Ukrainian War Developments

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EU got played.
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China grain stocks reserves aren't for helping the EU to resolve the food crisis created by the EU and the US themselves because of unilateral sanctions against Russia.
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The food security initiative had the backing of the G7 and will now be discussed with G20 nations including China and India, which have amongst the largest grain stocks in the world, the official said.

The subject will be raised with Chinese President Xi Jingping during an EU-China summit on Friday, and will also be discussed at a special meeting of the FAO on April 8, the official added.

France together with G7 should take responsibility and consume less grain to increase grain stock. Eat one less meal per day.
This is will also help them temper food inflation,


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The problem is actually optimization. AWACS is optimized to detect fast moving contacts. And it's kind of a mutually exclusive situation. If you optimize for one, you're bad at the other. It's very hard to optimize for both, and high speed targets are a much higher priority.
I am not arguing against that. I am saying the most recent AWACS with aesa radar is much improved at spotting both fast moving objects and low flying helicopters.

You cannot say that just because e3 from 30 years ago cannot spot a helicopter, that would also apply to something like kj500. The difference is pretty vast.

Actually, recent shilao podcast explicitly talked about this. For most opponents that USAF faces, they cannot keep an AWACS in the air at all times, so USAF can simply evade detection by flying low around the weak points of air defense radar. Plaaf knows this and have made sure kj500 can reliably track low flying objects.

Of course in this case, the Russians do not have anything remotely as advanced as kj500. Neither do they seem capable of keeping a50 stationed at all time. That's why I said if Russians bought 6 to 8 kj500 + a few wz7s and gj2 back in 2019, this war would look a lot different than it does now.


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That's impossible, and another example of Ukrainian disinformation. The amount of radiation there is very little now, you need a massive dose of radiation to get acute radiation sickness. The only way you would be exposed to the doses for acute radiation sickness is if you went right next to where the reactor was. People go on tours there, people work in the region. It's quite safe now.

There may be some long term consequences to being exposed to disturbed soil there, but the acute radiation sickness story is bullshit.
Exactly, wolf pack have even digged their den in the soil used for covering the site against radiation and have healty offsprings... IF they didn't manipulate material to remove it from Ukrainian hands I cannot see how they would have been that sick.


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EU got played.
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China grain stocks reserves aren't for helping the EU to resolve the food crisis created by the EU and the US themselves because of unilateral sanctions against Russia.
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The food security initiative had the backing of the G7 and will now be discussed with G20 nations including China and India, which have amongst the largest grain stocks in the world, the official said.

The subject will be raised with Chinese President Xi Jingping during an EU-China summit on Friday, and will also be discussed at a special meeting of the FAO on April 8, the official added.
China should take advantage of this and other situations and extract good will from these countries.


Registered Member
France together with G7 should take responsibility and consume less grain to increase grain stock. Eat one less meal per day.
This is will also help them temper food inflation,
It will probably impact the biofuel production bigtime ! It's not the end of induced economic problems from this war, clearly a mess. We will probably see some shifts of production types even here in Canada.


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It is more surprising how the drone is flying right on top of the erected S300 launchers....
Maybe they are turning radar on when NATO AWAC tell them to do so to diminish the chance of SEAD attacks ? Tiny quad copter drones spotting for artillery are probably impervious to most radar when they are staying still. In any case they got destroyed.


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Apparently lots of the fighters that was in the Kiev, Chergniv areas are being sent to the Khariv and Izyum area. Looks like Russia is totally focusing on the east now. Looks like Novorussiya is the goal. Donbas will be liberated. Then Khariv and the other cities will be taken then Mykolaiv along with Odessa will be last taken.
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