Ukrainian War Developments

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reservior dogs

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1 year ? no Russia cannot sustain these kinds of loses for much longer

at most they will take the border areas and control Sea of Azov

they wont cut Ukraine off from the Black Sea and wont take Kiev and install a puppet government

these were some of the objectives

I would say allowing Ukraine to export wheat from Black Sea is a considered huge failure on the part of Russia

their attempt to do a amphibious landing at Odessa also did not happen and they never managed to push past Mykolaiv
You need to eat the elephant one bite at a time. I think they initially tried to force a quick capitulation, but have always plan on this long war of attrition if they don't get capitulation. Russia has to fight with very limited resources. This is why they fought the war that way and it is also the reason they can sustain that for a long time to come. Once they surround a new city, the stuff the West can send would be of limited use for that city. They are mainly using cannons to take out the city. Satellites and drone will provide intelligence. The anti-tank weapons will have some use but will not be a deciding factor. More basic stuff like food and water will be even more important. They also have the option to bomb supply depot from the air.


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Based from what I’m reading from pro Russian telegram today has had intense bombardment in the Donbass and eastern region. And reports from Ukraine is that they are sending reinforcements to Izyium. Looks like heavy fighting right now and this is before the Russian offensive even started. Once the offensive starts we are going to some intense fighting not seen since WW2.


Registered Member
Holy fuck at the inflation jump in Germany and France

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Christ and this Is only the beginning.

Also, Eastern Europe was already between 8 and 12% prior mind you. Who knows what it is at right now.
pfff rookie numbers, we here in the Netherlands had 11~12% inflation in marcho_O


Senior Member
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This is so fking retarded. Boy... why are these reporters dont do a fking research... This is so insultingly retarded in many levels.. and i'll be honest i'm kinda angry.

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Are these "journalists" know that :

1.Kalibr and Kh-101 use 37-01 engine or 36MT which are Russian made not R-95's
2.Iskander's rocket motor or the entire missiles are Russian made, Vointesk and MITT are in Russia.
3.Guidance are Russian, Radar seekers are made by Agat or Altair or Granit-elekton which are all in Russia. Even back in the day Artem was only assemble those parts into missiles.
4.and dont get me start on R-77 which are now entirely made in Russia
5.Oniks were always Russian missiles heart and soul, NPO Mashinostroyenia is in Russia and so does developer of 3D55 Ramjet that it use.

and Jet engine.. well Russians did indeed lost D18T but that's why PD-14, and deriviatives were born. Ukrainian itself cannot seem to grow up from D-18 so what the Fk...

Maritime Turbine ? well RIP Zorya-Mashproject but say hello to NPO Saturn.

Good God.. just why... and these bollocks are putting a paywall in it.. poor people paying for a garbage piece of writing.

asif iqbal

Lieutenant General
Seeing as a lot of shots could be taken from other angles. And its not out of the question Ukrainians painting Z and V on everything's that has wheels and tracks on it. Like i said if Russians lost as much as the claim make it out to be. Ukrainians would have them out of the entire Ukraine by now.

no this is called trolling and I suggest you stop it

Bill Blazo

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The latest Russian movements and reinforcements suggest that the Russians are not just focusing on the Donbas. Large armored concentrations are now entering Ukraine around Sumy and Kharkiv as well. This does make sense strategically, since the Russians can't leave the Kharkiv front too exposed, otherwise the Ukrainians might counter-attack along their vulnerable flanks in Luhansk. It seems what's changing is that the Russians are just deploying to the eastern front all along the former border with Ukraine. This makes it easier to resupply their armies and makes the Russian war effort much more focused and concentrated. Kyiv and Chernihiv were disasters from the start, so the Russians were right to get out of there. We'll see if they have better luck around Sumy and Kharkiv the second time around.
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