Ukrainian War Developments

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Senior Member
I hear this a lot repeated here and by western media. Can any of you posters link evidence to show that the Russian intelligence expected Ukraine to welcome them as liberators? Or that a significant proportion of the Russian population is against Putin abs this war? Or if this a” just trust me bro “ kind of source? Or is this the much vaulted mental gymnastics mentioned above? Certainly it can go both ways.

In that case, I can assure you from my Russian acquaintances, every one of them support this operation and most of the Russian public. And they were very aware of how much hate the Ukrainians had for them
Putin approval ratings went up after the special military operation in Ukraine so I mostly agree with this.


Senior Member
Melissa Chan would approve an Australian invasion of the Solomon Islands if they allow a Chinese naval base. People should stop caring about her garbage opinions.
Not sure if care is the right word. Pro China folks just want to make fun of her dumb takes. Anti china folks presumably like her though.


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One thing the "Ukraine is winning" crowd hasn't been able to answer is this: how is Ukraine getting arms to their army 600 miles away from the Poland border? Do they have some sort of magic portal between Lvov and Kharkov? Never mind weapons, what about basic fuel and food? Have you seen any pictures of what Ukraine are using for cargo transportation recently?
That's a good question. What's your theory?

Two weeks ago, 4 star retired general Keane suggested that the US should seriously consider covert strikes on Russian convoys and covert aerial supply missions to Ukraine. In his words, the US has extensive capability in that domain, but details are classified ;)


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100% war crime :(

Unfortunately also being heavily utilized now by the other side into justifying war, invasion, enemy demonizing, indiscriminate killing, ethnic cleansing whatever goes. Basically facilitating further war crimes and a descend into the most ugly aspect of war, dehumanization.

"An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind"


Senior Member
lol this is a very pretentious point of view and quite hypocritical. You blame many here for lapping up so called “Russian propaganda” while not acknowledging that you may have lapped up too much “western propaganda”?

as the saying goes, “one man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter”. Things are never black and white, your views are not always the only right way to look at things. Using YouTube videos to prove as evidence of anti Russian views are plagued by extreme Sampling error due to western complete censor of pro Russian views. how is what the west is doing regarding Russian related news different than what Russia is doing?

That’s no better than taking videos from China insights or China uncensored as Reality.
Yeah I am gonna just block him I think. There's only so much regurgitation of US state propaganda I can stomach here. Bad enough it's everywhere else on western mainstream media
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