Ukrainian War Developments

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Jingle Bells

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Can we stop that nonsense and return to topic ?
Sure, I was just trying to show her the trade/economics/industry side of things.

I am pretty sure our argument can go forward onto this war in Ukraine. My take on this war is that as long as Russia does get a sudden collapse as the result of an super effective US financial war offensive maneuver, Russia can hardly lose this war.

The real losers will be Ukraine or the EU, and these two will need to try to make the other one loses more, in order to save themselves. This is because of the economic structure of the EU. The EU is essentially a manufacture/industrial-production giant. They earn their wealth via their high value-added exports of goods and services to other major economies. However, these goods and exports are essentially based on resources and materials, as they are industrial outputs.

This means that if the Russian deliberately cut short the supply of gas/energy to the EU, the scarcity and shortage will significantly hamper EU's means of creating value and accumulating wealth for themselves. The biggest problem is that, at least in the mid term future(5-10 years), we can NOT see any meaningful alternative/replacement of Russian gas supply to EU. Therefore the EU is certainly grabbed by the balls by Russia. As long as the Russian can sustain the economic cost of selling less gas to EU, as well as other sanctions and financial war offensives by the USA, EU will eventually capitulate.

And since the US is more interest in a prolong war to drain Russia and EU of their overall strength, they US will not give Ukraine what they really wanted: the supplies and equipment that can help them to quickly win the war (Ukrainian victory). And the EU is afraid of a destructive Russia action of refusing to sell gas to EU, they will also NOT give Ukraine real equipment and supplies to win this war quickly.

This means that Ukraine is pretty much locked in this tragically destructive war.


Registered Member
Earlier I wrote about how the Russians have learned many lessons from this war that they'll apply in the next one. And one of those big lessons is this: build a gazillion attack drones. 500 is good, 5,000 even better if you can afford it. China should heed the same lesson. The first aerial wave into Taiwan, if there's a war between the two, needs to be hundreds of attack drones. I used to be a skeptic of the power of drones, but no longer. After this war and the Armenian war in 2020, the evidence is clear: build as many freaking attack drones as you possibly can. By the thousands and tens of thousands if you have the resources.
Agreed with your Armenia analogy. Russia is basically in Azerbaijan's position right now and the Azeris and their TB-2s hammered the Armenians.

The only problem with mass deployment of drones is I think they will quickly become obsolete. There aren't any turboprop "fighter drones" in deployment but when they come, we'll see an increase of jet powered drones.

In other words I think we'll be witnessing a rapid evolution of drone technology that mirrors the evolution of fighter/bombers post ww2.


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The thing about thousands drones are, they gonna need thousands of Ground control systems too, current tech are not really "smart enough" yet for a fully autonomous drones. they also need large bandwidth communications to support them.


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Breaking news from the Ukrainian media:
The Chechens in Mariupol have run out of ammunition.

Captured weapons by Russia :
Izyumsky district of Kharkiv region. April 2022. The Russian military is mastering new types of weapons. “The West should give Ukraine any weapon,” Ukrainian Foreign Minister D. Kuleba said in an interview with the BBC.

In the center of Athens, rallies against rising prices and against the involvement of Greece in the events in Ukraine :


Registered Member
The thing about thousands drones are, they gonna need thousands of Ground control systems too, current tech are not really "smart enough" yet for a fully autonomous drones. they also need large bandwidth communications to support them.
The playstation generation means that's not a problem. It doesn't even need to be 1:1. You could have a wingman set up where one operator controls a group of them together. When one drone is out of bombs you hit "return to base" and switch over to the next one. Or just have them flying over areas of interest passively and switch to them for manual control when needed.

On the ground logistics and support could be a limiting factor.

reservior dogs

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The thing about thousands drones are, they gonna need thousands of Ground control systems too, current tech are not really "smart enough" yet for a fully autonomous drones. they also need large bandwidth communications to support them.
You or I may not see it, but by now there should be technology for drone formations where drones talk to each other and only a few designated drones talk to the remote control center. These would be able to autonomously perform a task without too much feedback needed from the base.


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Greek activists block NATO weapons trains heading for the Russian front.

Large-scale rallies are held in Bulgaria against the supply of weapons to Ukraine The Bulgarian people do not share the position of their authorities regarding the decision to supply weapons to Ukraine.

You won’t believe it, but the “Ruthlessly Murdered Young Ukrainian Woman” suddenly came to life, which greatly harmed Ukrainian propaganda. Anastasia Savchishin decided to take part in the propaganda hype around the events in Bucha, attributed to the Russian Army.


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Agreed with your Armenia analogy. Russia is basically in Azerbaijan's position right now and the Azeris and their TB-2s hammered the Armenians.

The only problem with mass deployment of drones is I think they will quickly become obsolete. There aren't any turboprop "fighter drones" in deployment but when they come, we'll see an increase of jet powered drones.

In other words I think we'll be witnessing a rapid evolution of drone technology that mirrors the evolution of fighter/bombers post ww2.
Anti-drone weaponry and systems will also be developed plentifully, as well armour to protect from anti-armour weapons...
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