Ukrainian War Developments

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Yup. I’m pro Russian but I’m starting to think the whole sending forces into Kiev to prevent reinforcements to the east is copium from the pro Russian side. Because if you have total aerial dominance you wouldn’t have to worry about reinforcements going to the eastern fronts. Your aerial assets would blow them up. In short Russia should have went all out. Two weeks of intense aerial and artillery bombardment to destroy Ukraine’s critical military and civilian infrastructure. Then send ground troops to finish the job. Now they have time to change tactics and it’s looks like they are doing this. However Russia really underestimated the Ukrainian will to fight. People can say why are the Ukrainians fighting hard when their govt is corrupt. Well every govt is corrupt but if a foreign army is invading your country you would fight hard. It’s about nationalism and pride. Russia didn’t realize that for 7 years Ukrainian nationalism got stronger because of the Maidan protest, the lost of Crimea and the Donbas war. Russia really has to go all out in this second phase. If the reports are true that 250k Russia and allies are mobilized then that is the step in the right direction. However I’ll believe it when I see it. The retreat from Kiev looks like Gallipoli. A fucking disaster.
Putin should just let the military do their job and not put constraints on them. I can bet you a bunch of Russian generals are pissed at how this war was planned and executed.
I believe that they should have done a feint towards Kiev, but what they did was not a feint. It was an attempt at intimidating the Kiev Regime into submission with the notion that just showing up around Kiev would result in the capitulation of Kiev to Moscow's terms. And even at that incredibly poorly executed. It was rushed at speeds much greater than that which supplies could follow and the rear and flanks of the advance were not well protected. No probing attacks were undertaken to test the enemy's strengthens and willingness to fight. Just a mindless Zerg Rush.

If it was a feint, the Russians would have approached much more cautiously and as such slowly and taken the necessary lateral and rear protection measures. They would have undertaken much probing too. Their advance would not reached as far as it did towards Kiev. While such as advance is much less spectacular, it is much less costly, and still threatens the possibility that the advance might be accelerated at any time and additional units might be utilized for the advance. That keeps Kiev under check as the Ukrainians have no idea as to whether the Russians might actually rush towards it.

If that had happened, then Russia would probably not even need to withdraw or if did, it would only partially withdraw, or if it did withdraw it wouldn't be called a disaster by anyone reasonable and there would be consensus that is was indeed a feint even by its most ardent critics.


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How do we know this is an SU-35? This could be SU-27SM3 or SM2, which i need to remind you that also a single seat fighter

That large titanium plate on the top of the elevators is pretty unique to the Su-35S; in all the other Flankers in the family, its smaller or just covers the bottom of the elevator.

That said, I doubt this thing was shot down given how complete and flat it is, which suggest it had a low forward speed, if it all. Maybe a similar case to the Su-30SM that pancaked itself on the ground while manouvering.


Also, you can see the missiles are still attached to the wings. There seems to be a Kh-31 in the inside pylon and an R-77 in the outwards pylon.
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Some updates from this morning not previously covered.

▪️A train carrying 18 T72s has been spotted on the outskirts of Moscow, destination unknown.

▪️Survivors from Irpen and Bucha are being evacuated and relocated to Kiev.

▪️A large convoy of Russian armor has been spotted crossing the Antonovsky bridge from Oleschky to Kherson to further reinforce the offensive there.

▪️Russian convoy was spotted driving through Hola Prystan’ carrying vital supplies to the front line.

▪️Russian and LPR forces have launched another offensive on the outskirts of Rubizhne.

▪️Retreating Russian forces from the Bucha region have returned to Gomel, in Belarus. Much of the damaged equipment from the Bucha campaign has been loaded up onto trains in Gomel’s rail yards to be sent back to the Russian Federation.

▪️Ukrainian Forces have regained control over Pripyat.

▪️Two Russian naval ships have entered the Indian Ocean; speculatively to reinforce the Mediterranean fleet; although officially the commander of the pacific fleet has stated there presence is to “preform tasks” in the Asia-Pacific region.


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Two Russian naval ships have entered the Indian Ocean; speculatively to reinforce the Mediterranean fleet; although officially the commander of the pacific fleet has stated there presence is to “preform tasks” in the Asia-Pacific region.

hard to think otherwise. as there is no way they can reinforce Black Sea Fleet.

Much of the damaged equipment from the Bucha campaign has been loaded up onto trains in Gomel’s rail yards to be sent back to the Russian Federation.

So they do recover the damaged equipment although unfortunately not all. Same as their fallen.
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