Ukrainian War Developments

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james smith esq

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An addition of extra 50-80k troops to the Donbass front would have finished the job there already. Instead, Russia is playing games with limited troops deployed.

Only a strategic genius such as Putin would decide to unnecessarily prolong a war. He treats war like its a game and not like it is a matter of life or death (that's how all wars should be treated).

If Sun Tzu was alive today he would be banging his head to the wall watching this stupidity.


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Do you see how low they are flying? And it was night time... AWACS and fixed winged aircraft would likely not be able to detect them and intercept them successfully respectively...

They'd have to fly like that the whole way from Ukraine. I have...doubts. You could be right. Which case, the Russians are going to have to reposition a LOT of AD units or the Flying Cosacks are going to wreck havoc on the border.


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They'd have to fly like that the whole way from Ukraine. I have...doubts. You could be right. Which case, the Russians are going to have to reposition a LOT of AD units or the Flying Cosacks are going to wreck havoc on the border.
No other country aside from Ukraine is going to attack Russia. That would be a nuclear war. Russia has to treat this war as though its survival is at stake, and indeed in many ways it is once it did launch it, because the West will try to thoroughly destabilize Russia and attempt to place pro Western compradors in power and probably even foment civil war within Russia if it does lose - that is give up without actually having Ukraine neutral, secured all the Donbass, and clearly demonstrated the ability to inflict highly damaging punitive actions against attempted Ukrainian counter offensives and especially strikes in Russian territory and able to repel easily any Ukrainian counter offensives in the South along the Crimean corridor.

That means it has to accelerate the pace of the Donbass theatre and undertake much strategic bombing in coordination with combined arms of various grounds and close air support assault against Ukrainian troops formations there. Look, the Ukrainians are not leaving the cities in the Donbass unless they are thoroughly starved out of them or they are killed. Ukrainian occupied major cities within the Donbass Region are going to be destroyed for the Ukrainians forces within them to leave. The Ukrainians are likely going to use the civilians there as human shields, but whether the Russians opt to do so surgically house by house or go by Grozny style bombardment, there is going to be much destruction.

There are no two ways about it. If an enemy in a large urban area is determined to fight and well equipped to fight, taking that urban area won't be easy. The quickest way is an all out combined arms assault by a force that has greater fire power, but there will be lots of casualties among the attackers. Inevitably there will also be lots of civilian casualties as long as they are present there. The slow way is to surround the city and starve it. Does Russia have the time to do it the slow way?


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There are no two ways about it. If an enemy in a large urban area is determined to fight and well equipped to fight, taking that urban area won't be easy
Its actually extremely easy as long as Russia is willing to take appropriate measures.

Siege it, cut off power, cut off water, cut off food supplies, open humanitarian corridor and wait them out. They will either starve and die or take the initiative to break out of the siege or surrender

Cons of this approach:
You need manpower to thoroughly monitor anyone trying to enter or leave the city


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The only enemy of Russia is the US. Americans are jealous they don't have a foothold in the Old World.
What do you mean that the Americans do not have a foothold in the Old World? The US has close alliances and very strongly influences the policies of almost every single country in Europe, as well as South Korea and Japan, and they have military bases in the Middle East too... Asia, Europe, and Africa are the Old World... America is able to also threaten China strategically and ensure that many highly sophisticated items of technology are not sold to China, as well as make Vietnam prevaricate in its attitude towards China.


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Its actually extremely easy as long as Russia is willing to take appropriate measures.

Siege it, cut off power, cut off water, cut off food supplies, open humanitarian corridor and wait them out. They will either starve and die or take the initiative to break out of the siege or surrender

Cons of this approach:
You need manpower to thoroughly monitor anyone trying to enter or leave the city
Why hasn't Russia surrounded Severodonetsk yet and not made a concerted push towards Kramatorsk and Hvorlika? Is it that they have been leaving those cities mostly to the LPR and DPR? Definitely, they haven't attempted to Grozny or Mariupol even Severodonetsk yet...
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