Ukrainian War Developments

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Jingle Bells

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You saw the DNR/LNR independence video where Putin held a security council meeting where all his security advisors unanimously said yes, some clearly nervous and uncomfortable, but couldn't oppose.

When you have a superiority complex, look down on your opponent, and surround yourself with 'Yes man', then you get this type of result.

Apparently, Putin has distanced himself with Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, because he felt he wasn't getting fed the right info.

So faulty unreliable intelligence, surround yourself with 'Yes man' is a partial contribution to current situation. It is salvageable, but they must be decisive and quickly reconcentration of forces against Donbass.
My biggest problem is that they cheated so many times on these International Army Games! Since they have the shamelessness to invite neighbor to join in with smug face, why not an ounce of integrity? Even many Russians were ashamed of how much they cheat, just to superficially look "stronger" than their neighbors.
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Interesting update from the helicopter rescue.
It turns out that the helicopters were intercepted on the return leg. By US made stingers. The Russians are claiming they shot down 3 helicopters, one they've pictured, another fell into the sea. They used American stingers (LOL). No pics of the third helicopter.

Two Ukrainians survived the crash and are getting medical treatment. What they are saying is interesting. One says 4 mi-8s were involved in the rescue. The other says 4 mi-8 and a mi-24.

I alot of Russians are calling them disinformation. It's hard to figure out whats happening with all the disinfo going around, but I do believe the surviving Ukrainian soldiers. They look pretty shaken up and I doubt they are thinking abput keeping up appearances for a country they will probably never see again.

That means at least 2 helicopters could have survived the rescue mission, and possibly 4 out of 5 if the Russians are lying. Probably worth it if you wanted to extract high value people. If Russians have AWACs monitoring Ukrainian airspace, it's a big oversight to let so many helicopters escape without interception.

Jingle Bells

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Ukraine's "white supremacist" ideal is to not be part of Russia (also a majority white country, if you hadn't noticed).
Ukraine is also a shithole infested with corruption and internal strife. Look at the Sub-Saharan Africa level per capita GDP, even worse than Russia, AND with nearly zero growth rates for years! Africa at least has the misfortunes of being plundered and colonized for centuries and left in cut up "nations" that aren't even real naturally developed nation states (their border are like hundreds of miles of straight lines, for crying out loud!).
Yet at least the Africans are not idiotic enough to succumb to some sort of idiotic "black supremacist" illusions.

(Well, probably except South Africa.....)


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Wow paranoia is starting to bloom big time !

''Zelensky removes two top Ukrainian generals, says he does not have "time to deal with all the traitors"''

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Former chief of the Main Department of Internal Security of the Security Service of Ukraine, Naumov Andriy Olehovych, and the former head of the Office of the Security Service of Ukraine in the Kherson region, Kryvoruchko Serhiy Oleksandrovych have been stripped of their rank. It will help them for sure !


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My biggest problem is that they cheated so many times on these International Army Games! Since they have shamelessness to invite neighbor to join in, why not an ounce of integrity? Even many Russians were ashamed of how much they cheat, just to superficially look "stronger" than their neighbors.
Those games are more or less ads for their weapons. Even the Chinese didn’t care about it since they don’t depend on their military industrial complex for life and possibly even knew about the Russians’ dependence is on arms sales.

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Interesting update from the helicopter rescue.
It turns out that the helicopters were intercepted on the return leg. By US made stingers. The Russians are claiming they shot down 3 helicopters, one they've pictured, another fell into the sea. They used American stingers (LOL). No pics of the third helicopter.

Two Ukrainians survived the crash and are getting medical treatment. What they are saying is interesting. One says 4 mi-8s were involved in the rescue. The other says 4 mi-8 and a mi-24.

I alot of Russians are calling them disinformation. It's hard to figure out whats happening with all the disinfo going around, but I do believe the surviving Ukrainian soldiers. They look pretty shaken up and I doubt they are thinking abput keeping up appearances for a country they will probably never see again.

That means at least 2 helicopters could have survived the rescue mission, and possibly 4 out of 5 if the Russians are lying. Probably worth it if you wanted to extract high value people. If Russians have AWACs monitoring Ukrainian airspace, it's a big oversight to let so many helicopters escape without interception.
Don’t the Russians still mostly rely on their GCI? If I remember correctly they only deployed one AWACS aircraft, and that happened in the beginning of the war.

Jingle Bells

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Those games are more or less ads for their weapons. Even the Chinese didn’t care about it since they don’t depend on their military industrial complex for life and possibly even knew about the Russians’ dependence is on arms sales.

Don’t the Russians still mostly rely on their GCI? If I remember correctly they only deployed one AWACS aircraft, and that happened in the beginning of the war.

That's NOT how a supposed SUPAPOWA is supposed to act like, because that reeks of diffident (lack of confidence). The Americans hold similar Tank competitions in Europe under the NATO framework too, and they often score less than European teams, and loses most the time (definitely not on purpose). Yet did that hurt US weapon exports? Not at all! People look upon the USA as a very confident and fair military superpower, because they don't HAVE to cheat in order to show a fake face of superiority.

By acting like cheating scums, the Russians are actually tarnishing people's confidence in them. Chinese people used to think that Russia is a very powerful country and military superior to China by far. But in the last decade to half a decade, many many people who know better and observes these petty Russian behaviors, start to take them less and less seriously. For people like Shilao and Yankeesama, even though they are still respectful of Russia (only out of the current strategic partnership of convenience of national interest), they can't help a lot of times to spill the bean about how Russian military is lagging behind in many many areas.

Russians need to straighten their attitude, be honest, be down-to-earth, don't be afraid to admit one's short comings and work hard. Sitting on the high chair, drowning in the fantasy of being a superior princess is nothing but useless spoiled brat behavior.
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Have we seen any new footage from the Russian side today (or in the last 24 hours) from Kherson? The Pentagon claims Kherson is now disputed and no side is in control anymore. I'm a bit dubious as I think we would have seen at least one side ticktock warrioring about it: opsec in the war has not been...great...or to put it optimistically, both sides have been very aggressively waging a info war.


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That's NOT how a supposed SUPAPOWA is supposed to act like, because that reeks of diffident (lack of confidence). The Americans hold similar Tank competitions in Europe under the NATO framework too, and they often score less than European teams, and loses most the time (definitely not on purpose). Yet did that hurt US weapon exports? Not at all! People look upon the USA as a very confident and fair military superpower, because they don't HAVE to cheat in order to show a fake face of superiority.
I’ll pm you my perspective on it. I don’t want to go off topic.


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Have we seen any new footage from the Russian side today (or in the last 24 hours) from Kherson? The Pentagon claims Kherson is now disputed and no side is in control anymore. I'm a bit dubious as I think we would have seen at least one side ticktock warrioring about it: opsec in the war has not been...great...or to put it optimistically, both sides have been very aggressively waging a info war.
We got the news that one of the top Ukrainian General responsible for this region have been imprisonned so maybe the new one have a change of tactics ?


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Technically speaking no:
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lol. Point to you, sir.

Jokes aside, he does point out how the Russians are repositioning their forces near Kiev, rather than pull them back due to losses like what most “analysts” thought.

Unfortunately, I was not fond of the T&P channel before the war even started. That said, it does appear the units are being pulled back for resupply and rearm, potentially to get replacement troops. As I like to say, we will wait and see. That's all we can do. Oh, and pontificate. ;)
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