Ukrainian War Developments

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Moderator - World Affairs
For what ?

It was a civil war sparked by the coup from the begining.
Then do a Russian coup to install a pro-Russia gov't in Ukraine then?
The West Ukrainan side allways wanted military solution, ie. rolling over with tanks Donbas, and kill as many as possible.
I can easily say: "Putin always wanted to restore Soviet empire" and make up shit too without evidence.
As it looks like they started it few weeks ago.

What is your expectations ?

And generally, your resoning is undsound.
What is 'resoning is undsound'? Your Russian keyboard is malfunctioning?
@Phead128 Why should we care about international law? Does international law protect China or do DF-41s protect China?
because China isn't reunified with Taiwan yet, we should respect "non-intereference in internal affairs' as a principle until reunification is over. Dropping it outright just for the sake of Russian adventurism is not wise. China should stay neutral.

The Ukrainian foreign minister is currently whining to the UN General Assembly, pathetically begging others to fight his fight for him. You would undoubtedly find that riveting viewing.
So what? Ukraine does things we don't like, but it's a sovereign independent nation. If you don't like this principle, any great power can bully small powers at will, which is fundamentally wrong. We can agree to disagree.

Let me clarify: "I support one weak barbarian imperialist (Russia) against another stronger barbarian imperialist (USA), but to me, both are white barbarian imperialists whose propaganda is too blatant for me to tolerate."


Granted, let's assuming you are 100% correct, even though there is some 'plausible deniability' involved by CIA.

Russia is free to respond proportionately and conduct its's own pro-Russian coup in Ukraine. Install a pro-Russia gov't via FSB-coup.

Whereas current actions is major escalation, rather than a proportionate response. What is stopping Russia from proportionately responding with FSB-coup in Ukraine?
Why let the West decide what's proportionate and follow that lead? Russia can decide and let the West respond proportionately, or not, depending on what they can do, because I can guarantee you that the US doesn't think about proportionates at all. The US always does whatever it wants to and can for its own benefit, with poor legal justification if it can find any or none at all if it cannot. Russia should be led by no one to determine the correct level of escalation in its own backyard; it should take the initiative with all its power.

There is no right and wrong in this world anymore because the US-led West never abides by it. It's just them vs us. And Russia is our brother; they are us. I support them in all their endeavours and blame whatever seemingly immoral actions that they need to commit on the Americans who pushed them to. After all, this is the Western logic when responding to who is at fault when they kill innocent kids in Iraq/Afghanistan.


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I'm not supporting irredentism/revanchism

And you are only supporting Westoid aggression and propaganda narrative. Well done

Did ROC/PRC formally recognize Tibet as sovereign/independent after Tibet declared independence post-Qing collapse? Heck no.

Because China had been lucky enough that it didn't have a puppet regime installed in its leadership that would have implemented policies favored by your Westoid buddies.

Whereas Russia formally-recognized Ukraine as sovereign/independent after Ukraine declared independence post-Soviet collapse.

Russia at that time is under a puppet regime just like the Jungwei government of China in the 1940s. Do commitments made by puppet regimes have any merit? No.

You Russophiliacs have only a modicum of understanding of history and will twist and warp any historical event to your favor.

There is nothing wrong with supporting China's biggest and strongest ally. Why are you supporting Westoid narratives against Russia? Do I have to remind you about the West's past and current hostility towards China? I can claim the same about you, how you are willing to perform out of this world mental gymnastics to support Ukraine who by the way wouldn't think twice about throwing China under the bus to please your Westoid idols.

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Then do a Russ

Let me clarify: "I support one weak barbarian imperialist (Russia) against another stronger barbarian imperialist (USA), but to me, both are white barbarian imperialists whose propaganda is too blatant for me to tolerate."
Ok, lets clarify, Korean Civil war, what is the justification of the USA to participate in the conflict ?
Why Ukriane different from the Korean war ?


Lieutenant General
Registered Member
... no clause or article in the Budapest Memorandum that makes a foreign sponsored coup legal in Ukraine:
1. The Russian Federation, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and
Northern Ireland and the United States of America reaffirm their commitment to
Ukraine, in accordance with the principles of the Final Act of the Conference on
Security and Cooperation in Europe
, to respect the independence and sovereignty
and the existing borders of Ukraine;

2. The Russian Federation, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and
Northern Ireland and the United States of America reaffirm their obligation to
refrain from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or
political independence of Ukraine, and that none of their weapons will ever be
used against Ukraine except in self-defence or otherwise in accordance with the
Charter of the United Nations;

More than that. The Budapest Memorandum forbids sponsoring a coup. It references the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe.

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VI. Non-intervention in internal affairs
The participating States will refrain from any intervention, direct or indirect, individual or collective, in the internal or external affairs falling within the domestic jurisdiction of another participating State, regardless of their mutual relations.
They will accordingly refrain from any form of armed intervention or threat of such intervention against another participating State.
They will likewise in all circumstances refrain from any other act of military, or of political, economic or other coercion designed to subordinate to their own interest the exercise by another participating State of the rights inherent in its sovereignty and thus to
secure advantages of any kind. Accordingly, they will, inter alia, refrain from direct or indirect assistance to terrorist
activities, or to subversive or other activities directed towards the violent overthrow of the regime of another participating State.


Junior Member
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Ok, lets clarify, Korean Civil war, what is the justification of the USA to participate in the conflict ?
Why Ukriane different from the Korean war ?

Isn't it obvious from the beginning? He is a Westoidphiliac who wouldn't let an opportunity to pass without showing his admiration to his Westoid Idols who wants to dismember China. For him, its perfectly excusable for the West to advance their imperial ambitions even at the expense of both China and Russia's interests. But when Russia acts to protect itself, Russia is EVIL. Yes, he prefers to take the side of China's enemies.


Registered Member
British Defence Secretary speaks:

(From BBC Live Feed):

Vladimir Putin has gone "full tonto" over Ukraine, UK Defence Secretary Ben Wallace has suggested.

He says the Russian president has made the mistake of having no allies in supporting his actions, comparing him to Tsar Nicholas I.

Wallace, a former Scots Guards officer, argues his regiment "kicked the backside" of Tsar Nicholas I in the mid-19th century Crimean war, adding "we can always do it again".

The minister made the comments while speaking with serving military personnel in Westminster.

He says: "Unfortunately we've got a busy adversary now in Putin, who has gone full tonto."

Wallace also says the UK has 1,000 personnel on stand-by to respond to the crisis,

"Tsar Nicholas I made the same mistake Putin did... he had no friends, no alliances," he adds.

We can close this thread now. I fully expect Putin to now withdraw his troops, apologize to Ukraine, and resign.


Junior Member
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The podcast 双尾彗星 did is indeed interesting, now I think the invasion won’t be limited in the two new independent republics, maybe this time the wolf really comes and those little red riding hoods in Europe would soon be tasting poison apples they’ve been farming for 30years , good luck with that
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