Ukrainian War Developments

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Registered Member
They certainly aren’t doing a lot of air sorties either. Seems like the main focal point is the ground forces.
Which doesn't even make sense. I mean if you face resistance in the ground then why not use the airforce to solve it?

Pardon, but I find Russia's Military non-usage of some weapon platforms as idiotic.


I understand their motives. I just think they are playing a losing hand. Russia has no effective succession mechanism in place. Sanctions will inevitably weaken Putin's grip on power and empower his opponents. The West is bound to seize upon this opportunity and attempt regime change. Until then, China is the principal strategic benefactor.
You are overestimating the power of the West and underestimating Putin. Putin holds massive Russian support due to his nationalism. The West is sometimes successful at regime change in small countries but would have bitten off far more than they can chew with a large powerful country like Russia, which is a principle competitor to the US and its people are conditioned that way as well. American attempts to regime change or incite revolution have failed in much lesser states than Russia such as Venezuela, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Iran, etc... Targetting Russia is playing the game on insane mode when you can barely get through it sometimes in medium difficulty and are on a losing streak.


Registered Member
I understand their motives. I just think they are playing a losing hand. Russia has no effective succession mechanism in place. Sanctions will inevitably weaken Putin's grip on power and empower his opponents. The West is bound to seize upon this opportunity and attempt regime change. Until then, China is the principal strategic benefactor.
If Putin goes, Medvedev or some other political moderate will take over. Why would things be any different to the way they are now? Russia will still champion the rights of ethnic Russians outside Russia.

Even Yeltsin deployed troops to Kosovo to protect ethnic Serbian interests.


Registered Member
You think the Western Neocons, Elites, Politicians are going to chop off their own nutsack to spite China?

Kick Russia out = Can’t Buy Oil.

Kick China out = No more manufactured goods

Results? Maybe triple digit inflation as the bare minimum.

Russia doesn't have much oil, and EU only gets like 35% at most of its Natural Gas from Russia



Lieutenant General
So Republican Senator Ben Sasse is claiming China green lit Putin's invasion. Of course the Republicans who wanted closer ties to Russia want to blame it on China. Now that Putin has invaded all their talk of China being the "next big threat" to the world makes them look dumb... again.


Registered Member
My observation is that Russia didn't use much of its artillery. Both Russia and China love to use massed artillery to soften their enemies and targets before full assault. I think it has to be the fact that Russia doesn't want to have bad publicity and to control civilian casualties. In addition, I find it odd that Russia didn't bombard Ukraine for a few weeks before attacking like the NATO or the US did. It could be that Russia wanted a quick victory and element of surprise. Unlike the West which has MSM on its side, Russia doesn't want a prolong war and wanted to finish the war in a matter of weeks not months.
Yeah I think speed is of the essence here and really it's been very quick. Less than 48 hours after the start of hostility we have the capital about to be surrounded. And all done without using indiscriminate dropping of ordinance and attempting minimum civilian causalities. The Russians are paying for this at the cost of lives.

Before the week is out combat could be over, and it has the potential to be quicker than that even. I know it feels like the ground forces are moving slowly while we look at it every hour under magnifying glass but really has been lightning quick.


Registered Member
So Republican Senator Ben Sasse is claiming China green lit Putin's invasion. Of course the Republicans who wanted closer ties to Russia want to blame it on China. Now that Putin has invaded all their talk of China being the "next big threat" to the world makes them look dumb... again.

But indeed China IS the only real "threat" to US hegemony
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