Ukrainian War Developments

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The USSR was solely responsible for the Katyn Massacre of about 22,000 Polish military officers and intellectuals.
Despite the forensic evidence, however, the USSR denied its guilt and was fully supported in public by the USA and UK.
Even after the war, the USSR tried and convicted innocent Germans for crimes around the Katyn Massacre.

"From 28 December 1945 to 4 January 1946, a Soviet
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tried seven Wehrmacht servicemen.
One of them,
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, who was charged with murdering numerous civilians using machine-guns in Soviet villages,
confessed to having taken part in the burial (though not the execution) of 15,000 to 20,000 Polish POWs in Katyn.
For this he was spared execution and was given 15 years of hard labor. His confession was full of absurdities, and thus
he was not used as a Soviet prosecution witness during the
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. He later recanted his confession, claiming
the investigators forced him to confess.
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I would be hardly surprised if some extreme pro-Russian writers here still believe or wish to believe that the USSR must
be completely innocent of the Katyn Massacre and blame only the eternally convenient Nazi bogeymen for that crime.
Are You really going to bat for the nazis here, mate?.

Oh those poor poor innocent German soldiers in the east. Do You have a "mein opa" story by any chance?


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More like most of eastern nationalism is a rather recent invention, usually promoted by other european powers to split and destabilize enemies and rivals since the 18th Century.

The US just decided to use less subtle methods and just wiped out whatever crossed it's path.

How many people in eastern Europe have you ever known?
I never have met a Pole or a Romanian, for instance, who believed that he or she was really a Russian at heart until
he or she read something in a Western publication that told him or her to be different.

I knew an ethnic Russian from Moldova. She loathes Putin and does not endorse Russian nationalism.
I can recall her mocking Putin's cult of personality in Russia.


Registered Member
How many people in eastern Europe have you ever known?
I never have met a Pole or a Romanian, for instance, who believed that he or she was really a Russian at heart until
he or she read something in a Western publication that told him or her to be different.

Have You ever read a history book about europe?. Nazi fanfic doesn't count.

Until the 19th Century, most of the eastern countries didn't exist; they belonged to one Empire or another and didn't have anything resembling a "national" identity.

Half of what's Ukraine, was Polish and the other half was Russian. The Baltics were prussians, the many balkanic nationalisms weren't a thing until the late 18th Century, etc


Junior Member
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Are You really going to bat for the nazis here, mate?.

Oh those poor poor innocent German soldiers in the east. Do You have a "mein opa" story by any chance?
I support innocent people of every nationality when they are wrongly accused, condemned, or punished.

In contrast, you apparently approve of condemning and punishing people who you know are innocent simply
because you hate their nationality or tribe. You may be pleased to know that many racist Americans may have
similar attitudes toward ethnic Chinese (including US citizens) in the USA and believe in their 'collective guilt'.

Forest Frederick Edward Yeo-Thomas was a British RAF officer and SOE agent who was captured and tortured by
the Gestapo. He escaped from a concentration camp. Nonetheless, after the war he testified on behalf of
Otto Skorzeny, a Waffen-SS officer, who was on trial for war crimes. The prosecution demanded that
Skorzeny be condemned because he had ordered some of his men to wear US uniforms as a ruse de guerre.
Yeo-Thomas testified that he or his men had worn German uniforms when they sometimes killed German soldiers.
With typical hypocrisy, the American prosecutor still demanded Skorzeny's execution, but he was acquitted.

I am appalled by the extreme ideological fanaticism or blind tribal allegiances of many, if not most, writers here.




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support innocent people of every nationality when they are wrongly accused, condemned, or punished.
There is no such thing as an innocent nazi.

I mean you are really going "yes nazis did bad things, but look at what the allies did this one time!" while completely ignoring the systematic nature of nazi atrocities.

You completely neglect to mention Skorzeny fought with the Das Reich SS division, responsible for murdering jews in Yugoslavia and Belarus.

Like seriously, are You going to go "Clean SS" myth?. Disgusting


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I've noticed an increase in footage being uploaded by the Russian military recently. It's mainly these videos of Krasnopol artillery taking out targets. While precision guided artillery is good, its not a substitute for drones warfare. We now know that is a capacity that only exists on paper for the Russians, and they have too much pride to buy anything from China. It seems like they are now trying to prove they are winning the war more than they actually are, exactly what the Ukrainians were doing at the start of the war.

If Putin is serious about winning this war, he needs to unshakle his military and let them fight the way they've been trained to fight. None of this precision guided nonsense, just annihilate the Ukrainian forces with overwhelming firepower. Otherwise it's going to take a long time to finish off the Ukrainians one Krasnopol shot at a time. Meanwhile we'll be forced to endure fake war crime stories from Zelensky, Ukrainian civilians are being murdered on the streets by criminal gangs, Russian POWs being returned minus their genitals.
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