Ukrainian War Developments

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The Capitalist
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Anyone else find it ironic that Soviet weapons are provided to an ex-Soviet state by ex-Soviet satellite states to battle another ex-Soviet state?
Does tend to be in the nature of civil wars - which essentially is what we are seeing, one with increasingly nasty sectarian overtones on both sides.


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"#DPR troops getting close to #Azov stal factory in #Mariupol. The facility is already visible"
Gradually, though painstakingly, as is the nature of urban combat, the Russians and their allies are gaining more and more control of Mariupol. It is safe to say that now the vast majority of Mariupol is under their control. Major concentrations of Ukrainian Military presence are now essentially limited to Azovstal and the Port, and in the latter, their positions are reported by numerous sources to be untenable and even certain sources say that they have been now overrun.
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