Ukrainian War Developments

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Uh. No. They even hit MLRS and Buks easily. The fuel depots were hit with cruise missiles actually. Not the air force for the most part.

They have used way less cruise missiles than that to destroy depots.

We have no evidence the civilian vehicles are being used for anything other than suplies to civilians in Russian controlled areas.
Which far outnumber Russian troops in the field at this point. Lots of mouths to feed.

No. They should do like Bush Jr. and say that if any Russian citizen gets indicted at the Hague they will invade the Netherlands.

Mikron was already under sanctions. Remains to be seen which difference these ones will make. I am not saying they won't make a difference but we need more details.

Russia used 2x the forces of their opponents to attack Mariupol. The Ukrainians have allegedly 60k troops in the Eastern Ukraine pocket and the Russians entered the conflict with 150k troops. Just do the math.

Unlike the Suez Crisis this is right next door to Russia and is existential. So no. Thinking they will just withdraw without achieving their objectives is highly unlikely.
One of those that you are replying to seems mostly interested in trolling in his responses.


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How are the Russians doing this they were suppose to be out of ammo, morale, food and projectiles 3 weeks ago, and out of missiles since last week. You would almost say they have their own military industry to keep the war going for a long while, but what do i know.

It is more surprising how the drone is flying right on top of the erected S300 launchers....


Registered Member
- Russia failures are that it assumed that the Ukrainians were a walkover and as a result they did not approach the war with utmost caution necessary and undertake slow and steady progressions backed with overwhelming firepower...

- Russia's been trying to minimize civilian casualties.

- Russia still has largely not decided to undertake a major strategic aerial campaign against Ukrainian formations in combination with tactical combined arms assaults (with necessary caution) of ground forces and close air support. That is because major Ukrainian formations are mostly in cities where that would lead to major civilian casualties. Mariupol is perhaps the one major exception, but even then the rate of airstrikes has been quite modest.
Depend on, if this is just the begining of the WWIII then it doesn't make sense to comit best part of the manpower for this battles.

And if they concentrate too much force in Ukraine then the USA could tactical nuke them.


Senior Member
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Depend on, if this is just the begining of the WWIII then it doesn't make sense to comit best part of the manpower for this battles.

And if they concentrate too much force in Ukraine then the USA could tactical nuke them.
That is possible... But there a very little and almost infinitesimal chance of the Americans actually attempting that...


Junior Member
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Because they couldn't solve problem there just by throwing more men at the problem? I gotta admit I overestimated Russias military capabilities before this conflict. Clearly things are going wrong for them.
I wonder how long it would have taken the competent armies or NATO and China to capture Ukraine ceteris paribus .Two weeks ?


Senior Member
Depend on, if this is just the begining of the WWIII then it doesn't make sense to comit best part of the manpower for this battles.

And if they concentrate too much force in Ukraine then the USA could tactical nuke them.

Looking at Russian militarys performance right next their own borders I don't see why US would need tactical nukes dealing with Russian military.

There were more than enought top of the line units in Ukraine so that whole "second rate troops" excuse ain't good enough.
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