Ukrainian War Developments

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naysayer will continue to deny Russia ever lost Su34 + Su35

yet Oryx Twitter feed has every single claim backed by photographic evidence

and Oryx is hugely underestimating the Russian loses the real number is most likely 2-3 times higher

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I don’t know what are you trying to prove? So Manpad, Stinger is better than most of 3rd gen Tanks, 4th Gen planes. Who needs all those tanks, ships, airplanes ? Ukraine is winning, while Russia losing. All you need is couple of Drones, Manpad, Stinger and even pakistan might be able to defeat India/USA.


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Some updates from this morning not previously covered.

▪️A train carrying 18 T72s has been spotted on the outskirts of Moscow, destination unknown.

▪️Survivors from Irpen and Bucha are being evacuated and relocated to Kiev.

▪️A large convoy of Russian armor has been spotted crossing the Antonovsky bridge from Oleschky to Kherson to further reinforce the offensive there.

▪️Russian convoy was spotted driving through Hola Prystan’ carrying vital supplies to the front line.

▪️Russian and LPR forces have launched another offensive on the outskirts of Rubizhne.

▪️Retreating Russian forces from the Bucha region have returned to Gomel, in Belarus. Much of the damaged equipment from the Bucha campaign has been loaded up onto trains in Gomel’s rail yards to be sent back to the Russian Federation.

▪️Ukrainian Forces have regained control over Pripyat.

▪️Two Russian naval ships have entered the Indian Ocean; speculatively to reinforce the Mediterranean fleet; although officially the commander of the pacific fleet has stated there presence is to “preform tasks” in the Asia-Pacific region.

Richard Santos

Registered Member
It will take decades for there to be any chance that Russia will recover some of its military prestige, I never imagined that the Russian army was so weak, if it had confronted the United States in a conventional way they would have been swept away and I don't even want to imagine if it was NATO complete
the fact that Russian army is no longer a match for full western military has been apparent since Grazney around 1992. The guarantor of russian security since then has been the credibility of russian nuclear deterrence. which is why there is a contest over ukraine at all.


Registered Member
Putin caused all this by:

  • Waging a "brother war" instead of a normal war
  • Committing pathetic numbers of troops
  • Like a clown sending the initial wave of attacks in isolated convoys farther away than its logistics could catch up (kool-aid about Ukraine surrendering)
  • Idiotic big push towards Kiev, then retreating, which gave Ukraine a massive morale boost
  • Pathetic day 0 missile/air attacks to knock out critical infrastructure and the Ukrainian Army while it was in the barracks
  • Left the Ukraine/NATO-EU border open which allowed foreign aid to come (Sun Tzu stuff here..)
  • Pathetic Russian Air involvement in the first weeks
  • Drunk his own kool-aid on Ukraine capitulating.
  • Didn't properly siege cities (not cutting off electricity/fuel/water/food)
  • Took the war like its a game and not like a serious thing
  • Etc.

The list is endless. Most of the mistakes are directly attributed to Putin and his decisions. If there is one culprit for the underperformance of the Russian military, its Mr. Putin himself. Let's see who he is going to throw under the bus for this mess.

While I am pro-Russia that doesn't mean I am blind. Its simple, Putin messed up on this war.
The brother war thing I hear alot about regarding a certain island. That PLA needs to be civilized, that PLA needs to minimize civilian casualties because otherwise they'll be alienated...

Russia probably thought the same. But if they actually listened to their own propaganda, about Ukrainians being Nazis, then wouldn't they fight like Nazis too? Did Nazi Germany collapse the minute it started losing a little?


Registered Member
the fact that Russian army is no longer a match for full western military has been apparent since Grazney around 1992. The guarantor of russian security since then has been the credibility of russian nuclear deterrence. which is why there is a contest over ukraine at all.
Western army cannot support 5 axis invasion. certainly not street fighting in built up areas against hostile population without months of airstrikes. there is no comparable example.


Registered Member
It will take decades for there to be any chance that Russia will recover some of its military prestige, I never imagined that the Russian army was so weak, if it had confronted the United States in a conventional way they would have been swept away and I don't even want to imagine if it was NATO complete

The US couldn't control Afghanistan nor Iraq either and has been geared towards COIN for so long that it is painfully aware a peer conflict will result in massive losses.

Some people have been so spoiled by the images(and propaganda) of Yugoslavia, Iraq and Afghanistan that have lost track of what actual protracted warfare looks like.

Heck, even the Colombian army couldn't do much against the FARC and ELN they had to resort to killing civilians and disguising them as guerrillas, and they were at home.
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