Dude, please DON'T misunderstand what I am trying to say.They are using special version of Su-34 for EW.
Ukranian said they use manpad to down one. if the flight profile is low altitude EW may not have much time to react.
I am not saying that Russian MIC don't have the capability, or Russian equipment are inherently bad. NO, not the case!
What I am saying and raging against, is this idiotic attitude of prejudice rampant in these "fake-white-people" countries (countries that thinks that being white makes them identical to the rich and developed West). The Russian MIC has always been very good at EW. But the entire military doctrine of Russia forces is freaking weird. It's like they are trying to be different for the sake of being different.
Su-34EW (equivalent of J-16D and EA18G) should have been prioritize over Su-30SM and Su-30M2.
In fact, what even is the point of putting Su-30SM and Su-30M2 into commission? Having even one of these two is already kinda redundant, now you have two!? What's the point?
Why don't the VKS limit the variety of their platforms, and focus on putting money on force multiplier on these platforms. Like instead of purchasing Su30SM, why not just buy Russian made targeting pods and integrate those on all existing fighter-bomber platforms? So that they don't have to drop dumb bombs at dangerously low altitude. Instead of purchasing Su30M2, why not just put money on the Su-34EW?
This is the main problem with the VKS. Russia military seems to have idiotic drunkards staffing their high command who are making decisions on long term procurement. It's like they are purchasing platforms because the project leader of those platform bribed them with vodka.