Ukrainian War Developments

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Jingle Bells

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The USA's (belated) oil embargo on Japan impelled the Japanese to make a fateful decision.
Should Japan back down and withdraw from French Indochina (which would lose face) or expand its war?
And, if that latter choice, what kind of war should it be?

Some Japanese believed that Japan should strive to seize the European colonial possessions in southeast Asia
(Malaya with rubber and tin, Burma and the Dutch East Indies with oil) without attacking in the USA in the hope
that the USA would stay neutral. Would the USA declare war upon Japan if Japan did not attack it first?
Could Japan afford to ignore the US military forces in the Philippines?

Some ('revisionist') Americans today have criticized President Roosevelt for the oil embargo, which they claim
unwisely provoked Japan to start a war that the USA should have tried harder to avoid.

Some Americans believe that the Pacific War was unnecessary. They like to believe that the USA had no vital
strategic interest in whether or not Japan succeeded in conquering China, so the USA should have ignored
that conflict and kept doing business as usual with Japan regardless of its actions toward China.
Instead, some Americans believe that the USA should have focused its effort exclusively toward the strategically
(and morally) more important need to stop Hitler, ignoring the mere distraction of the Sino-Japanese War.
None of these people who advocated for US not to embargo Japan even understood the game.

The US did NOT embargo Japan solely because of Philippines or Japanese takeover of SEA. The US did it because the Japan ran out of valuables to pay for their purchase of US scrap steel, oil and other high-end industrial products, etc.

How is the Japanese going to pay for them? Yen? So according to these brainless Japanophiles, the US should sell their valuable real product in exchange for Japanese Yen (which Japan can just print), which was not even a big enough global currency back then. In doing so, the US will ONLY be helping the Japanese Yet become a bigger and more widely accepted global currency, AND supply Japan with essentially FREE materials. Was the USA brain damaged? What is US getting in return for this? A new financial superpower (because doing such would make Japanese Yen a dominant global currency) and military superpower (because the Japanese can just print Yen in exchange for loads and loads of valuable war material and resources to expand their military)?

While the Japanese still had gold, the US could supply those value materials and resources to Japan to support their war in China, SEA, or even Siberia of USSR. What is the Japanese going to do once they run out of gold? What were they going to pay for those purchases with?
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The timing makes it suspect with the sudden rush of the Bucha show.

That may be, but I am pretty convinced there were crimes committed in Bucha. Maybe not all of what the Ukrainians have said - some do look like artillery kills instead and others may be Russian collaborators who were shot - but even so.

There are no saints here. War is hell.


Registered Member
That may be, but I am pretty convinced there were crimes committed in Bucha. Maybe not all of what the Ukrainians have said - some do look like artillery kills instead and others may be Russian collaborators who were shot - but even so.

There are no saints here. War is hell.

There probably were, problem is who actually did them.

At this point the evidence of russian war crimes has been mostly lacking or dubious(outside of shelling civilian areas), which of course doesn't mean they haven't commited any but the amout of evidence of ukrainian war crimes seems far more larger and solid, so far with far less of an outrage from the west.

Bill Blazo

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The whole time Mariupol is being defended is time the Russian units involved cannot be used elsewhere. Of course many of them will no longer be able to fight anywhere else, ever. The fact that Mariupol is still at least partly in Ukrainian hands some 6 weeks after the Russians invaded is a testament to the courage and tenacity of the defenders.
There is no denying the strategic value to the Ukrainians of holding out as long as possible in Mariupol. That's not what I was talking about. My point was that heroism and "tenacity," as you put it, have a cost: potentially tens of thousands of civilian lives and a city in ruins. The Ukrainians have settled on a scorched earth, "fortress city" approach meant to slow down the Russian advance as much as possible. The downside of that approach is that this war is turning into an absolute nightmare for the country’s civilian population, and I don't know how many hundreds of billions of dollars the West is willing to give Ukraine to rebuild its crippled infrastructure and tattered economy once it's all over.


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Here's how some privileged Russian women are fighting back against perceived Russophobia:

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"Russophobia": Russian Women Cut Up Their Chanel Bags To Protest Ban
"Chanel has barred Russians from using its bag inside their country, a move part of the sanctions against Moscow
for launching Ukraine war."

"Some wealthy Russian women are cutting up their expensive Chanel bags in protest against the move by the company to bar
them from making fresh purchases. Due to the Ukraine war, the luxury brand has stopped selling bags to Russians who intend
to use them in their country.

These women - models, television presenters and disco jockeys - have filmed themselves taking a pair of scissors to their
Chanel bags and cutting it into pieces."

"Not a single item or brand is worth my love for my motherland and my self-respect,” [Marina] Ermoshkina is heard
saying in the Instagram video before cutting her bag.
“If owning Chanel means selling my Motherland, then I don't need Chanel,” she further says."

From another source:
"The cheapest bag you can buy at Chanel right now [30 March 2021] is their famous Wallet on Chain, or the WOC.
With a retail price tag of $2,575 it is significantly cheaper than the Classic Flap, while still featuring the signature Chanel aesthetic."

It was wasteful for these women to destroy their handbags when they could have sent them to me.


Registered Member
Now I rate Twitter much higher than U2b on the scale of Imperial Arsenal Ranking. Because Scott Ritter's voice outlets on U2b, such as The Duran and the Grayzone, are still alive and thriving.
Hope I did not jinx them.
I'm surprised grayzone hasn't been censored yet. They are going all out in exposing western lies.

The other day they published the interview from the Ukrainian woman at that hospital that Ukrainians were claiming was bombed.
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As the Russians stated, the whole thing was a fabrication by the Ukrainians.
I give it another month before Ukrainians start getting treated like Syrian refugees did. If their behaviour continues like this then it's going to be much worse.


Registered Member
There is no denying the strategic value to the Ukrainians of holding out as long as possible in Mariupol. That's not what I was talking about. My point was that heroism and "tenacity," as you put it, have a cost: potentially tens of thousands of civilian lives and a city in ruins. The Ukrainians have settled on a scorched earth, "fortress city" approach meant to slow down the Russian advance as much as possible. The downside of that approach is that this war is turning into an absolute nightmare for the country’s civilian population, and I don't know how many hundreds of billions of dollars the West is willing to give Ukraine to rebuild its crippled infrastructure and tattered economy once it's all over.
However much the value of the frozen Russian assets amount to, for a start.
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