Ukrainian War Developments

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But then again I have heard a lot of people claim the US is suffering from soil erosion. If that is true, the West probably got into deep shit with their sanctions shenenigans on Russia.
Yup, here's an article from r/Collapse (recommend for climate doomer stuff)
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"Agricultural fields in the midwestern U.S. have lost, on average, two millimeters of soil per year. This is nearly double the rate of erosion that the USDA considers sustainable. Furthermore, USDA estimates of erosion are between three and eight times lower than the figures reported in the study."

But I think we're getting a bit off-topic, and its better to move this discussion to the climate change thread to concentrate all the doomer stuff there.


Registered Member
That's a lot of manpads... where do they find all of these? Last batch was molded to disuse.. are they talking about the same or a new batch ?
It's a new batch, that article briefly mentions the previous batch:
Germany had already supplied Ukraine with 500 "Strela" anti-air missiles.
Are the manpads doing anything though? Unlike earlier stages of the war there doesn't seem to be much news about manpads shooting down planes and helicopters any more and you have Russian UAVs flying all over Kiev tracking military vehicles to their hideouts.


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These maps are a bit strange... we got the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant captured more than two weeks ago but still nothing on the map. Not sure what is left of the east at this point, maybe a lot of contested ground and sieged city but the Russian advance seems bigger than that with the news broadcasted even in the west.


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Yeah what you're describing is definitely their approach, but it's taking a lot of time. And they really need to wrap up in Mariupol this coming week at the latest, because getting bogged down there is hurting their entire war effort on other fronts.

We'll see I guess. Last update seems to indicate Ukr forces in Mariupol is compressed to a very small area already in the city center, I think the Russians will finish it in this coming week, not placing bets though....


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The Stinger missile is way outdated. There was a program to upgrade it including the sensor. But I think US Congress shitcanned it.
Russian MANPADS have better sensors.
Not sure if russian propaganda. One of the KA-52 assaulting on 1st day said 18 manpads fired at him. I do believe some stingers do not work anymore.


Lieutenant General
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Not sure if russian propaganda. One of the KA-52 assaulting on 1st day said 18 manpads fired at him. I do believe some stingers do not work anymore.
The Russians started conducting most of their airborne assaults at night. Seems the US supplied MANPADS don't have night sights.
Russian helicopters have night vision. So...
That explains lower Russian helicopter losses at this moment.

One major advancement since Afghanistan is that Russian helicopters have night vision sensors. And recent helicopters like Mi-28 have IR signature reduction.


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"Finally. I can’t belive this. MSM in Poland, very popular television channel Polsat watched by milions of Poles have reported crimes of Nazis from Azov in Mariupol. They are talking now about destruction on purpose of civilian infrastracture by Azov troops and there is an Ukrainian lady, who admitts that she learned the hard way that true enemies are Ukrainians from Azov Battalion. Wow
I don’t watch Polish MSM media for some time now, but I can’t belive that after making for 8 long years Ukrainians as literal saints now they finally reported how big scum they are."
Preparation for Lviv annexation (/s), gonna be called Lwow next.
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