Ukrainian War Developments

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China should take advantage of this and other situations and extract good will from these countries.
No such thing as goodwill from Americans or Europeans. They'll expect China to help them because "it's the right thing to do". Then go back to their proxy war against China. They haven't even stopped that now, the European ambassador to "China asked to recognise human rights" in the same message she asked China to stop Russia.


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Apparently lots of the fighters that was in the Kiev, Chergniv areas are being sent to the Khariv and Izyum area. Looks like Russia is totally focusing on the east now. Looks like Novorussiya is the goal. Donbas will be liberated. Then Khariv and the other cities will be taken then Mykolaiv along with Odessa will be last taken.
West of Kherson is too big a risk... YOU GOT TO KNOW WHEN TO HOLD 'EM, KNOW WHEN TO WALK AWAY...

Bill Blazo

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We have known for a while that Izium was in Russian hands, but now the Ukrainians themselves have confirmed it. That's the biggest news of the day, because it also reinforces the notion of a Russian push towards Slovyansk and Kramatorsk. We have also known about this push for at least a week because of satellite images showing Russian pontoons over the Donets River to the south of Izium. From what I can gather, there's heavy fighting around the Donets as well as in and around the M3 highway leading towards Slovyansk. You wanna know for sure how brutal and active the fighting really is? Notice how no one is posting videos or photos of losses over here like in other parts of Ukraine. That's because there's literally no time. There's no time to stand next to something and snap up a selfie. In addition to the ongoing fighting, there are also massive Russian reinforcements building up near Izium itself. With heavy fighting already reported around Velyka Novosilka, the basic contours of the upcoming campaign are set, and I described those contours about a week ago. What might be different is that the Russians and the separatists are also looking for a big breakthrough along the Donetsk line. So far it's been a hard slog, with small gains here and there over different villages. April will be the month that decides the conventional phase of the war one way or another (so I'm leaving out later insurgencies and rebellions, which could certainly happen but are hard to predict).


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I am not arguing against that. I am saying the most recent AWACS with aesa radar is much improved at spotting both fast moving objects and low flying helicopters.

You cannot say that just because e3 from 30 years ago cannot spot a helicopter, that would also apply to something like kj500. The difference is pretty vast.

Actually, recent shilao podcast explicitly talked about this. For most opponents that USAF faces, they cannot keep an AWACS in the air at all times, so USAF can simply evade detection by flying low around the weak points of air defense radar. Plaaf knows this and have made sure kj500 can reliably track low flying objects.

That's fine, but it still doesn't solve for terrain masking over-land, as has been discussed. This issue applies to other threats like CMs too. Case in point:

That's why I said if Russians bought 6 to 8 kj500 + a few wz7s and gj2 back in 2019, this war would look a lot different than it does now.

Personally, I think their lack of sufficient inventory of CMs has limited them a lot more than low AWACS coverage or UCAVs (not saying these aren't important, they are very much required as well.)


Registered Member
I wonder how long it would have taken the competent armies or NATO and China to capture Ukraine ceteris paribus .Two weeks ?
There's no country in NATO other than the unnamed galactic hyperpower that could take Ukraine. They ran out of missiles against Libya which is flat desert, highly concentrated in cities and has far smaller population.

China overran parts of occupied Korea in a few months at great cost which has less population and size than Ukraine. Same with Vietnam.

It is very hard to fight an entrenched enemy in cover that doesn't surrender. Why do you think unnamed galactic hyperpower doesn't touch Iran despite threatening them for 40+ years? Because they know that they don't have the capability to take cities from the Iranians without leveling them if they fought anywhere close to how they fought in the Iran Iraq war, and leveling them would require massive resources that would weaken them elsewhere.


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Moderator - World Affairs
I think i just saw the Chechen combatant used a DJI for reconnaissance. Guess we finally have proof that China is providing military aids to Russia. Lol
Man, Ramzan Kadyrov must be expecting extra Federal Gov't funding to develop Chechen Republic economy after this war, with such much nice fancy propaganda videos. Chechens aren't fighting for free, that's for sure.
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