Ukrainian War Developments

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Ukrainians are not considered white by whites, especially not by WASP. They are considered Russians by WASP. Hitler considered them under humans.
Would have been better to say Nationalist fanatics or something like that... but we have a small window time for corrections, lol ! They got a bunch of white supremacist that worked in the creation the Azov Battalion.

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Almost as bad as Russians.
Russia’s tactical performance, particularly the logistics aspect, is bad. From the yolo charges into Kharkiv to the utilization of civilian vans for support, they didn’t do that well. However, they are incrementally improving. Nobody can deny that. However, on the operational sense, they are doing ok as of now. Unlike the conventional Arab militaries, they scouted out for, targeted, and destroyed key strategic assets relatively accurately and constantly adapted to the situation at hand. Plus, they attempted to flank and encircle their enemies repeatedly. Plus, the Ukrainians aren’t stupid as well. They are still a tough adversary to beat. None of what I said can apply to Arab forces. They can’t adapt and they do not attempt to think outside of the box. That is all factually proven. They just follow a script and run in and never change their strategy. They repeat it until they get destroyed. Russia may have also ran in like the Arabs in the beginning, but they quickly rectified their mistakes.


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hummm... okay ? Have you some problems or you just like to insult people ?

um. Let's take a step back, please. All the others in the thread, including the individual who seems to be provocating you, too.

Pontificating is fine, but speculating on a nation's ethnicity or certain nation's abilities that are not involved with this war is a good way to get us nuked again.

Please. I rather enjoy my reading here and seeing thermonucleomoderators deployed would be a travesty. One less than being experienced by the people in Ukraine, to be sure, but a very unhappy occurrence all the same.


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Whereas you insult entire nations? That's called "racism".
What nations ? Well White supremacist have created the Azov Battalion... pulled a lot of string in Ukraine. It's not the general population if you talk about Ukraine ? Could have used Ukrainian supremacist too if you like... I'm white so i'm steering racism on myself ? You are a bit looking for a fight where there's none. Sorry to have offuscate you somewhat.
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Let's not forget Iraqi trained and western equipped army got Rolf stomped by bearded underpants warriors ridding toyota hilux.
It's exactly what Russia need to be carefull in the next 10 years if they plan annexation. The conflict in Ukraine will endure for many years and will take many form. We will see if information will be really available to follow the reconstruction or all will be build on propaganda nonsense from both sides.

Insurgents, malcontents, crime organizations will be parts of Ukraine and annexed parts after the war. We see that RUssia tend to keep some local leadership for now in some city. Still the amount of weapons left arround is astonishing presently. Gathering all these will be a giant task when the dust will start to settle.


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The last place in Mariupol where every Azov soldier will be killed.

All that glitters is not gold, but gold is gold for sure.

Separatists Msta-B howitzers.

1B119 "Rheostat" artillery recon and fire-control vehicle in Mariupol

One of his tweets is interesting.

Kiev gov on Dec 15, 2021, contacted the Turkish manufacturer of
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with a question about the possibility of equipping the drones with aerosol spraying devices with a capacity of more than 20 liters. You can guess for what reason...
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