Ukrainian War Developments

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Agreed but I'd leave farms alone. It's the only thing Ukraine produces that has any value and Russia will need it to pay for things after this war. Other than that, lots of bombs, bomb everything. West of Dnieper should just be farmland after the war.

I'd bomb the nordstream or at least sabotage it and blame the Ukrainians. I'm sure the Germans will open up nordstream 2 pretty quickly.

Can't find it through a search but it was posted here earlier, sorry. It was agreed during the peace negotiations.
"Agreed but I'd leave farms alone. It's the only thing Ukraine produces that has any value and Russia will need it to pay for things
after this war. Other than that, lots of bombs, bomb everything. West of Dnieper should just be farmland after the war."

Many Ukrainians would prefer 'scorched earth' rather than turn over their soil's bounty to their Russian conquerors.

Before Russia can impose another Morgenthau Plan on Ukraine, it has to conquer and occupy Ukraine.
But Russia lacks the military strength (at least with conventional weapons) to achieve that.

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"The Morgenthau Plan was a proposal to eliminate Germany's ability to wage war following
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by eliminating its
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and removing or destroying other key industries basic to military strength. This included the removal or
destruction of all industrial plants and equipment in the
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"An investigation by
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concluded the plan was unworkable, and would result in up to 25 million Germans
dying from starvation."

"When the Morgenthau Plan was published by the US press in September 1944, it was immediately seized upon by the
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government and used as part of propaganda efforts in the final seven months of the war in Europe which aimed
to convince Germans to fight on."

The Ukrainians will fight as hard as the Germans did.


Registered Member
"Agreed but I'd leave farms alone. It's the only thing Ukraine produces that has any value and Russia will need it to pay for things
after this war. Other than that, lots of bombs, bomb everything. West of Dnieper should just be farmland after the war."

Many Ukrainians would prefer 'scorched earth' rather than turn over their soil's bounty to their Russian conquerors.

Before Russia can impose another Morgenthau Plan on Ukraine, it has to conquer and occupy Ukraine.
But Russia lacks the military strength (at least with conventional weapons) to achieve that.

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"The Morgenthau Plan was a proposal to eliminate Germany's ability to wage war following
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by eliminating its
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and removing or destroying other key industries basic to military strength. This included the removal or
destruction of all industrial plants and equipment in the
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"An investigation by
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concluded the plan was unworkable, and would result in up to 25 million Germans
dying from starvation."

"When the Morgenthau Plan was published by the US press in September 1944, it was immediately seized upon by the
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government and used as part of propaganda efforts in the final seven months of the war in Europe which aimed
to convince Germans to fight on."

The Ukrainians will fight as hard as the Germans did.
the Morgenthau plan was a peacetime plan. There's always Dresden or Tokyo for the wartime equivalent.


Registered Member
As for Putin's delusions about Ukraine not being a real "state".. Congratulations, you played yourself. What better way to forge a state and a new national identity than a war of survival forcing people to band together.

Hopefully we won't have the displeasure of listening to that crap again. If Ukraine wasn't a united state before, it certainly is now.



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Something interesting happened, that a US Army General is caught in Ukraine with those Neo-Nazi guys in Mariupol. You know, if the USA doesn't stop with all the lies and bullshit and pushes Russia too far, they might end up getting hit hard by n&kes and all those news in regards to the massacre in that town next to Kiev, given that the USA wants Zelenski to be the one to give the talk in regards to that instead of giving the Russians a chance to explain themselves and in light of much of the lies spreaded by the western media, this smells like a false flag attempt by the USA to get everyone in Europe to charge into Ukraine to save the 'innocent Nazi's there but there is one big problem right now that the governments are trying to ignore right now, the fact that food/supply shortages are about to hit the majority of Europe with the leaders doing jack all of fix the situation. In the end, the truth will eventually come out and given how hard the USA is trying to fool around right now, I guess the only truth I can see is 'everything is the fault of the USA, 'especially the neo-cons' and there is not a damn thing that can prove it otherwise, I mean they had a hand in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Syria and so on and now that have had a big hand here, so basically, everything is there fault. I mean they always did the same thing towards China and Russia and I believe in the future when all the truth is out, the history book are going to say the same thing, that everything is the fault of the USA and that they deserve everything that came to the nation.


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You parade your abysmal linguistic ignorance before other ignorant readers.

"If [Ukrainian] it's such a distinct language, which does it look and sound exactly like Russian? ...
It seems like Americans saying that American English is a distinct language from English."

Absurd. Evidently, you do not speak Russian or Ukrainian. I learned Russian, but not Ukrainian.
My Russian professor certainly knew that Ukrainian is a distinct language.

"Today, Russian and Ukrainian are close relations: they share more vocabulary, grammar, and features of pronunciation with
each other than they do with the other Slavonic languages. They both use the Cyrillic alphabet, but slightly different versions.
There are four letters in Ukrainian missing from Russian (ґ, є, і, ї), and four letters in Russian missing from Ukrainian (ё, ъ, ы, э).

As Russian and Ukrainian diverged from each other relatively recently (less than a millennium ago), they still share a lot of
basic and core vocabulary – but not enough to be considered dialects of a single language.

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is that Ukrainian and Russian share about 62% of their vocabulary. This is about the same amount
of shared vocabulary that English has with Dutch, according to the
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. If you expand your sample by scraping
internet data to compare a broader range of words than just those 200 ancient “core” words, the proportion of shared words
declines. One computational model suggests that Russian and Ukrainian share about
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Using that higher figure of 62%, though, a Russian with no knowledge of Ukrainian (or vice versa) would understand roughly
five in eight words. To understand this, have a friend cross out three out of every eight words in a newspaper and see how
much of the text you can follow.

“False friends” –- words that look the same but mean different things -– make Russian and Ukrainian look more similar than
they in fact are. The Ukrainian word pytannya (question) looks a lot like the Russian word pytanie (attempt). A Russian who
sees pytannya won’t associate it with the Russian word for question, vopros.
The similarities between the two shouldn’t blind us to their distinct existence as separate entities, nor to the political
implications of assuming they are one language.

About 25 years ago, the name Kiev started disappearing from
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, to be replaced by Kyiv. The latter is simply the Ukrainian
“version” of the name, spelt in the Latin alphabet instead of in Cyrillic. Two vowels in it have changed: in Russian, the first
vowel -y- became -i- after the consonant k-, and in Ukrainian historical -e- and -o- became -i- before a final consonant.
In historical terms, then, neither name is more “original” – each contains changes that crept in over time.
The differences between Russian and Ukrainian amount to much more than what Putin dismissed in 2021 as “
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”. By looking for “unity” in language between Russia and Ukraine, he was marshalling an argument that allowed
Russia the right to intervene in what he asserted to be Russian space."

Most writers here apparently have been cheering on Russia's invasion of Ukraine, so they may be motivated to deny,
however dishonestly, that Russian and Ukrainian are distinct, though related, languages.
@Lapin stop derailing the thread. This forum isn’t your personal rambling platform. You might be a honest & nice person but this is war & bad things happen & war crime is being commited by both sides. We don’t need your 100 page essay on why Russia is wrong in invading another soverign nation. We all know it.
If you can post videos, news , update on current conflict with your commentry then its awesome. But seriously stop writing long essay on whether its moral or not.
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