Ukrainian War Developments

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Registered Member
For Ukraine, expect x5 such support from NATO (US/EU). Thats why a free Western Ukraine will not be allowed by Russua
Don't want to go into these theories(i.e. one side has to clearly win first), but it's hard to say.
Most of actually dangerous things in Ukraine(majority of military/space industry, key population centers) are not in the West.
Basically everything that started as an integral part of the Russian Empire.


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Moderator - World Affairs
Maybe posted before... but worth a laugh again. Just 10 days apart.

View attachment 86625

The enemy is both strong and weak. “By a continuous shifting of rhetorical focus, the enemies are at the same time too strong and too weak.”

China is winning but also losing.... basically fascist propaganda to dehumanize Chinese people for upcoming war, like how Jews were casted as 'too weak' (genetics) and 'too strong' (finance, money) at same time, then they were genocided.


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Because it can. Like Brahmos, Oniks have land attack mode. It's make sense as Black Sea Fleet doesn't seem to receive Iskander/tender.

I understand that it can. No question there. But why use it this way rather than some other missile right now in Ukraine?


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From the same actors who gave us my favorite war movie "Chechen special forces v.s the traffic light " a new episode in the world most watch tv series "Game of thrones " Chechen special forces style ( unbelievably)
Boys will be boys...

rethinking about Oryx figures again
I think he's somewhat accurate about Russian losses
I'll give him 60-70% accuracy regarding the Russian losses.
It's been like more than a month of the war here so i guess he's number is somewhat accurate
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