Ukrainian War Developments

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Bill Blazo

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One thing that's puzzling about the Russian approach to Mariupol is the lack of paratroopers. This is exactly the situation where paratroopers would be decisive. You have a city on the ropes and you vastly outnumber the remaining beleaguered defenders. Send in the paratroopers and launch a coordinated attack on the remaining areas. It would be over real fast for the Ukrainians. The Russians cannot afford to drag this out much longer


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Of course this event has done Russia great harm and of course it is possible that Russia didn't plan for everything, but one must appreciate the fact that this incident has also done a great deal of damage to the EU in regards to its sustainability and future food supply which in turn will limit how much they can really aid the USA in its future fight with China (especially when they have to deal with the inflation going up to the point where the people will eventually revolt if the government fails to handle the food and energy shortage, meaning that the USA has to divert a great degree of capital handle this crisis which means more time for China to prepare itself).
I agree that the EU is a major loser here, but I am not convinced about the US. Just the other day in the news, the two agreed that the US shall double its exports of LNG to Europe by the end of the year. The US MIC is rubbing its hands with glee at the prospect of new export contracts to NATO Europe countries.
but the west is equally if not more so unprepared for the prospects of Russia cutting off all of its energy supplies to Europe along with the grains and fertilizer that is absolutely critical for Europe to grow there crops for the next year.
The EU is an agricultural superpower. The tiny Netherlands is the second largest exporter of agricultural products in the world. The concern is not that the EU will not have enough fertilizer, but that the Ukranian farmers might not have it. The European Commission is already working on sending seeds and fertilizer to Ukraine.


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One thing that's puzzling about the Russian approach to Mariupol is the lack of paratroopers. This is exactly the situation where paratroopers would be decisive. You have a city on the ropes and you vastly outnumber the remaining beleaguered defenders. Send in the paratroopers and launch a coordinated attack on the remaining areas. It would be over real fast for the Ukrainians. The Russians cannot afford to drag this out much longer

Paratroopers are not good at fighting pitched battles, they're good at taking control of a point where the enemy does not expect. Not sure how are they going to help with the situation.

The current Russian tactics seems to be optimal, slowly and methodically grinding towards their target with heavy weapons support.


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Damage to Lvov oil depot :

There has been almost no rain in the US Midwest since October last year. The harvest of wheat, soybeans and corn, according to experts, is 60% less than last year. And with the totality of sanctions imposed on Russia, a food crisis in the US is inevitable.
But lets sanction Russia to death c/z papa is willing to sacrifice :
Bruhh from replaying the Spanish flu pandemic, we skipped the roaring 20s going straight to the dustbowl huh?

Btw I found this illuminating answer on Quora
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Lieutenant General
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The EU is an agricultural superpower. The tiny Netherlands is the second largest exporter of agricultural products in the world. The concern is not that the EU will not have enough fertilizer, but that the Ukranian farmers might not have it. The European Commission is already working on sending seeds and fertilizer to Ukraine.
The EU has enough arable land for sure. The problem will be the fertilizer and diesel.


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Senior Member
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The EU is an agricultural superpower. The tiny Netherlands is the second largest exporter of agricultural products in the world.
So I decided to Google on why Netherlands is the second largest agricultural exporter, and apparently they have such a high number because they export high-valued agricultural goods not because of the volume of their agricultural export.
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I wonder what are the stats for staple crop production in EU, as the volume of crops is more important, than what they earn from it when it comes to ensuring food security.
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