Ukrainian War Developments

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Interesting development of FSB [Федеральная служба безопасности Российской Федерации] cars being lit on fire in the Moscow region; there has also been recorded incidence of arson at a hospital in the Moscow region; as a fire at an industrial center near the Verkhniye Likhobory metro station in Moscow proper earlier this weekend, although it is unknown what caused that specific fire.

Possible indication of organized sabotage/instability or it may be due to separate isolated incidences.


Jingle Bells

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CCTV footage from a Belarusian mail courier service has shown Russian service members mailing back looted articles and materials from the Ukrainian theatre back to the Russian Federation. This has been observed in mainland Ukraine from destroyed Russian trucks carrying back goods and other items looted that are not easily accessible by everyday Russian citizens.

The “Pillage of a town or place, even when taken by assault, is prohibited” and is constituted as a war crime under international law.

Previously Kadyrov made a video of Chechen forces delivering “humanitarian” aid to the people of Mariupol; when in fact said aid had come from looted Ukrainian homes and super markets, the video was since taken down and replaced with one that showed mainly water being distributed.

Looting is a common occurrence during wartime however the scale at which it is being perpetrated by Russian forces goes to show the “professionalism” of the Russian Ground Forces.

This is absolutely disgusting! You guys were laughing at some supposed "Russia is poor" bullshit. But what I see here is disgusting deliberate bullying/oppression done to civilians! It's like they are deliberately hurting and disrespecting civilians/local-businesses and taken their belonging.

This really reminded me of horrible mass rape done by the Soviet Red Army in Europe (even done to supposed allied civilians/countries) as well as the Japanese military in SEA and in China. It's like they are deliberately inflicting pain and damage to civilians.


Could you guys please stop making jokes about this! This is really pissing me off! :mad: :mad: :mad:


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This is absolutely disgusting! You guys were laughing at some supposed "Russia is poor" bullshit. But what I see here is disgusting deliberate bullying/oppression done to civilians! It's like they are deliberately hurting and disrespecting civilians/local-businesses and taken their belonging.

This really reminded me of horrible mass rape done by the Soviet Red Army in Europe (even done to supposed allied civilians/countries) as well as the Japanese military in SEA and in China. It's like they are deliberately inflicting pain and damage to civilians.


Could you guys please stop making jokes about this! This is really pissing me off! :mad: :mad: :mad:
Ukrainians destroyed a Russian truck that was hauling off washing machines from a Ukrainian village. The international court is going to have a field day if they ever decide to prosecute against the Russian Federation,


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the fact that Russian army is no longer a match for full western military has been apparent since Grazney around 1992. The guarantor of russian security since then has been the credibility of russian nuclear deterrence. which is why there is a contest over ukraine at all.
Are you speaking of Grozny 1994, because the First Battle of Grozny took place in 1994. The 1st Chechen War was a disaster for Russia, but the 2nd Chechen War, conducted with much greater caution and patience, was clearly a victory.

Richard, Russia's terrible performance in this war so far is mostly based on the Kiev Front. And that in many ways is self inflicted due to the hubristic belief of the Kiev Regime collapsing by merely having troops around Kiev and advancing combat formations well ahead of supplies. Had they not done so, Russia's casualties would have been much less and they would still have made the gains that they have made so far in the South and the East, and they would have also had more forces to spare for the South and the East.

The Russian forces that had stationed themselves in Irpin, Bucha, and Gostomel had their main logistics supply at Invankiv more than 50 km away. Between Invankiv and those suburbs of Kiev there were no major Russian troop concentrations and much of that region is densely wooded and forested, providing cover for light Ukrainian vehicles and infantry armed with ATGM to lay ambushes.

By contrast during the 2nd Chechen War, the Russians always had bases with personnel and capable of holding equipment not more than 20 km distance apart in their approach to Grozny.

The best that can be said about the Russian operation Northwest of Kiev is that it was undertaken in an overwhelmingly orderly manner. It looks like they'd moved in troops, with proper rear and lateral protections, as well as air support, to cover their withdrawal.
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It's seams that the Flanker was a single seater and this will the first Su35 shot down of the war in Ukraine (the first ever anywhere else in the world )
I feel sad for Russia tbh. They could literally have a small but first rate military if they just gave up the pride and idiotic wet dream domestic development projects and imported from China, in exchange for resources. Even if they bought only like a few 052DL and like 1 055 they'd still have the best navy in Europe. And again, only purchasing a few J-20s would at least give their air force an actual stealth fighter to continue maintaining at least a minimum ability to compete with European ones. Instead of this sad situation where the only thing they can rely on for deterrence is tactical nukes. Instead they're like, no we're gonna make the Lider class even though we can only afford to buy like half a ship by the time r&d finishes in 2032 (optimistically), etc. etc. Sigh.

Jingle Bells

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It will be some years for Russia just to replace the equipment they have lost so far...

What make you think they need to recover these? These are junks! And the Russians has junk yards after junk yards of these old legacy USSR era equipment in storage, that their active force can NEVER hope to fully field or put to active services. It's not like the Russia are losing T-90MS or T14. They are losing cheaply upgraded T-72's and T-80's, and a few early version T90s. They are more than enough T72s and T-80s waiting in their junk yard storage waiting to be cheaply upgraded to fill these losses.


Senior Member
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I feel sad for Russia tbh. They could literally have a small but first rate military if they just gave up the pride and idiotic wet dream domestic development projects and imported from China, in exchange for resources. Even if they bought only like a few 052DL and like 1 055 they'd still have the best navy in Europe. And again, only purchasing a few J-20s would at least give their air force an actual stealth fighter to continue maintaining at least a minimum ability to compete with European ones. Instead of this sad situation where the only thing they can rely on for deterrence is tactical nukes. Instead they're like, no we're gonna make the Lider class even though we can only afford to buy like half a ship by the time r&d finishes in 2032 (optimistically), etc. etc. Sigh.
Hey, its never too late for weapon procurement and cooperation on weapon development. Maybe after all of this, Russia will finally suck up their pride and import weapon systems from China.


Senior Member
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Ukrainians destroyed a Russian truck that was hauling off washing machines from a Ukrainian village. The international court is going to have a field day if they ever decide to prosecute against the Russian Federation,
Any prosecution of the Russian Federation will be done in absentia of an indicted Russians. The ICC should also investigate the Americans, but wait, the Americans already threatened the ICC not to do so..

Richard Santos

Registered Member
Western army cannot support 5 axis invasion. certainly not street fighting in built up areas against hostile population without months of airstrikes. there is no comparable example.
effective air support is an integral part of a modern field army. an field army is not a really a modern field army without it. Also, assaulting a city and conducting street fighting is the last resort. Not doing it usually means the army has been more effective in achieving its goals, not it is less capable of achieving its goals.
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