Ukrainian War Developments

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Registered Member
It's extremely disingenuous to compare Brexit to the partition of Donbas or other regions.
No one in Scotland had to move in order to avoid adverse discrimination after Brexit.

"Or DO you deny that Russia would discriminate against Ukrainian citizens in a Donbas ruled by Moscow?"

"I DIDN'T deny anything."

I already knew that you DID (past tense) NOT write anything about Russian discrimination against Ukrainian citizens in Donbas?
My question is about whether or not you believe that Moscow would give equal treatment to both Russian and Ukrainian
citizens in Donbas.
Can the arguing about who's more morally wrong please stop? It is tiring and unproductive to this thread

Richard Santos

Registered Member
Arguing who is more morally wrong as an major international incident is transpiring shows the people involved in the discussion are both conceited, and naive and don’t have the first clue about how the world really works, nor how much underlying reality many differ from how involved parties and their friends might choose portray them.

Only long after the event is there even a slight probability of such an assessment being made based on more considered appraisal.
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You assume that most people in Donbas wanted to be ruled by Moscow rather than Kyiv.
That may be true, but was any plebiscite ever held to ascertain it?

Moreover, even if a majority of people in Donbas wished to leave Ukraine, why should that mean that Russia must get all Donbas?
Let's suppose that 51% of people preferred to belong to Russia rather than Ukraine.
Why should Russia get 100% of Donbas rather than, say, 51% of it?

I believe that 'Donbas separatism' could be more fairly resolved by dividing Donbas rather than handing it all to Russia.
Your take is, to be honest, kind of retarded because you have a very warped view of how democracy works. It's like saying that only 51.% of the UK territorial landmass should have left the EU.


Junior Member
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My question is about whether or not you believe that Moscow would give equal treatment to both Russian and Ukrainian
citizens in Donbas.
And who are you exactly to ask this?
You are worried about Ukrainians in Donbas, instead of being worried sitting in your basement, which your population has made a profession out of, you should give them your citizenship.
We, as people of world promise to give them safe passage all the way to your home. In that way you dont have to be worried sitting half way across the world.

Or is it that you are worried because you can't send your lil guys in costumes cosplaying as warriors into other sovereign territories like your "worried"people did in Middle East?
Damn those big RS28s. Not giving a single chance to let your feelings out. Very cruel of Vlad. No?

Instead of cosplaying, let the world see you fake americans do some real work. Promise that all "oppressed"people will get house right next to your people instead of refugee camps. We will convince Putin to let them go.


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Look at all those countries with red boxes: bastions of human rights, individual freedom, and overall high quality of life! LOL
Mmmm...what about the countries in green? One of them willingly let over 1 million of their citizens die of COVID, and does nothing to stop the rampant gun violence that leads to the deaths of thousands more of their own every year. Another bunch just committed economic suicide without any regard to their citizens' quality of life for the sake of kissing up to the first.


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Alright this round of blame game is perplexing
"Ukrainian troops attacked Kramatorsk with Tochka-U"
Looks like the missile used is Tochka-U
This is the pro-Ukraine's answer to it
Haven't seen anyone in twitter making claims yet where the missile came from, and what motives they would have to shoot a missile there.


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They sure love to claim "Russia running out of Iskander missile" Despite that Tochka U was spotted in Belarus as early as February i think and from the same account.

and with Kiev withdrawal.. i wonder why Tochka U are even there, unless they want to shoot at Kiev or anything in Northern Ukraine. It does not have range to Reach Donetsk from Belarus. Unless Russia also deploy Tochka in Donetsk or Luhansk too.
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