Ukrainian War Developments

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Registered Member
Russia's true colors are revealed. And NATO will grow stronger. Defense is being taken seriously again, it hasn't been for the past 20 years. And NATO will grow.
Well, NATO was growing since 1991. The only time it stopped to was from 2007 onwards, because attempts to expand NATO started meeting mishaps. One of which is happening right now.

Richard Santos

Registered Member
There is no denying the strategic value to the Ukrainians of holding out as long as possible in Mariupol. That's not what I was talking about. My point was that heroism and "tenacity," as you put it, have a cost: potentially tens of thousands of civilian lives and a city in ruins. The Ukrainians have settled on a scorched earth, "fortress city" approach meant to slow down the Russian advance as much as possible. The downside of that approach is that this war is turning into an absolute nightmare for the country’s civilian population, and I don't know how many hundreds of billions of dollars the West is willing to give Ukraine to rebuild its crippled infrastructure and tattered economy once it's all over.
i think to the main actors on both sides, the cost is a bonus.

America wants to fight the Russians to the last drop or Ukrainian blood.

Russia wants the last drop of Ukrainian blood drained out of ukraine.

Ukrainian wants to show how much it bleed so it can get on the promised waiting list for the transfusion.
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Jingle Bells

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Stop trying to make excuses for what the other writer wrote.

He wrote that it would have been better for the USA to have stayed out of the war against Japan so that China could have won
it alone. He believed that China would have been better off if the USA never was its ally and it received no aid from the USA.

In 1937-45, Japan was much stronger than China industrially and much more advanced in technology.
Moreover, China was disunited (embroiled in a civil war) and many of its leaders were very corrupt.
Like I said. Japanese military industrial complex depend upon US imports, without which the Japanese war machine will just grind to a halt. And the US will only accept gold and other valuable instruments as payments for Japanese purchase, which Japan will eventually run out of because they are caught in the quagmire of war in China. This was the reality. Now, what does whatever he said earlier to you even mean, with respect to reality?!

You talk about Japanese "industrial strength", how will that work without oil, steel, and other strategic material imported from the the US. Can any industry function without energy and material?

Sure the person you are replying to made no sense, but your replies are also meaningless bullshit, totally out of touch of reality. Fighting nonsense with nonsense does not work, not even in the imagination of a sane person.


Registered Member
Russia's true colors are revealed. And NATO will grow stronger. Defense is being taken seriously again, it hasn't been for the past 20 years. And NATO will grow.

I think that's a pity. I would have preferred to see all of the money and effort used to fight the climate crisis.

But it is what it is, we have to go through it now.
Climate crisis is caused by west. Check cumulative historical emissions. If they don't fight it, fine. Either fight climate change or fight over the ruins, Chinese are OK with either. If world gets sent back to medieval times China wins by default.


Junior Member
Registered Member
Like I said. Japanese military industrial complex depend upon US imports, without which the Japanese war machine will just grind to a halt. And the US will only accept gold and other valuable instruments as payments for Japanese purchase, which Japan will eventually run out of because they are caught in the quagmire of war in China. This was the reality. Now, what does whatever he said earlier to you even mean, with respect to reality?!

You talk about Japanese "industrial strength", how will that work without oil, steel, and other strategic material imported from the the US. Can any industry function without energy and material?

Sure the person you are replying to made no sense, but your replies are also meaningless bullshit, totally out of touch of reality. Fighting nonsense with nonsense does not work, not even in the imagination of a sane person.
Again, the main premise of the hypothetical scenario is that the USA stayed neutral and did nothing to aid China.
The USA would keeping doing business as usual, selling oil and other natural resources to Japan.

You keep showing your eagerness to set up and attack 'strawmen' that are unrelated to what I wrote.
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