Ukrainian War Developments

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General Keane explaining that committing war crimes is the Russian way of war, even going as far as buttressing his argument with how cruel they were to the Germans in WW2.

Incinerating a 100,000 Japanese in one night with cluster napalm bombs must have been according to regulations of lawful warfare as he doesn't seem to think the same of the US way of war? The single deadliest air raid of WW2:
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Or the fire bombing of North Korea with the same terrible napalm weapons razing to the ground virtually all towns in the country in total disregard of civilian casualties?

This general should STFU, didn’t the Germans invade Russia first and basically unleashed hell on them first. For the Russians they should learn never to trust another German and for this moron, learn history and try to understand the opposing side of view before making such stupid claims, otherwise when they day comes for him to receive judgement whether on earth or in the there after, his lying bullshit will not fool anybody with wisdom which I can say of the collective west is severely lacking right now to the point that most there current generation cannot read a map
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Satilite imaging shows bodies in Bucha; lain across the same street and in the same position as the video; as early as 19MAR22.

Additional satellite imaging shows the presence of trenches prior to the Russian withdrawal from the area; which were allegedly discovered to contain mass graves.


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Junior Member
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This general should STFU, didn’t the Germans invade Russia first and basically unleashed hell on them first. For the Russians they should learn never to trust another German and for this moron, learn history and try to understand the opposing side of view before making such stupid claims, otherwise when they day comes for him to receive judgement whether on earth or in. The thereafter, this lying bullshit will not fool anybody with wisdom which I can say of the collective west is severely lacking right now

Yes, for example. It estimated
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A lot killed ...on many occasions brutally by the Germans. All basicly never get mentioned while the western media mentions rapes by the Soviet in WWII very few years.


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Satilite imaging shows bodies in Bucha; lain across the same street and in the same position as the video; as early as 19MAR22.

What a load of bollocks.

You do realize those bodies would be 10 days plus old right ? Are you seriously trying to claim those bodies where 10 days old ? Seriously ? Those bodies on video barely look like they were killed a day let alone a week ago.

Never mind other illogical things there. Why would the Russians leave the bodies on the a lot of those basicly middle street for so many days ..a streets where they drive by constantly.......
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Yes, for example. It estimated
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A lot killed ...on many occasions brutally by the Germans. All basicly never get mentioned while the western media mentions rapes by the Soviet in WWII very few years.

Satellite imaging isn’t going to lie; if you’re so doubtful you can fly there yourself or purchase an up to date satellite service yourself.

The average temperature in the Bucha/Irpen region has been in the low thirties; slowing down the effects decomposition, additionally what videos we have seen have been incredibly grainy and do not provide a high level of detail that you can ascertain, this is one of the reasons why people were falsely accusing the initial videos as fake due to poor quality and the presence of water and light reflection on the windows of Ukrainian vehicles from which the videos were filmed, which said “debunks” have been disproven as desperate non-sense.

It’s incriminating that trenches have been dug out for over a week now while the region had been under Russian occupation which would seem to credit eye-witness testimonies and Ukrainian evidence.

I’ll say once again that there are numerous casualties that are separate from the massacre in Bucha and Irpen that is being falsely reported as a war crimes perpetrated by Russian Forces when in fact they are either the byproduct of crossfire or Ukrainian war crimes; however I’ll maintain that the Russians too are most likely guilty of executing civilians, or at the very least indiscriminately shelling the area and attempting to clean up the mess, either way more and more evidence is coming out to support the notion of war crimes.


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Again 10 days ? Cold weather doesn't explain why the bodies look like they are less then a day old. Neither why they were left in the middle of the road for so long. Without also somehow not being driven over. Never mind why It took the Ukrainians so long to report them. Or the fact they had white ribbons.
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