Ukrainian War Developments

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Who are these ardently Europhilic Russian oligarchs I keep hearing about? I've heard the term countless times but never a single name.

Even if they're out there, between the guys with money and the guys with money who poison people with radioactive isotopes and nerve gas, who would you bet on to take power after Putin's gone?

You know, the guys Western media keeps propping up as "democracy activists" from time to time.

Once Putin steps down, it could severely weaken United Russia (UR), his political party. If UR cannot find a worthy successor, then that does looks like a serious problem for them.

Having said that, the second most popular political party in Russia after UR is the Communist Party of the Russian Federation (CPRF). If for whatever reason United Russia does poorly the next election, the CPRF is poised to take significant power. Since Putin has already cleaned out many CIA-NED nests in Russia, Western-aligned politicians cannot go very far in Russian elections. An alternative CPRF-led government, or CPRF-UR coalition government still looks quite China-friendly.

Whatever happens after Putin steps down, there is still a strong momentum for anti-West politics in Russia. The West is not likely to ease off trying to colonize and balkanize Russia anytime soon. So that'll sure help to keep that momentum strong.

I'm optimistic about Russia even after Putin, but I think this is a real gap that the West will exploit come time. I sure hope Putin has put measures in place to mitigate this.

james smith esq

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Please elaborate your point.

From what I can gather from your sentence, you regard Putin as junky because he once tried to get Russia into NATO, isn't it? For that, will you call Mao Zedong and Richard Nixon junkies because they desperately hang up together to fight USSR?
C’mon, man?

You can’t use your thousands of years of accumulated knowledge to figure out the simple-minded expressions of some inferior black dude?

You’re sufficiently superior to have fully understood and criticized the failures of contemporary European strategies.

And, I’m sure it only took you minutes to comprehensively critique old ‘Murcia.

So, you need clarification to understand some black dude?

C’mon man!

james smith esq

Senior Member
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You know, the guys Western media keeps propping up as "democracy activists" from time to time.

I'm optimistic about Russia even after Putin, but I think this is a real gap that the West will exploit come time. I sure hope Putin has put measures in place to mitigate this.
This is where I question Russia’s political consistency, in their process of succession. I think the CPC has a far more stable process in place.

james smith esq

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I have 100% confidence in Putin's desire to see a strong and resurgent Russia, and I also believe he is a competent, rational leader.

For those two reasons, so long as Putin is at the helm, I'm not worried about China-Russia relations.
On the first part of your first sentence, I’m certain that the case. On the second part of your first sentence, we can’t agree. As for you second sentence, as long as Xi is at the helm, why worry?


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Putin's demands are reasonable. He is only going this far because his pleas for diplomatic settlement were ignored. The West is responsible for letting the situation get out of control. Let's hope cooler heads prevail. I'm somewhat skeptical, but there's still time.

reservior dogs

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This is where I question Russia’s political consistency, in their process of succession. I think the CPC has a far more stable process in place.
I agree that Russia does have a weaker process for succession compared to China, however, I would not worry too much. Putin understand that he is not immortal and should be working to have a leader and a crew ready even as we speak. Unlike the U.S.S.R, Russia is composed mainly of Russians (at least those in power), so the people that will take over should at least be competent and rational and working for the interests of Russia. The policies he set forth should be very difficult to undo if he just have some good people in power.


Registered Member
As for you second sentence, as long as Xi is at the helm, why worry?
China has a stable foreign policy apparatus/political system. Party secretaries come and go but foreign policy remains stable.

In Russia, though, it is different which is why people here believe that as long as Putin is at helm things will be ok wrt China. However, when he steps down, there will be great uncertainty/instability


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How serious a threat are those ATGMs to a Russian armoured advance? I tend to think that Ukraine's flat terrain and cold weather would make ATGM teams vulnerable to detection by drones equipped with thermal vision. Thoughts?
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