Ukrainian War Developments

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The last time I checked, the west isn't at war with Russia. The media at least should be impartial in covering the war. Why would someone want it to be any other way?

It's more than that, it's outright censorship. The evacuation of civilians was organised by Russia via the IRCS, most chose to go to Russia while some went to Ukraine, using transport provided for free by the Russians. The Ukrainians went crazy and Azov Nazis started accusing the red cross of collaborating with the Russians on twitter. The Red Cross which obviously wouldn't do that, pointed out that all repatriations were voluntary and no one was forced to go anywhere.

Yet we still see western governments and media outlets claiming that Russians are "kidnapping" Ukrainian children and forcing them to go to Russia, with no coverage of IRCS's rebuttal. How does putting forward the Nazi Ukrainian version of events help people in Europe and America in figuring out what's going on?

Propaganda and public opinion help to win wars; it is obvious that the west; under the United States; actively seeks to discredit the Russian Federation as it actively benefits their geopolitical objectives.

The same can be said for the Russian Federation which desperately wants to justify its war against Ukraine and wants to undermine western influence in the region.

Both sides are guilty of propaganda, this is true.

There is a lot of smoke from this war and we’ll likely never know the full truth; especially if Ukraine manages to inflict enough damages on Russian Forces to warrant a ceasefire. It is important that we maintain an open mind about things and discern fact from fiction, even if it doesn’t go with our predispositions on the situation.

I don’t agree with the Russian invasion of Ukraine however I can support and agree with claims of Ukrainian war crimes and the fact that deep issues within the region that have to be addressed, we must be objective with our rationale or else we’ll risk flooding the forum with constant back and forth.


Registered Member
Propaganda and public opinion help to win wars; it is obvious that the west; under the United States; actively seeks to discredit the Russian Federation as it actively benefits their geopolitical objectives.

The same can be said for the Russian Federation which desperately wants to justify its war against Ukraine and wants to undermine western influence in the region.

Both sides are guilty of propaganda, this is true.

There is a lot of smoke from this war and we’ll likely never know the full truth; especially if Ukraine manages to inflict enough damages on Russian Forces to warrant a ceasefire. It is important that we maintain an open mind about things and discern fact from fiction, even if it doesn’t go with our predispositions on the situation.

I don’t agree with the Russian invasion of Ukraine however I can support and agree with claims of Ukrainian war crimes and the fact that deep issues within the region that have to be addressed, we must be objective with our rationale or else we’ll risk flooding the forum with constant back and forth.
Again, America is not party to this war. If America had been invaded I can understand the need for censorship. I understand why both Ukrainians and Russians are in full swing propaganda mode. This war is effectively a battle for survival for both.

The American government is supporting one side of this war, and manipulating domestic opinion with fake news and hiding Ukrainian war crimes to justify that support is unethical. It's exactly what they did in the Syrian civil war, except this time the stakes are potentially nuclear.


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Cutting off oil and coal is possible. As for gas, it would take at least 2 to 3 years unless German wanted its people to freeze to death.
Nothing makes sense out of Germany nowadays. If I believe in what they have announced thus far, I can only conclude that Germany is committing an economic suicide. So the truth is likely in between, like what Chinese might say: "说一套做一套。 见人说人话,见鬼说鬼话"


Registered Member
Please don't swallow Post-modern Western koolaid and believe that there are 30,000+ genders next, I beg of you.
He's right. Ethnicity isn't the same as gender. You're either born a man or woman. No one is born an ethnicity. Maybe your race is biological and set in stone, but your ethnicity is a lot more complex.


Registered Member
Nothing makes sense out of Germany nowadays. If I believe in what they have announced thus far, I can only conclude that Germany is committing an economic suicide. So the truth is likely in between, like what Chinese might say: "说一套做一套。 见人说人话,见鬼说鬼话"

It is ironic in that the Greens are supposed to be moderate, pro-enviroment but turns out they are more hawkish(and stupid) that old school politicians.

Merkel could navigate foreign policy, these CIA bootlickers can't.


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In better news,

There’s a video of an ethnically Russian girl from Bucha who’s been relocated to Czechia as a refugee hosted by a Czech family; she has since started school where she was greeted by her teacher in Russian and welcomed by the class despite the language and cultural differences.

This is not something I’ve seen shown from either Western or Russian media outlets; it goes to show that despite the ongoing issues in the world at the end of the day we are all people and care for each other as such.

Similar instances have been observed by neighboring countries which have bore much of the initial wave and responsibility of Ukrainian refugees since the conflict started.
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