Ukrainian War Developments

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The fighting in the Azovstal plant is going to be brutal.

If I was Russia, I would blockade it and let them starve and die. There is no use in entering that meat-grinder and wasting Russian lives
Russia will probably carpet bomb or thermobaric bomb it...
I mean they kind already did threaten war at the start of the operation if they gave weapons to Ukraine, but their bluff got called. If Russia wants to prevent this, I think they could bomb the rails on the Ukraine side, when the front of the train is officially on the Ukraine border. Then wait for the train to stop, then bomb the front train to keep that railway clogged, keep watch of the spot and bomb again if they attempt to fix it


Registered Member
Does not matter. MSM media already reporting this as a Russian missile attack.
That's because most people are stupid and can't tell the difference between different types of missiles.

Western military analysts (the twitter "OSINT" types) know better so it'll be funny how they spin this to justify their support for the Ukrainians. The myth that Russia is running out of Iskanders won't hold water if they continue raining down on targets night after night as I expect them to.

It's clear that the Russians have been stockpiling them in anticipation for this war, and western intelligence has failed to pick up on that. They've been too busy faking genocide stories, bioweapon hoaxes about China.


Lieutenant General
Registered Member
30,000? I heard it was 70,000.
If you assume 3 injured per 1 dead. Then it would be 90,000 injured and 30,000 dead i.e. 120,000 Russian casualties. The Russians went in this operation with less than 200,000 troops. Some day 180,000. Others say 150,000. If the Russians had that level of casualties they would not still be fighting. It is more Ukrainian nonsense.

Slovakia has provided Ukrainian Forces with S300PMU systems.
There goes one of the few kind of working air defense systems NATO has in Eastern Europe. Oops.

They could have threatened war with Slovakia if they sent them in, just like with the migs. This is a moment of weakness from Putin.
No. Russia should not be making threats they wouldn't be willing to pursue like the US keeps doing. There are plenty of ways to target Slovakia economically if the Russians want to. One more of these systems will be of no help when Ukraine had better systems up to Soviet Army standards and still keeps losing them.


Senior Member
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If you assume 3 injured per 1 dead. Then it would be 90,000 injured and 30,000 dead i.e. 120,000 Russian casualties. The Russians went in this operation with less than 200,000 troops. Some day 180,000. Others say 150,000. If the Russians had that level of casualties they would not still be fighting. It is more Ukrainian nonsense.
I was being sarcastic. If we went by Ukrainian and NATO figures on Russians casualties, then Russia doesn't
have an army anymore and Vladivostok will soon be annexed.


Developed nations are preparing to supply Ukraine with newly produced state-of-the-art smart weapons for many years to come.

The age of heavy weapons and frontline wars should be over.


Staff member
Moderator - World Affairs
If Russia unilaterally quits the war without territorial gain or at least massively harming Ukraine's economy such that they're ruined to the degree of Yemen or Afghanistan, then China will lose by proxy.
I think beyound annexation of two little DNR/LNR/Crimea, Russia needs to go beyound and carve out a
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puppet state in southeast/east. This will ensure Russia is a long-term defacto presence in Ukraine so it can have a permanent veto over Ukrainian foreign policy, something a mere paper treaty can't guarantee.

Anything short of this is not worth the 10-15 years of lost economic growth for only DNR/LNR/Crimea and paper treaty.


Senior Member
Registered Member
Developed nations are preparing to supply Ukraine with newly produced state-of-the-art smart weapons for many years to come.

The age of heavy weapons and frontline wars should be over.
That is assuming that the other side with more fire power will always decide not to fire much less discriminately against the side that uses state of the art smaller and more mobile arms...
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