Ukrainian War Developments

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Registered Member
I don't exactly agree with all your talking points but I have to admit that sometimes it indeed feels like I am reading russiadefenceforum not sinodefence. Plenty of those Russia shills also talk shit about China or Asians in general behind the back like that pmc guy. Funny how that behavior is not reciprocal on Russian sites - go to, switch to EN (it will just Google Translate everything, the originals are all in Russian obviously), find some articles on China, and see that the perception is very mixed - some do indeed praise China but many talk shit how China stole everything from them and that every single Chinese tech is inferior to white tech (yes, they do use that term), upvoted comments about "Russia should help Taiwan", yellow peril, bizarre takes like "our Harbin" and all that crap. Russian-speaking part of the internet reads like Stormfront sometimes, seriously, there is A LOT of unabashed overt racism that is not limited to slurs but fully-fledged Nazi-esque racial theories (with whites on top, obviously), and such sentiments are more obvious with the younger generations, something to consider. Compare that to Sinodefence where there are swathes of people who are shilling for Russia more than they support China, lol.

No one is saying that China should ally with the West, what I am saying is that China needs to act on its own interests first. People suggesting to dick ride on Putin's conquest of Ukraine clearly do not care about Chinese foreign policy priorities, they are just enamored with Putin's strongman vibes. China for now will support Russia economically behind the stage through buying their energy exports and will act neutral \ slightly pro-Russia on the international stage.

If anyone dares to accuse me of being pro-West or anti-China, then I suggest them to read my posting history.
Exactly this. Anyone on here who thinks China and Russia are bezzie mates at the bar 4 eva needs their 'kin head examined, and also needs to read some history. It suits both countries for now to be friendly - but circumstances will inevitably change in time. By the end of the Cold War the USSR had more divisions deployed against PRC than against NATO.


Registered Member
I will say now that assuming a full scale invasion does happen, it will end up very ugly for both Russian and Ukraine. Russia will become economically isolated from Europe and dependent on China and India for trading. In the short term, the energy prices are going sky high.

Ukraine is a pretty large country geographically speaking. It's not that easy for Russia to just take over. Russia will make some initial in-road, but I see them getting bogged down in a quagmire pretty quickly as Ukraine continues to get weapon support from the West. I'm also not sure Russia's defense industry will be capable of producing all the hardwares they need here. I would not be surprised if they end up buying weapons from China. And more importantly for this forum, I think funding will be directed away from new development project like Su-57 and such. If the Global war on terror caused America to stop F-22 program early and step up with super hornet procurement (instead of getting more F-35C), a full scale war that last for a couple of years will really drain Russian resources from other projects.
The last time Ukraine and Russia regular troops faced each other on the field in Crimea, half of Ukraine's army defected to Russia and the other half deserted. I know Ukraine was a mess at the time, but still...

Ukraine's willingness to resist Russia is being exaggerated on the internet.


Senior Member
Strange. I, a person living in Northeastern China, have never heard about people in my region insisting the central government need to start a nuclear war for the retaking of eastern Russia. Find me a northeastern people on the internet hoping the government to retake eastern Russia, I can find you 5 non-northeastern people moaning on the internet about the lost land of the great empire, particularly the Han chauvinists who don't have any regard for the wellfare of the people, especially the people who will be actually impacted in a war of territorial dispute.

Also interesting that you mingle the rather reactionary claims of Northeastern China being the eldest son of the republic and have contributed greatly to the country with starting a nuclear war for territory, when in reality, either in real life or on the internet, I have never heard people link those things together even in the heat of the debate. I would also say the reactionary claim of northeastern China contributed greatly to the country is rather justified when ,on the other side is some bigots shitting on northeastern China for not progressing fast enough economically when it wasn't even designed and supported by the country to make fast advancement after the reform and opening up era. The bigots' unhinged disdain for northeastern China spreads so far-reaching to the extent that everything done by Northeastern China is hyper-analyzed through the lens of incompetence, even the Shenyang Aircraft Corporation is targeted for their alleged incompetence and bureaucracy, all based off of rumors from some losers' imagination.

As for the topic of transfer payment, in 2019, only 9 provinces have positive net transfer payment, Liaoning province is one of them, and it has been one of them for 70 years. Heilongjiang and Jilin provinces were only starting to have net negative transfer payment in the most recent 10 years. So much for "Northeastern rentier class" "insist" "the rest of China owes them hundreds of billions of RMB in transfer payment". You got 17 more provinces to shit on other than 2 of the 3 provinces in Northeastern China.
I agree. Off topic but I find the bigotry towards dongbei and also henan from other Chinese very unsettling. It happens more than you think on chinese internet.


Senior Member
So with the dust settled for now, all that's really happened is that Putin has recognised LPR and DPR. Russian soldiers were already in the region (just ask Ukraine) so the peacekeeping force isn't that different.

Because of this, America tells Germany to cancel Nordstream 2.

Great, so now everyone in western Europe faces even higher bills for energy just to please some eastern European nazis.
Germany is as cucked as Japan especially with the new government now.


Registered Member
I agree. Off topic but I find the bigotry towards dongbei and also henan from other Chinese very unsettling. It happens more than you think on chinese internet.
That's why I support the Party so much. The average Chinese person - like the average person anywhere - is dumber than a sack of hammers and if the normies were actually in charge then the results would be catastrophic. This is a large part of the reason I strongly support competent, centralized, "authoritarian" government, because the whole is far greater than the sum of its parts.


I'm even more sure, China will take Russia's explanations "to protect not Russian interests, but Russian peoples" in Ukraine more than closely ... and some day Russia will see certain "Chinese" cities in Siberia and Far East Russia calling for "independence" and help from Chinese troops to protect them. ;)

Welcome to politics, Deino.

Politics can be fun, arouse more emotion sometimes than collecting aircraft serial numbers, say.

Every once in a while, that is.



Registered Member
The last time Ukraine and Russia regular troops faced each other on the field in Crimea, half of Ukraine's army defected to Russia and the other half deserted. I know Ukraine was a mess at the time, but still...

Ukraine's willingness to resist Russia is being exaggerated on the internet.
They will not stand much in a conventional war with a Russia. Partisan warfare is questionable as well. The West already pulled out all of their advisors and personnel.

I don’t believe the weapons then West gave to Ukraine is intended to resist an invasion. They are probably more likely intended for partisan warfare.


Registered Member
I'm even more sure, China will take Russia's explanations "to protect not Russian interests, but Russian peoples" in Ukraine more than closely ... and some day Russia will see certain "Chinese" cities in Siberia and Far East Russia calling for "independence" and help from Chinese troops to protect them. ;)
I don't know why everybody's so hung up on some Russian tundra. If China is to take new territory, it should take it from America. Now that's an idea; I want China to take a chunk of territory all the way down from British Columbia to California. And throw in Australia for good measure. The New Territories Mandarinate.

If you're going to take land, make it some good land.
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