Ukrainian War Developments

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I have NOT claimed that I am completely unbiased, but at least I attempt to be aware of any biases.

I can speak Russian, but not Ukrainian. I have more Russian friends than Ukrainian friends.
I would not blame Ukrainians, knowing that, for suspecting that I have a pro-Russian bias.
Yet I respect and admire the Ukrainians for their valiant resistance.
"The courage of your enemy does you honor."

Again, I can discuss and disagree in civil terms with people upon relevant issues.
I could play chess with Sergey Karjakin, though I oppose his blindly nationalistic support of Putin's war.
Karjakin has said that it's his duty to support--without thinking (his words)--every decision by his leader.
"Jawohl, mein Führer!"

What I object to is several people putting words into my mouth, lying about what I write, and personally attacking
me, though it's really not 'me', it's their absurd fantasy of what they--knowing nothing about me--project me to be.
Then I get thinly veiled condescension from men who (not criticizing other men) say that it should not bother me.
Of course, double standards tend to be normal in one-sided male-dominated spaces.

Agreed. Can we please move on.


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I have NOT claimed that I am completely unbiased, but at least I attempt to be aware of any biases.

I can speak Russian, but not Ukrainian. I have more Russian friends than Ukrainian friends.
I would not blame Ukrainians, knowing that, for suspecting that I have a pro-Russian bias.
Yet I respect and admire the Ukrainians for their valiant resistance.
"The courage of your enemy does you honor."

Again, I can discuss and disagree in civil terms with people upon relevant issues.
I could play chess with Sergey Karjakin, though I oppose his blindly nationalistic support of Putin's war.
Karjakin has said that it's his duty to support--without thinking (his words)--every decision by his leader.
"Jawohl, mein Führer!"

What I object to is several people putting words into my mouth, lying about what I write, and personally attacking
me, though it's really not 'me', it's their absurd fantasy of what they--knowing nothing about me--project me to be.
Then I get thinly veiled condescension from men who (not criticizing other men) say that it should not bother me.
Of course, double standards tend to be normal in one-sided male-dominated spaces.
It is incredibly impertinent for you to turn this forum into a personal podium on everything but the actual military situation. Just pages and pages of your rants and replies to them(that I to my own disgust am now contributing to). Stop being a diva and derailing this thread.
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You've made your point, a dozen times over. Let it go already. You won't convince them any more than they will convince you.

This is the 'Ukrainian War Developments' thread, not the 'Pick-a-hill-to-die-on-just-so-you-can-get-the-last-word-in' thread.

Someone's got to stop. Be the bigger man, take the high horse or the high road.
Note that another man, I presume, insists on having the last word, of course.


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You've made your position abundantly clear in dozens of posts, I can respect that position. However every time you open your month you just can't help but to insult people and put words into their mouth (an act you seem to hate) and make wild assumption on people's background like saying they are cultural revolution victims who can't think critically, I mean really? And don't say I'm putting words into your mouth again, I can pick the exact passage from your post if you challenge me to do so.

You see people don't really have a problem with your position, it's your wild accusation/generalization that tends to rub people the wrong way. Have a little self reflection.

And please don't bring gender into it, you're gonna get those same reactions whether you're male or female. In fact, I have tried to restrain myself a little after I learned you're a lady.
You have a record of putting words into my mouth and making personally offensive comments.
You are adding to that by LYING again about what I write--which you NEVER QUOTE.

"And please don't bring gender into it, you're gonna get those same reactions whether you're male or female."

Another writer has *twice* addressed me as 'Sweetie'. Can you quote examples of him addressing other men that way?
But you have shown no objection to that kind of sexist condescension.


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It is incredibly impertinent for you to turn this forum into a personal podium on everything but the actual military situation. Just pages and pages of your rants and replies to them(that I to my own disgust am now contributing to). Stop being a diva and derailing this thread..

Learn how to read. Stop being a hypocrite. You have expressed no objection, as far as I can recall, to many writers who
spew their political opinions--as long as they are anti-Ukrainian--that are far removed from 'the actual military situation'.
Anyone with a flicker of honesty knows that many posts here go far beyond just counting rivets.


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You have a record of putting words into my mouth and making personally offensive comments.
You are adding to that by LYING again about what I write--which you NEVER QUOTE.

I don't quote because I don't want to waste a lot of my time doing meaningless things, but if you insist:

'Reeducated' like in China's Cultural Revolution? I met some of its victims, patriotic Chinese intellectuals.
If that's the fate that you envisage for Taiwan, it will only encourage its people to resist to the bitter end.

You're implying the Chinese intellectuals in question is patriotic because he/she is brain washed by cultural revolution. Of course if you want to be a lawyer about it you can use logical deduction to argue that is not your exact meanings. However anyone with normal language comprehension won't interpret it any other way. For me to engage in these pointless pedantic conversation is making me sad already, if I wanted it for my life I'd have studied a law degree.....

For the record calling someone "sweetie" is actually pretty sexist and some other members have already called that out, I don't feel the need to make it a huge issue

Ok guys or girls this is my absolute final reply on this thing, only on Ukraine war issue from now on


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Assuming mariupol did fall today. should we be expecting advances towards the east starting today?

If Mariupol resistance was reduced to a level manageable by local policing forces then resistance in the entire Donetsk oblasts will be reduced, as east is Russia and north on A282 is Donetsk city. So one way is to drive to Donetsk and reinforce a frontal attack.

A drive northwest to hit the flank of opponent forces is an alternative. There are no major roads in that direction though, and this is the spring mud season. So this may not be possible as country roads constrain traffic speed and clearing the rural countryside would be costly in terms of manpower.

Another alternative is a northwest drive to hit another front entirely.
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