Ukrainian War Developments

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Junior Member
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I'm still confuse why does Russia decided to fully withdrawn from the Kiev and Sumy area completely?
I'm pretty sure if it's solely for manpower for the Eastern Ukraine front than i think the current composition would be enough albeit progressing slower.


Senior Member
In my opinion China should send 1,000 armed drones + 1,000 cruise missiles to Russia so Russia can hit those terrorist training camps in Ukraine

this is how US sends weapons to Israel

Russians could have bought all kinda equipment from China in years before this invasion but I think everyone knows Russians got too much pride for that... now it's too late. On paper Ukraine is far weaker than Russia, and the country is located right next to Russia, but despite that we got Ukrainian choppers doing attack runs into Russia after months fighting.

This is Russias own Suez Crisis where it loses whatever "superpower" status the country had before this conflict.


Senior Member
I'm still confuse why does Russia decided to fully withdrawn from the Kiev and Sumy area completely?
I'm pretty sure if it's solely for manpower for the Eastern Ukraine front than i think the current composition would be enough albeit progressing slower.

Because they couldn't solve problem there just by throwing more men at the problem? I gotta admit I overestimated Russias military capabilities before this conflict. Clearly things are going wrong for them.


Senior Member
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This is Russias own Suez Crisis where it loses whatever "superpower" status the country had before this conflict.
This, while Russia still have a big and credible nuclear threat, it should be clear from this conflict that in terms of conventional forces/power Russia is very much below China and US.

With that said, the ladder is basically US and China (China behind US) on the top, 2nd on the ladder would be like Russia, UK, France and maybe Japan? (still a very small club).
And then for 3rd step on ladder a lot more countries, and then the vast majority of countries in the world being like 4th or like not on the ladder at all.


Senior Member
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I'm still confuse why does Russia decided to fully withdrawn from the Kiev and Sumy area completely?
I'm pretty sure if it's solely for manpower for the Eastern Ukraine front than i think the current composition would be enough albeit progressing slower.
Russia is withdrawing to areas closer to the border. Clearly if Russia believed that the number of personnel that it committed to the Kiev thrust was sufficient to see the regime flee and overwhelming of the Ukrainian forces they were thoroughly deluded. Somehow the Russians though that the Ukrainians would just not fight as the Iraqi Military refused to do so during the 2003 Invasion of Iraq. I do not know how on Earth that they were convinced that this was the case and they based their assumptions on a cakewalk...



Senior Member
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Russians could have bought all kinda equipment from China in years before this invasion but I think everyone knows Russians got too much pride for that... now it's too late. On paper Ukraine is far weaker than Russia, and the country is located right next to Russia, but despite that we got Ukrainian choppers doing attack runs into Russia after months fighting.

This is Russias own Suez Crisis where it loses whatever "superpower" status the country had before this conflict.
- Russia failures are that it assumed that the Ukrainians were a walkover and as a result they did not approach the war with utmost caution necessary and undertake slow and steady progressions backed with overwhelming firepower...

- Russia's been trying to minimize civilian casualties.

- Russia still has largely not decided to undertake a major strategic aerial campaign against Ukrainian formations in combination with tactical combined arms assaults (with necessary caution) of ground forces and close air support. That is because major Ukrainian formations are mostly in cities where that would lead to major civilian casualties. Mariupol is perhaps the one major exception, but even then the rate of airstrikes has been quite modest.


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Garland Nixon @GarlandNixon -- Radio Talkshow Host & Political Analyst in Washington DC

Zelensky has 1.4 Billion dollars. More than Will Smith, Chris Rock, and Dave Chapelle combined. We are to believe that he made that as a comedian in the poorest nation in Europe?

* * *


Volodymyr Zelenskyy.jpg

Millions of people in the west have crowned Volodymyr Zelenskyy, the President of Ukraine, as their new underdog hero. But who is Zelenskyy? And how did a celebrity with no political experience go from star of a hit TV series to the President of Ukraine?

Amidst Zelenskyy’s call for a No-Fly Zone (which would immediately escalate conflict with Russia to the brink of Nuclear War), Netflix recently announced the 'return' of Zelenskyy's hit show, Servant of the People, to their US streaming platform.

What many people outside Ukraine don't know about Zelenskyy is that he successfully ran on a new party called "Servant of the People" - riding the wave of his successful TV show of the same on a centrist "anti-corruption" party into Ukraine's highest office.

This article by Ukraine-based election watchdog Chesno goes deep into the origins of the Servant of the People Party and how Zelenskyy's presidential campaign was largely funded through private donors using Servant of the People as a pass-through:

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-- page removed; see below

How the Servant of the People was born and where it took more than 200 million to the elections
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Zelenskyy's first move in the lead-up to his presidential run was to plaster Ukraine with ambiguous billboards.

From the Chesno article: "The move was very simple: it is an advertisement for the FILM 'Servant of the People' - which can work for the election campaign."

More from Chesno: "According to Zelensky, the idea of billboards saved a lot of money, as the showman registered the eponymous (titular) party".

He was essentially able to campaign without officially campaigning, and without disclosing who provided the funds for the billboard campaign.

This is, needless to say, the kind of deeply cynical political savvy -- combined with a staggeringly unethical exploitation of brand identity that would make Donald Trump blush -- which Zelenskyy deployed to help secure executive office.

The Chesno investigative piece reports that "Volodymyr Zelensky's campaign in the second round was 100% funded by the Servant of the People party."

The Servant of the People party actually "has fewer donors than deputies in the parliamentary faction (248 people)."

Zelenskyy banked on far more than just his celebrity status to bring him into office: he also banked on the support of BILLIONAIRE UKRAINIAN OLIGARCH IGOR KOLOMOISKY.

Ukrainian Oligarch Igor Kolomoisky & Volodymyr Zelenskyy 02.jpg

The comedian and the oligarch – POLITICO

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Ukrainian Oligarch Igor Kolomoisky & Volodymyr Zelenskyy 03.jpg

Igor Kolomoisky's has an ownership stake in 1+1 Media Group, whose TV station carried "Servant of the People", the political satire comedy created by and starring Voloydymyr Zelensky who plays the role of - wait for it - the President of Ukraine.

From Politico: "Kolomoisky’s media outlet also provides security and logistical backup for the comedian’s campaign, and it has recently emerged that Zelenskiy’s legal counsel, Andrii Bohdan, was the oligarch’s personal lawyer."

Ukrainian Oligarch Igor Kolomoisky & Volodymyr Zelenskyy 01.png

During his presidential campaign, Zelenskyy TRAVELED 14 TIMES TO GENEVA AND TEL AVIV, where Kolomoisky is currently based.

Zelenskyy's and Kolomoisky's financial entanglements and offshore networks were also recently revealed in the PANDORA PAPERS.

Pandora Papers Reveal Offshore Holdings of Ukrainian President and his Inner Circle - OCCRP
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In addition to being accused of embezzling billions of dollars from his own company PrivatBank, Kolomoisky has also been under fire for using his own personal militia to raid UkrTransNafta in order to protect his financial interests in the oil company.

We just got a glimpse of how oligarch-funded militias could bring chaos to Ukraine - Vox
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If that wasn't enough, KOLOMOISKY FUNDED neo-Nazi-led Azov and Aidar battalions (among many others), which have been accused of heinous war crimes in the Donbas region over the past eight years, including kidnapping, torture, and beheadings.

Ukrainian Nationalist Volunteers Committing 'ISIS-Style' War Crimes
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FASCISM IN UKRAINE IS A SYSTEMIC PROBLEM that mainstream western media outlets have covered extensively. Ukraine is THE ONLY COUNTRY IN THE WORLD to officially incorporate open neo-Nazis into leadership positions, including the NATIONAL GUARD.

Neo-Nazis and the Far Right Are On the March in Ukraine | The Nation
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Ukraine was also one of ONLY TWO COUNTRIES to vote against a UN resolution decrying Nazism. No points for correctly guessing who the other country was.

US, Ukraine vote against UN resolution against Nazism : Peoples Dispatch
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It's important to view the conflict between Russia and Ukraine NOT AS SOMETHING THAT BEGAN THIS FEBRUARY BUT AN EIGHT YEARS. Many Ukrainian fascists funded, armed and trained by US and NATO, continue to commit war crimes in the Donbas region to this day.

Profile: Who are Ukraine’s far-right Azov regiment? | Military News | Al Jazeera

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Many liberals are so invested in the struggle they've only just learned about this year that they're already echoing the fascist WWII-era slogan "Slava Ukraini/Heroiam Slava!" that both Zelenskyy and Nancy Pelosi shouted before all of US Congress.

Who Was Stepan Bandera?
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"Heroiam Slava!" (means "Glory to the Heroes!") the response Zelenskyy gave to Pelosi was popularized by the OUN-B led by Stepan Bandera, genocidal Nazi collaborator in WWII responsible for the mass extermination of over 100,000 Polish, Jewish, and Romani people.

Stepan Bandera - Slava Ukraini Heroiam Slava!.jpg

In a video interview, Zelenskyy referred to any Ukrainian who celebrates Nazi-collaborator Stepan Bandera as a national hero is "normal and cool".

Zelensky on Bandera: Ukrainians should also praise modern day heroes | UNIAN
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Despite Zelenskyy's shady financial ties and alarming statements on Ukrainian fascists, the Biden admin is sending more arms to escalate tensions in the region.

All this to say that it's vitally important to know the origins behind Zelenskyy's rise to power, his political alignments and allegiances in the wake of HIS DECISION TO BAN not just all opposition news networks, but ALL opposition political parties.

Zelensky nationalizes TV news and restricts opposition parties
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There are over 300 political parties in Ukraine, but most are inactive. That said, the 11 opposition parties banned by Zelensky are the biggest ones in Ukraine, so Zelensky did effectively ban “all” of the opposition.


Lieutenant General
Registered Member
No it is because the Russian air force is completely rubbish and that is the only size target they can hit.
Uh. No. They even hit MLRS and Buks easily. The fuel depots were hit with cruise missiles actually. Not the air force for the most part.

Basically an enormous oil/fuel depot, they have about a 40% chance of hitting with 50+ of their best cruise missiles.
They have used way less cruise missiles than that to destroy depots.

Russia’s tactical performance, particularly the logistics aspect, is bad. From the yolo charges into Kharkiv to the utilization of civilian vans for support, they didn’t do that well.
We have no evidence the civilian vehicles are being used for anything other than suplies to civilians in Russian controlled areas.
Which far outnumber Russian troops in the field at this point. Lots of mouths to feed.

Completely correct. Russia should surrender immediately, hand Putin over to the Hague, and arrange to pay compensation to Ukraine. Sanctions will stay to the end of time otherwise.
No. They should do like Bush Jr. and say that if any Russian citizen gets indicted at the Hague they will invade the Netherlands.

So what are this sanction doing aside from apparently seize of properties in US and sanctioning people ? Will that stops any Russian semiconductor productions ?
Mikron was already under sanctions. Remains to be seen which difference these ones will make. I am not saying they won't make a difference but we need more details.

I'm still confuse why does Russia decided to fully withdrawn from the Kiev and Sumy area completely?
I'm pretty sure if it's solely for manpower for the Eastern Ukraine front than i think the current composition would be enough albeit progressing slower.
Russia used 2x the forces of their opponents to attack Mariupol. The Ukrainians have allegedly 60k troops in the Eastern Ukraine pocket and the Russians entered the conflict with 150k troops. Just do the math.

This is Russias own Suez Crisis where it loses whatever "superpower" status the country had before this conflict.
Unlike the Suez Crisis this is right next door to Russia and is existential. So no. Thinking they will just withdraw without achieving their objectives is highly unlikely.


Registered Member
Russians could have bought all kinda equipment from China in years before this invasion but I think everyone knows Russians got too much pride for that... now it's too late. On paper Ukraine is far weaker than Russia, and the country is located right next to Russia, but despite that we got Ukrainian choppers doing attack runs into Russia after months fighting.

This is Russias own Suez Crisis where it loses whatever "superpower" status the country had before this conflict.
they are still extracting people and population distribution going.
this thing happened after 4 years not first year. so dont assume what is happening now will happen few months later.
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