simply say, nothing of value was lost and it is about time that these worthless liars get their due. These MSM operatives deserve a fate worse then death
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