Ukrainian War Developments

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Not on the same scale. China will have to ban all exports if the US goes scorched earth policy. Simply barring rare earths is not enough because such an action by the US isn’t just slowing China but an attempt to economically cripple China. Such an action must be met with equal response. If they are going nuclear on the economy then China must go nuclear as well.
Yeah, or that. The inflation would get into high double digits or even triple digits, industries that use rare earths would stop after the stockpiles are exhausted, thousands of companies will go bankrupt and unemployment will go into the double-digits territory, stock markets would crash, USD will significantly depreciate (because its volume participation would rapidly shrink), etc.


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Putin: Neo Nazis are using Ukrainian civilians as human shields. They park their artillery units in residential areas. Recommended by US advisors.

Putin is right. The US have created and sponsored Deaths Squads and Jihadists to screw with its enemies. This kind of dirty tactic is a common quality of all of those US-sponsored scum.


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Lieutenant General
What Russia is doing in principle is detrimental to China. They've thrown aside the respect for the sanctity of other nation's integrity and sovereignty by annexing Crimea and recognizing the two rebel republics in the east of the Ukraine. By not overtly reprimanding Russia for its transgressive behavior China is demonstrating to the world that its
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are self-centered: as long as you respect our integrity and sovereignty, we don't really care what you do with third party nation's integrity and sovereignty.
Oh come on about time China discard the nonsense sanctity of border. They were meant to ward off western meddling in China's own affair But it still does not prevent wester power from inciting Uyghur or Tibetan revolt against China So it is ineffective policy that was formulated when China is weak and more interested in developing the economy. But western hostility toward China does not stop. So about time they discarded non interference BS


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Germany has joined France, UK, and US about cutting Russia off from SWIFT.

Italy and Hungary are not in favor as yet.
This is doing down much faster than I imagined....
at this rate by the end of this week China will be cut from SWIFT as well

And again like with the computer/chip ban thing, this isn't so much about Russia/Ukraine as it is about being a veiled threat and hidden message to China... that if China doesn't capitulate to the US/West, starting with backstabbing Russia, (and ending with complete economic, technological and military surrender to the US) etc that it is China that is next on the chopping blocks of Swift and IC sanctions
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