Ukrainian War Developments

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What is strange is that Russia didn't attempt to cut Ukraine's border with EU/NATO

If it had done this, it would have saved itself a lot of trouble
There's two roads connecting Poland to Ukraine, and they've only really been using one until recently. I've been saying they should have been cratered once lethal munitions started to come in. No doubt the decision not to was for "humanitarian reasons", but a lot more people are going to die because of it.

The Russians have announced today that they'll start targetting British supplies to Ukraine. Maybe that's a sign that they might actually destroy the roads.


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Ukrainians are leaving Ukraine en mass. Without fuel, without resource, Ukraine is an impoverished nation. Zelensky can draft a million soldiers if he wants, but they are not quality well equipped soldiers. Just cannon fodders to please Biden.
Refugees—women, children, elderly— have been allowed to leave, but not the fighting age men. The US is also supplying fuel to Ukraine anyways.


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Moscow: “UK is the only country to have imposed sanctions on Russia’s Gazprombank, through which payments for Russian natural gas are made. The measure effectively denies Britain the ability to pay for the commodity".

An anti-government protest took place in central London. The reason was the jump in prices for gas and electricity. The British called for the resignation of Prime Minister Boris Johnson and his cabinet.

For a month of hostilities, Ukraine spends about 10 billion dollars USA - Ministry of Finance of Ukraine.
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