Ukrainian War Developments

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Germany has joined France, UK, and US about cutting Russia off from SWIFT.
Italy and Hungary are not in favor as yet.
I know what happens to people who don't pay their utility bill. The utility comes and closes off your gas. No gas for you.

I knew it that Scholz was a good guy. Hopefully Italy and Hungary will now accept.
Anything that accelerates the collapse of the American Financial empire is welcome
Yeah no kidding. Russia will just switch to selling their commodities in renminbi or whatever.
Most things are made in China anyway.

I understand their motives. I just think they are playing a losing hand. Russia has no effective succession mechanism in place. Sanctions will inevitably weaken Putin's grip on power and empower his opponents. The West is bound to seize upon this opportunity and attempt regime change. Until then, China is the principal strategic benefactor.
They tried sanctions on Fidel Castro. It didn't work that well did it?

Russia doesn't have much oil, and EU only gets like 35% at most of its Natural Gas from Russia

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Oil reserves are one thing. Oil production is another. Just because you have oil doesn't mean you can get it out of the ground. Venezuela is a good case in point since most of their reserves are hard to get shales in the Orinoco basin.
Russia produces about as much oil as Saudi Arabia.
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Oil reserves are one thing. Oil production is another. Just because you have oil doesn't mean you can get it out of the ground. Venezuela is a good case in point since most of their reserves are hard to get shales in the Orinoco basin.
Russia produces about as much oil as Saudi Arabia.

Saudi Arabia has been pumping oil for decades, how do we know that their reserves as still at that level and are not on the way to depletion?


Lieutenant General
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Russia is threatening military consequences for Finland an Sweden if they join NATO. That sounds...mildly familiar.
I just had to laugh at all those idiots saying "does Russia remember the Winter War" on Twatter. These idiots don't even know who won the Winter War. And the Continuation War for that matter. Finland lost a good chunk of Karelia. If they join NATO, perhaps they will just be annexed by Russia, and people's ideas that Russia wants to remake the Russian Empire would really come true!

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The successor of Putin wont't be this friendly.

To get here took good 25 years of hard work from the USA.

The successor will be more hard lined.
The goal of the Western sanctions is to roll back Russia to the 90s. Even without US regime change, Russia is more likely to end up with a new Yeltsin than a new Putin.


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Saudi Arabia has been pumping oil for decades, how do we know that their reserves as still at that level and are not on the way to depletion?
Globally I'm pretty sure we peaked a while back, Saudi numbers cannot be trusted at all...
The world is now a Negative Sum game... its all about which side can pull the rug out from underneath the other side first.


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This is doing down much faster than I imagined....
at this rate by the end of this week China will be cut from SWIFT as well

And again like with the computer/chip ban thing, this isn't so much about Russia/Ukraine as it is about being a veiled threat and hidden message to China... that if China doesn't capitulate to the US/West, starting with backstabbing Russia, (and ending with complete economic, technological and military surrender to the US) etc that it is China that is next on the chopping blocks of Swift and IC sanctions
You sure are mr doom and gloom. Next week there wont be any energy and all currencies will go to 0


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Saudi Arabia has been pumping oil for decades, how do we know that their reserves as still at that level and are not on the way to depletion?
Saudi has been struggling to maintain the same level of production, which is somewhat indicative that its reserves are not as plentiful as suggested, or that its reserves are the kind of oil deposits that are hard to extract such as shale oil.

Sure, Europe imports a lot of gas from Qatar etc, but they are more expensive and often LNG. Rejecting Russian gas is going to fuel lots of inflation in an already badly inflated global economy.

Russian gas that is rejected by Europe is going to get rerouted to China and Northeast Asia probably. Is that something Western elites are happy to see?
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