Ukrainian War Developments

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Air superiority achieved by a small airforce over a nonexistent one does not mean the small airforce in possession of air superiority therefore has enough assets to influence large land campaigns.

It is clear if japan was unencumbered by a high intensity war in the pacific, she could deploy air assets into china order of magnitude more numerous than the KMT air force during Chinese civil war.

"Air superiority achieved by a small air force over a nonexistent one does not mean the small air force in possession of
air superiority therefore has enough assets to influence large land campaigns."

True, but a modern nation that has enough resources to build an army large enough to participate in a 'large land campaign'
should have enough resources to build a comparably large air force too.

The only constraint would be if the nation (note that I wrote 'modern nation') was too technologically backward to develop
its own air power, but, if that was the case, it likely could purchase aircraft from abroad.

The Ostfront (1941-1945) was vast in scope. Looking superficially, one could argue that the Luftwaffe's force-to-space ratio
was too small--even when the Luftwaffe enjoyed air superiority in 1941-42--to be much of a factor in the land battles.
But the Luftwaffe did not spread itself thin, blindly assigning the same numbers of aircraft to the active and quiet sectors alike.
The Luftwaffe preferred to concentrate itself, when practicable, in the most important sectors at the time.
So, though outnumbered, the Luftwaffe could achieve air superiority, albeit fiercely contested, at the Battle of Kursk in 1943.

In striving to relieve the siege of Leningrad in 1943, a VVS air army was deployed in support of RKKA.
For some months in 1943, a single group of JG-54 had the primary mission of denying air superiority to the VVS.
This well-experienced group had at least several exceptional fighter pilots (Nowotny, Rudorffer, Lang, etc.).
Walter Nowotny alone was credited with shooting down about 167 aircraft in a period of four to five months.
It's rare that an individual combatant can do so much that he had an almost strategic effect on the campaign.
The RKKA did not succeed in completely breaking the siege of Leningrad until 1944.


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Scott Ritter's twitter account has been eliminated for speaking truth on the Ukraine - Russia war.
Now I rate Twitter much higher than U2b on the scale of Imperial Arsenal Ranking. Because Scott Ritter's voice outlets on U2b, such as The Duran and the Grayzone, are still alive and thriving.
Hope I did not jinx them.


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With the armaments visible on the wrecked airframe, there is strong speculation that the aircraft was on a
suppression of enemy air defence (SEAD) mission prior to being shot down."
We saw quite a lot of them armed that way, to be fair(more than any other loadout). Curious combined SEAD/CAP.

Ukrainian fighters we saw, on the other hand, were loaded to the standard Soviet AF air superiority loadouts.


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Pearl Harbor and the naval war in the pacific was not inevitable.

The USA's (belated) oil embargo on Japan impelled the Japanese to make a fateful decision.
Should Japan back down and withdraw from French Indochina (which would lose face) or expand its war?
And, if that latter choice, what kind of war should it be?

Some Japanese believed that Japan should strive to seize the European colonial possessions in southeast Asia
(Malaya with rubber and tin, Burma and the Dutch East Indies with oil) without attacking in the USA in the hope
that the USA would stay neutral. Would the USA declare war upon Japan if Japan did not attack it first?
Could Japan afford to ignore the US military forces in the Philippines?

Some ('revisionist') Americans today have criticized President Roosevelt for the oil embargo, which they claim
unwisely provoked Japan to start a war that the USA should have tried harder to avoid.

Some Americans believe that the Pacific War was unnecessary. They like to believe that the USA had no vital
strategic interest in whether or not Japan succeeded in conquering China, so the USA should have ignored
that conflict and kept doing business as usual with Japan regardless of its actions toward China.
Instead, some Americans believe that the USA should have focused its effort exclusively toward the strategically
(and morally) more important need to stop Hitler, ignoring the mere distraction of the Sino-Japanese War.

Jingle Bells

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Pearl Harbor and the naval war in the pacific was not inevitable.
How was it not?

You just pointed out the Siberian front for the Japanese. But how on earth does it solve the problem of Japan running out of gold, which means that eventually the US will stop exporting strategic war material to Japan?

This is almost a parallel to today's war in Ukraine. The true target of the USA is the EU. They want to squeeze the money out of EU. And as long as EU still has money that can flee to the USA, the USA will not stop the war.

As for Russia, the EU has no solution. The EU rely on Russian gas. That is a undisputable fact, and even the USA can't solve. The US's grand plan and recent agreement with the EU to provide LNG can ONLY hope to replace one third of all current supply of Russian gas to the EU by 2030!

That is almost 8 years from now, and only one third. These LNG hardly earns 10 billion dollars per year for Russia, a pretty small sum, yet the shortage of these will be detrimental on the EU industrial capacity. How can the EU survive without her industrial output? How can sustain their industrial output without enough natural gas? How do they even make up for the potential shortages right now?

The Russians has the EU by the balls. Just like how the US had Japanese Empire by the balls, once the Japanese Empire went into a quagmire war in China (which earns them no strategic industrial resources or capacity to even remotely make up for the cost).
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