Ukrainian War Developments

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Lieutenant General
Don't know why spending ammunitions on invalid targets... whatever the side, it's a waste. Could be malfunction or error too...

Could also be deliberate to generate precisely the headlines and moral outrage we are now seeing in the west. Moral outrage that is unlocking military aid previously deemed off limits.

The easiest and most reliable way to try to punch through the industrial grade fog of war both sides are actively generating is to ask the simple questions of why and who benefits.

The western media is directly complicit and actively encouraging such war crimes with their no-questions-asked blanket acceptance of any and all Ukrainian claims throughout the war. So long as the Ukrainians can produce civilian bodies for the western MSM to photograph and video, they will happily blame it all on ‘Russian war crimes’. With incentives like that, is it any wonder the Ukrainians are generating civilian dead themselves when the Russians are so inconsiderate to go out of their way to limit civilian casualties?


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It have taken so long but the insane amount of big civilians buildings with numerous hiding places certainly didn't help.
That is precisely the reason why urban combat takes a long period of time. People who think that taking a significantly sized city defended by well armed defenders determined to fight, especially when there are many civilians within the city are very poorly informed.


Registered Member
If it was a malfunction or error, both sides seemed to jumped on it very quick to blame each other. Also the amount of damage it caused and the location it hit seems very intentional.
It's clearly a Ukrainian false flag.
  • All Russian missile strikes from day one have occurred at night. This would be the first daytime missile strike.
  • While all western Ukrainians have been free to leave despite there being very little fighting there, east Ukrainians have been forced to stay in their cities to act as human shields. This evacuation order which was announced yesterday morning in that one town was highly unusual.
  • Yesterday at the same station there were videos of people were queued at the station but unable to get on trains
  • After the missile hit all western sources describe it as an Iskander attack, I bet they didn't expect the Tochka missile to remain intact.
  • Russians don't use Tochka-U. There was a video a few seconds long earlier in the war of a Belarussian convoy which may have had one. But no evidence they have been deployed by the Russians.


Registered Member
Mariupol hasn't had as much fighting recently. I think the Ukrainians may have already withdrawn to industrial sites and the port. There are a lot of buildings to clear so it will drag on.
Lacks of Russian troops more or less. Hard to do a good screening without numbers. Don't know if they want to keep the industrial complex or they will just drop whatever they have on it. Could be a target for carpet bombing, would do some spicy footages.


Senior Member
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Alright this round of blame game is perplexing
"Ukrainian troops attacked Kramatorsk with Tochka-U"
Looks like the missile used is Tochka-U
This is the pro-Ukraine's answer to it
Haven't seen anyone in twitter making claims yet where the missile came from, and what motives they would have to shoot a missile there.
Russian Ministry of Defense calling out the Ukraine's use of videos from "Union Resolve 2022" featuring Tochka-U launchers, as to imply that the Russian side are using Tochka-U.

Can anyone confirm if the video is actually from the "Union Resolve 2022" exercise?
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