Go back and read my post carefully.
And you should research your WW2 history more carefully.
Pearl Harbor will always happen because:
1. the US will cut off major industrial resources/primary-products (scrap steel, oil, etc) supplies to Japan once Japanese runs out of gold (this is because the Japanese industrial capacity can NOT both sustain a war in China, AND supply more worth of consumer products to the US than they import industrial resources/primary-products in order to accumulate gold, thus Japan will run out of gold eventually), AND,
2. the Japanese will HAVE TO secure South East Asia's oil supply to feed back to Japanese mainland where the industrial bases are. In order to secure these, the Japanese will HAVE TO invade and hold on to the Philippines, which was a US colony back then.
These two pretty much means that the US will eventually stop exporting essential industrial resources/primary-products to Japan, leading to Japanese pre-emptive invade Philippines to brace for the "de-coupling" of US-Japan trade by securing the shift of resources supply routes from US-Japan to SEA-Japan. This will give the US the excuse to embargo, and onto confrontation, and eventually leads to Pearl Harbor attack.
This is exactly why the US was one of the first countries to reject the recognition of Manchukuo, when even the KMT leadership was really turning a blind eye to it. This was NOT because the US was really trying to be a good ally to the KMT's ROC. The US was NOBODY's true ally or friend. Even though the US supplies the essential materials/resources that enabled the Japanese to invade China, the US was NEVER Japan's friend. The US "entrapped" Japan and ROC in her own grand plan, ever since the Washington Naval Treaty.
The US wanted Japanese Empire to get reliant on US resource and exports.
The US wanted Japanese to get bogged down in quagmire in China.
The US wanted to eventually start a war with Japan. If the Japanese didn't attack Pearl Harbor, the US will start projecting into SEA, to cut off and harass Japanese maritime supply lines of resources from SEA to Japan, and equipment and supplies to sustain military presence in SEA. This will ware down Japan significantly. Pearl Harbor was not a stupid idea, it was an inevitability. Of course, Japanese defeat was also an inevitability, Pearl Harbor might have altered the course of the war, but it will NOT change the eventual outcome.