Ukrainian War Developments

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Jingle Bells

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Keep dreaming buddy. More likely Russia will destroy most of Ukraine armed forces (which they are already close to doing it by even Ukrainian reports), retain ukrainian territories to the east and south, and make sure ukraine never joins nato And is effectively neutered. As for sanctions, Europe is still buying, last I saw the Russian Ruble is back up to pre sanction levels. Do try to cope much much harder.
At this point, what even is the point?
You can say it has some meaning to destroy the Azov. Even though I personally doubt that destroying Azov alone will be good enough to eradicate Nazi/Neo-Nazism. But at least, if the goal is focus and limited on a minority of military units for sound ideological reasons, than it at least make sense.
If just to "destroy the Ukrainian military", for what reason though? Just when did "demilitarization" ever mean "killing all Ukrainian soldiers"? When did Russian leadership ever say that they are seeking the unconditional surrender of Ukraine? I am pretty sure now both side are aiming for a peace agreement, or at least a seize-fire.
I think, as bystanders, we should NOT cheer on any sides in this matter, because they are literally struggle at each other's lives! I am sick and tired of the sight of killing, destroying building and infrastructure, and destroying people's livelihood!


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The Russians captured MAM-L Anti-Tank munitions for TB2 Bayraktar drones in Kherson, a few days ago.

Captured Ukrainian TB-2 munition, MAM-L in Kherson 3.jpg

Captured Ukrainian TB-2 munition, MAM-L in Kherson 1.jpg

Captured Ukrainian TB-2 munition, MAM-L in Kherson 2.jpg

No intact TB-2 drones were captured by the Russians yet, and it'll be quite unlikely. Those TB-2 drones are not too important anyway for research purposes. Russia already has drones of the same class. Its these MAM munitions that gives the TB-2 their deadly firepower.

MAM munitions are essentially laser-guided micro glide-bombs, guided by laser designation from the TB-2 drone. MAM-L in particular has a max stand-off range of 15km according to open source information, quite good for a micro glide-bomb. With the MAM-L being unpowered, it makes it more weight-efficient compared to powered drone-launched missiles. The Russian Orion drone uses the Vikhr laser-guided AT missile (Russian equivalent of the Hellfire missile), with a roughly similar reported range. Having captured MAM-Ls should give Russia the opportunity to research for counter-measures, and weapons R&D.

Jingle Bells

Junior Member
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Can someone explain why Ukraine still has such assets available? Major failure by Russia

"#BREAKING: Video reportedly of Ukrainian attack helicopters striking oil facility in Belgorod, across the border inside Russia"
Russian Aerospace force is shitty as heck in this war. They can't SEAD, they can't bomb, they can't gain air control, they can't even soften harden ground positions, they can't even have full battlefield situational awareness....

Of course, Ukrainian Air Force is even shittier. That's why Russians can gain a incomplete upper hand over them.


Registered Member
Dude, on this topic, I have not the stomach for jokes. We all know that's not gonna happen realistically. You dream of a world sharing some kind of a universal value and act and behave like the same as them Hollywood movie masses. That is just a wet dream, a fantasy. The world doesn't work like that.

Macron will capitulate light-speeds faster than Putin will ever do. This is because different culture produces different people.
As a Chinese, I have NO IDEA why Ukrainians and Russians will ever fight bitterly like this. To look at my own culture as a reference, the Mainland and Taiwan can bicker all day with each other using all their brain juice to insult and infuriate each other, but when it comes to real wars (war where people will needlessly die, just for some bravado and emotion), both side are very cautious and resolutely prioritize peace over conflict. We might wave and point guns at each other, but we know how horrible war is, and won't easily start it.

The way Russians can just pour merely 200,000 men into a territory as large as Ukraine and guarded by more soldiers, leaving vehicles after broken vehicles behind in their initial offensive maneuver, is just mind boggling to me.

Because this means they either take war so lightly, that they will charge into enemy territories ill prepared (there are no excuse for those, you can't even blame it on low budget, because it's simply a matter of maintenance and training), as if it's all just a armed parade.
Or (if you take the Russian perspective that Russia is being cornered into a war by Ukrainian large offensives into Donbass) they (both Ukrainian and Russians) are so resolute about using force as the priority option, thinking that the other party are nothing by chickens and will either too scared to respond, or too incompetent to cause any harm.

I know Ukrainian big scale offensive on Donbass prior to Russian forces moving in. But that carry the same implication. Even though Ukraine can cite international law and say that they are fighting for national sovereignty, but realistically Russian forces are in Lugansk. Going into Donbass will eventually confront Russia forces and that is when Ukraine as a country, already are facing almost 200,000 Russian troop at their border. It's like these guys have way too much testosterones and way too little long-term-thinking for their own good.

This is what is really ruining my mood about this war. Humanity is really really f**ked up!
Well, the Ukrainians consider themselves as Russians about the same as the Chinese consider themselves Japanese. In other words, the Ukrainians won't give up any more than the Chinese were willing to accept "co-prosperity" 80 years ago. Now, consider that.


Registered Member
i dont see helicopter. maybe a rocket fire. when so much area open for population movement. seems Russia wants population addup.

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He also stated that the Ukrainian authorities continue to categorically reject all major evacuation routes from a number of Ukrainian cities to
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"In our database, taking into account the past day, 2,541,367 appeals have already been documented through various communication channels from specific citizens of Ukraine, as well as foreigners, with requests to save and evacuate them from 1,917 settlements of Ukraine," Mizintsev said.
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