Ukrainian War Developments

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Recapture of Trostianets and forcing out of the 4th guards tank division:
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It's hard to know the truth because all of these sources uses Ukrainian intelligence as their source, and some simply regurgitate the other talking points without evidence, like the commander shooting himself.

While the saying goes, where there's smoke there's fire, I can't help but wonder, if it was a successful counter offensive, why are most of the photos of abandoned vehicles and not damaged vehicles?


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It's hard to know the truth because all of these sources uses Ukrainian intelligence as their source, and some simply regurgitate the other talking points without evidence, like the commander shooting himself.
I'm inclined to believe that its the truth, since its confirmed that the 1st guards tank army was operating in Sumy oblast (
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), and the retaking of Trostianets did occur. And you dont lose nearly one-third of your T-80Us and have your general fired for nothing.
While the saying goes, where there's smoke there's fire, I can't help but wonder, if it was a successful counter offensive, why are most of the photos of abandoned vehicles and not damaged vehicles?


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Seriously, they need to start hitting the infrastructure of any place they don't intend to occupy with carpet bombing, air dispensed mines (for area targets) and missiles (for point targets).

These include:

1. cities west of the Dnieper
2. bridges across the Dnieper except the ones near Kherson
3. all Ukrainian oil refineries, semiconductor fabs (if any), bridges west of the Dnieper, tunnel entrances, etc.
4. farmland that is used to export grain to adversary countries (legal per US doctrine re: Agent Orange)
5. all fossil fuel power plants not connected with the eastern or southern Ukrainian grids

Second, shut off the gas pipelines crossing Ukraine first unless the end buyers pay in rubles, and then provide gas supply data to the end users and immediately publicize if Ukraine siphons gas.
Agreed but I'd leave farms alone. It's the only thing Ukraine produces that has any value and Russia will need it to pay for things after this war. Other than that, lots of bombs, bomb everything. West of Dnieper should just be farmland after the war.

I'd bomb the nordstream or at least sabotage it and blame the Ukrainians. I'm sure the Germans will open up nordstream 2 pretty quickly.
can you source this statement? need it for reference.
Can't find it through a search but it was posted here earlier, sorry. It was agreed during the peace negotiations.


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I'm inclined to believe that its the truth, since its confirmed that the 1st guards tank army was operating in Sumy oblast (
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), and the retaking of Trostianets did occur. And you dont lose nearly one-third of your T-80Us and have your general fired for nothing.
I know what you mean but I guess I’m having trouble with finding the primary source for the general being fired and losing a third of the T80 tanks (I still don’t fully believe Oryx numbers, which these analysis rely on quite heavily). One article said they have a total of 188 T80s and the other article indicated 228 T80s. So it seems there’s different numbers for the total number of tanks as well, which should be the first thing that they get right or at least have some consensus on.


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I know what you mean but I guess I’m having trouble with finding the primary source for the general being fired and losing a third of the T80 tanks (I still don’t fully believe Oryx numbers, which these analysis rely on quite heavily). One article said they have a total of 188 T80s and the other article indicated 228 T80s. So it seems there’s different numbers for the total number of tanks as well, which should be the first thing that they get right or at least have some consensus on.
The 188 is T-80Us while the 228 is total T-80 variants I believe. Unless Oryx is pulling some funny stuff and posting the same destroyed tank twice, which I've gone over but may have missed, I dont think those numbers are wrong.


Registered Member
Agreed but I'd leave farms alone. It's the only thing Ukraine produces that has any value and Russia will need it to pay for things after this war. Other than that, lots of bombs, bomb everything. West of Dnieper should just be farmland after the war.

I'd bomb the nordstream or at least sabotage it and blame the Ukrainians. I'm sure the Germans will open up nordstream 2 pretty quickly.

Can't find it through a search but it was posted here earlier, sorry. It was agreed during the peace negotiations.
I'd say that the farmland should be in Eastern Ukraine, the food processing should be done in Russia, and that is how Russia makes money. Western Ukrainian farmland does not help Russia.

No need to touch any pipeline architecture. The shutoff valves are in Russia.

No problem with source, I can look myself.
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