Ukrainian War Developments

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Registered Member
One thing is clear: as long as Russia occupies parts of Ukraine, all cooperation with Russia will be gradually reduced. Some things happened quickly, as you can see from the sanctions. Other things take longer, like the cooperation in the ISS or the oil and gas deliveries. You can't just turn off the gas tap, you would have to burn the extracted gas on the spot. All boreholes are now gradually being sealed until the last gas has been delivered in a year and a half.

After that, Russia is isolated like North Korea.
Do you really think the world is going to pick Europe/America over Russia?
The only region that will be isolated will be the west. The more your politicians continue lying to you about the Ukraine war the worst its going to get.

As many have said, Russia has plenty of storage space for gas.


Junior Member
Registered Member
As many have said, Russia has plenty of storage space for gas.
Can you please share a source for that?

My western media keep claiming the opposite is the case and due to limited storage Russia may be forced to shut those wells. Which once done is difficult and expensive to undo.


Registered Member
In other news, European and American companies have approved the transfer of Soviet tanks to Ukraine. Another meaningless escalation. I'm starting to think this war may very likely end in a nuclear exchange. This is by far worse than the Cuban Missile Crisis.

Look at some of the propaganda coming out in the west. I don't know who's behind it:

They call it "close the sky" instead of the previous euphemism "no fly zone". And they're using child actors to try and blackmail people to agree to it. But what no one seems to be saying is if a Russian plane gets shot down by NATO, it WILL be nuclear war.

At no point during the Cold War did we have anything like this. During the Cuban Missile Crisis people went into shelters, prayed that it wouldn't end in nuclear armageddon and that politicians could sort it peacefully. Today for some reason we've got the exact opposite. Thousands of people are on the streets protesting for nuclear war. Are people that stupid that they don't know what it's going to lead to? Or is this some sort of western death cult? Very few western media outlets are even mentioning the prospect of nuclear war. Most people seem to be under the impression a nuclear war would only affect Ukraine for some reason. There's even the ongoing propaganda that Putin is planning on using chemical weapons in Ukraine, as if he only had access to Saddam level WMD.

It's all so...bizarre.


Registered Member
In other news, European and American companies have approved the transfer of Soviet tanks to Ukraine. Another meaningless escalation. I'm starting to think this war may very likely end in a nuclear exchange. This is by far worse than the Cuban Missile Crisis.

Look at some of the propaganda coming out in the west. I don't know who's behind it:

They call it "close the sky" instead of the previous euphemism "no fly zone". And they're using child actors to try and blackmail people to agree to it. But what no one seems to be saying is if a Russian plane gets shot down by NATO, it WILL be nuclear war.

At no point during the Cold War did we have anything like this. During the Cuban Missile Crisis people went into shelters, prayed that it wouldn't end in nuclear armageddon and that politicians could sort it peacefully. Today for some reason we've got the exact opposite. Thousands of people are on the streets protesting for nuclear war. Are people that stupid that they don't know what it's going to lead to? Or is this some sort of western death cult? Very few western media outlets are even mentioning the prospect of nuclear war. Most people seem to be under the impression a nuclear war would only affect Ukraine for some reason. There's even the ongoing propaganda that Putin is planning on using chemical weapons in Ukraine, as if he only had access to Saddam level WMD.

It's all so...bizarre.
What is strange is that Russia didn't attempt to cut Ukraine's border with EU/NATO

If it had done this, it would have saved itself a lot of trouble


Registered Member
Can you please share a source for that?

My western media keep claiming the opposite is the case and due to limited storage Russia may be forced to shut those wells. Which once done is difficult and expensive to undo.
I don't, one of the Russians on this thread said they have plenty of storage for gas, but not as much for oil.

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