Ukrainian War Developments

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I hope Russia can win decisively from now on and no more blunders or miscalculate.
If they continue blunders, then US/NATO focus exclusively on China because Russia turns out to be a paper tiger with nukes. For China's sake, Russia, please don't FCK it up anymore.
Russia can turn this into a Pyrrhic victory, but its going to be really bloody. It means changing tactics to US style of levelling cities down with artillery and missiles. I hope it doesn't reach that point because that's going to horrifying, but if these types of massive loss keep happening, they might just snap and do it.


Senior Member
I hope Russia can win decisively from now on and no more blunders or miscalculate.
If they continue blunders, then US/NATO focus exclusively on China because Russia turns out to be a paper tiger with nukes. For China's sake, Russia, please don't FCK it up anymore.

First Russian miscalculation was starting this war in the first place. Happens when you got one guy doing all the decisions while being surrounded by yes men... I wonder if Russia is humbled and finally accepts that it's in same league with Britain & France not in the America & China league where bigger bucks are spend!


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tell that to Afghanistan
I’ll say this. Manpads and atgms are good weapons to have when waging guerrilla and urban warfare. However the west is sending these weapons as if it’s an insurgency not a conventional war. These weapons won’t lead to major breakthroughs in a conventional war. These weapons systems work if you have Ukrainian stand behinds attacking Russian and their allies supply lines and patrols. Of if you are defenders in a city. It will make the attack costly but won’t lead to victory.
Another thing is all these advanced weapons systems are in western Ukraine. Most of the major fighting is in the east. Yes the Ukrainian forces have their own stockpiles of atgms and manpads but they won’t get the bulk of these weapons that are stockpiled in western Ukraine and Poland. Another is how will they transport these weapons when their fuel depots are being bombarded and the Ukrainian are running out of fuel. In short they can try to send these weapons to Odessa but their fuel supplies are running low. Now if Russia tried to attack western Ukraine then yeah these weapons will be a problem. However the logistics to get them to the main battle field space is not there. So they’ll stay in the west.


Registered Member
Russia can turn this into a Pyrrhic victory, but its going to be really bloody. It means changing tactics to US style of levelling cities down with artillery and missiles. I hope it doesn't reach that point because that's going to horrifying, but if these types of massive loss keep happening, they might just snap and do it.
Putin caused all this by:

  • Waging a "brother war" instead of a normal war
  • Committing pathetic numbers of troops
  • Like a clown sending the initial wave of attacks in isolated convoys farther away than its logistics could catch up (kool-aid about Ukraine surrendering)
  • Idiotic big push towards Kiev, then retreating, which gave Ukraine a massive morale boost
  • Pathetic day 0 missile/air attacks to knock out critical infrastructure and the Ukrainian Army while it was in the barracks
  • Left the Ukraine/NATO-EU border open which allowed foreign aid to come (Sun Tzu stuff here..)
  • Pathetic Russian Air involvement in the first weeks
  • Drunk his own kool-aid on Ukraine capitulating.
  • Didn't properly siege cities (not cutting off electricity/fuel/water/food)
  • Took the war like its a game and not like a serious thing
  • Etc.

The list is endless. Most of the mistakes are directly attributed to Putin and his decisions. If there is one culprit for the underperformance of the Russian military, its Mr. Putin himself. Let's see who he is going to throw under the bus for this mess.

While I am pro-Russia that doesn't mean I am blind. Its simple, Putin messed up on this war.


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