Ukrainian War Developments

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Jingle Bells

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The first ones were indeed probes to judge enemy resistance. I think they were also used to locate Ukrainian positions and pummel them with arty.
This tip-toeing is just going to drag on the war even more. That means even more people dying, even more buildings and infrastructure destroyed, even more economic activities interrupted.

Considering how many people Ukrainian farmers help to feed every year, this war is gonna make a lot of people starve in the whole world if it just drags like this.


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US Strategic Petroleum Reserve is falling fast as Biden continues to release oil from the reserve in trying to keep the price down. Russia's revenue on oil export is more than twice that of natural gas (one of the reason why they dare to use gas supply as a weapon currently but not with oil). If oil prices were to increase Russia's economic position will improve and vice visa.

China being the biggest oil importer doesn't like high oil prices, that said if China is able to buy cheap oil from Russia below market price due to sanction dodging than that's big competitive advantage vs any country that also rely on oil and have to pay spot prices.


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We have some here in Canada, they take more than 3 times to assemble, shot and leave than the C1 105mm Howitzer that my wife used during her time in the artillery. You need bigger trucks too. Yep they hit more and shot farther but damn, the time it take to dismount fire and go is way bigger than the time an Iskander will obliviate the unit. The rate of fire is pretty slow too, the 105 have the time to adjust and fire a second time before the m777 hit the target with his first round.

It's clearly not an artillery happy place to be in Ukraine, each shot risk to be answered, you need to be fast like hell.

I’m guessing you mean C3 with the longer barrel because C1 is oldddd…

Don’t know too much about getting in and out of action with M777 to be honest. People I know seemed to like it, but they were basically firing from fixed positions.

reservior dogs

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It's exactly what Russia need to be carefull in the next 10 years if they plan annexation. The conflict in Ukraine will endure for many years and will take many form. We will see if information will be really available to follow the reconstruction or all will be build on propaganda nonsense from both sides.

Insurgents, malcontents, crime organizations will be parts of Ukraine and annexed parts after the war. We see that RUssia tend to keep some local leadership for now in some city. Still the amount of weapons left arround is astonishing presently. Gathering all these will be a giant task when the dust will start to settle.
At the rate the Russians are going with this war, I doubt the Russians will end up controlling large swarths of Ukraine. If they control the two provinces in the East (the full provinces), what they control now in the South, plus cities like Sumy along the Russian border, and maybe Odesa, that is the maximum of what they would do. They might be happy with what they have in lines of actual control in the south plus the two full provinces if Ukraine agrees to disarm. In that case, the Ukrainian government will have to deal with the the aftermath. As long as the best troops are killed off and the Russians have a mechanism left in place to enforce the demilitarization, Russia will have to be happy with the results.


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I was under impression they used civilian trucks, vans and buses for humanitarian aid like in Syria.
Yeah me either
A patrol element doesn’t just chuck itself into an enemy zone. Its role is extremely dangerous and only designed to initiate contact and get out when things get hot. A destroyed patrol element is no good to the main force. Yes, sometimes, s**t happens, but that one was perfectly preventable. Urban combat may be terrible to engage in, but it is also terrible for the enemy.

As for the logistics issue, there are a lot of Twitter footage in this thread that shows it. But I did dig a post up from Twitter:
But still, those are recon-ish assault, not a full assault of Kharkiv, even though the conduct was pretty bad

I'm pretty sure those civilian buses and trucks and other utility vehicles shown in the video were only for humanitarian purposes, to bring the Ukrainian refugees back to Russia

Jingle Bells

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Completely correct. Russia should surrender immediately, hand Putin over to the Hague, and arrange to pay compensation to Ukraine. Sanctions will stay to the end of time otherwise.
Dude, on this topic, I have not the stomach for jokes. We all know that's not gonna happen realistically. You dream of a world sharing some kind of a universal value and act and behave like the same as them Hollywood movie masses. That is just a wet dream, a fantasy. The world doesn't work like that.

Macron will capitulate light-speeds faster than Putin will ever do. This is because different culture produces different people.
As a Chinese, I have NO IDEA why Ukrainians and Russians will ever fight bitterly like this. To look at my own culture as a reference, the Mainland and Taiwan can bicker all day with each other using all their brain juice to insult and infuriate each other, but when it comes to real wars (war where people will needlessly die, just for some bravado and emotion), both side are very cautious and resolutely prioritize peace over conflict. We might wave and point guns at each other, but we know how horrible war is, and won't easily start it.

The way Russians can just pour merely 200,000 men into a territory as large as Ukraine and guarded by more soldiers, leaving vehicles after broken vehicles behind in their initial offensive maneuver, is just mind boggling to me.

Because this means they either take war so lightly, that they will charge into enemy territories ill prepared (there are no excuse for those, you can't even blame it on low budget, because it's simply a matter of maintenance and training), as if it's all just a armed parade.
Or (if you take the Russian perspective that Russia is being cornered into a war by Ukrainian large offensives into Donbass) they (both Ukrainian and Russians) are so resolute about using force as the priority option, thinking that the other party are nothing by chickens and will either too scared to respond, or too incompetent to cause any harm.

I know Ukrainian big scale offensive on Donbass prior to Russian forces moving in. But that carry the same implication. Even though Ukraine can cite international law and say that they are fighting for national sovereignty, but realistically Russian forces are in Lugansk. Going into Donbass will eventually confront Russia forces and that is when Ukraine as a country, already are facing almost 200,000 Russian troop at their border. It's like these guys have way too much testosterones and way too little long-term-thinking for their own good.

This is what is really ruining my mood about this war. Humanity is really really f**ked up!
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Registered Member
Ukrainian Air Force just had its own big brain moment hahahaha

"We have not received the tools we need to defend our sky and achieve victory.
In the sky, the greatest need is for fighter jets - F-15s and F-16s of the fourth generation or higher would be sufficient; pilots can learn to fly these with just 2-3 weeks of training. (12/16)"
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