Ukrainian War Developments

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I believe helicopters produce a distinctive flickering radar return due to rotor rotation that allows radar signal processing to pick them out relatively easily.

This is why i believe the Russian air cover are absent.

On the respect of topographic tho. Belgorod city is quite challenging in radar perspective against low fliers. This is coverage for a ground based radar, with mast height of 5 meters and 40 meters. I made a tweet about coverage. with assumption radar is located in Belgorod international



Registered Member
I suspect we might see bombers start to make an appearance soon.

The issue is less one of Putin being a bleeding heart and being precious about killing Ukrainian soldiers (come on, not even the most pro-Russian posters will believe that), but rather there are no ‘clean’ targets to use such bombers and carpet bombing tactics against since Ukrainian troops almost always dig in around towns and cities rather than try to fight clean battles out in open fields.

Unless the Russians are truly comically inept, their current pull backs should leave towns with zero civilians left to get underfoot. So when the Ukrainians move into occupy them, that’s when carpet bombing becomes actually viable and militarily useful to do.
The Ukrainians will just fill the towns with human shields again.

There may be civilian casualties, but they will low right now that region of Ukraine is sparsely populated. Aerial bombing isn't that inaccurate anyway so villages being hit will be low. It'll be much lower than if the Russians let the Ukrainians withdraw to major cities.

If it were me I'd launch the first bombing run with leaflets saying "the next one will be real".


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This is why i believe the Russian air cover are absent.

On the respect of topographic tho. Belgorod city is quite challenging in radar perspective against low fliers. This is coverage for a ground based radar, with mast height of 5 meters and 40 meters. I made a tweet about coverage. with assumption radar is located in Belgorod international

The Ukrainians say it is a false flag. Either way the Russians now have a perfectly good excuse to escalate things much more than what they already have done so far...


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What you are saying is much much less than the absolute conquest of Ukraine.
Absolute conquest of Ukraine is conquering all of Ukraine which is asinine. Best solution is taking the former Novorussiya area. This turns rest of Ukraine proper into a broke, landlocked failed state with Banderist in power because best believe when Ukraine loses the war the neo nazis fascist in the west will seize power. Nothing is more dangerous for a nation is when you have your veterans come back home losing a war and losing territory. Those vets will be recruited by the Banderist and boom a neo nazi state in West Ukraine or the very least a civil war. This removes the military threat of Ukraine. And you have a weak day poor rump Ukraine.
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