Ukrainian War Developments

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So apparently when Biden yesterday said the American aim in the new cold war was regime change and "Putin must go", he was lying? Or are they blaming his dementia? He didn't misspeak, and he said it more than once. Is Biden a Russian disinformation agent now?

Does this mean the cold war 2.0 is cancelled after one day? The American regime seems to be a completely disorganised mess right now. It's almost like they are begging Putin, please cancel your invasion of Ukraine so we can go back to how things were like before.

I think once Ukraine is taken Putin needs to invade Poland to clarify what America's stance is on the new cold war, because everyone is getting mixed signals right now.


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I expect that feminist analysis would be hardly tolerated, if at all, in this generally conservative male-dominated forum.
I personally find your analysis interesting, and I don't wanna sound rude but I think this is the type of thing that intellectuals usually suffer from, where they keep analyzing every social, societal, ethical and political problem under a single ideological lens. You can see examples of these people in twitter and academia making hot takes like "Putin/Xi feels threatened of Ukraine/Taiwan, because of their democracy and freedom" or "Chinese people are silently resisting against CCP's tyranny by not making babies.". Of course, all sides have people guilty of this, but I've seen this behavior being used by entities such as CIA, to radicalize and pit them against their own government and their own wellbeing/interest.

Know that by labelling this forum a "conservative male dominated-forum", you're committing the sin of generalizing the people in the community that you've accused users here are doing (like generalizing the entire Ukrainian military are Neo-Nazis). Calling names and labelling the people your trying to discuss with is not conducive to making a constructive and peaceful dialogue.


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Melissa Chan is not the only person who makes a connection between war and sexual violence.
The image of Ukraine as a 'provocative' woman in a short skirt and Putin as her rapist is not new.

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"Rape Rhetoric and Russia’s War on Ukraine
Putin’s rhetoric towards Ukraine is characteristic of rape culture—and the international community can’t afford to ignore it."

"Those who enact state violence also often employ rape rhetoric. Two weeks before giving the order to invade Ukraine, Putin
was reported to have made reference to a joke about marital rape, saying, “It’s your duty, my beauty” when he spoke of compelling
President Zelinsky to comply with the Minsk agreements. Putin takes a “whether you like it or not” approach in the case of an accord
that Ukraine finds unfavorable, and feels to have been “foisted upon the country’s leaders with little room for recourse.”
Zelinsky demurred, agreeing that Ukraine was a beauty, but objecting to Putin’s use of the possessive adjective “my” in his statement."

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"Sexual violence as ‘weapon of war’ to rise after Russia’s invasion, campaigners warn"

"Increasing numbers of Ukrainian women will endure sexual violence wielded as a “weapon of war” in the wake of
Russia’s invasion of the country, campaigners have warned."

"Oksana Pokalchuk, the director of Amnesty International Ukraine, warned female civilians will bear the brunt of Russia’s invasion.
Speaking to The Independent from a bomb shelter in the Ukrainian capital of Kyiv, Ms Pokalchuk said: “It will have a bad impact
on women in the country. Domestic violence and sexual violence rises in wars.'

I expect that feminist analysis would be hardly tolerated, if at all, in this generally conservative male-dominated forum.
Zero evidence of Russia committing war crimes, however there is multiple videos documenting Ukrainian war crimes. See all the videos of Ukrainian gypsies & Russian speakers being tied to lampposts and whipped, Russian POWs being transported like cattle, being shot in the knees to disable them. All of this is being actively censored by the Anglo world, but it will be used as evidence in the upcoming anti-Nazi trials.

Rape is a poor analogy for the current situation. It is more like a parent punishing a child for running away. Or an older brother beating up a younger brother for doing something wrong. I guess rape could be used to describe what NATO did to Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Serbia, Vietnam and every other country it tries to impose it's "values" on.

If you're genuinely concerned about Ukrainian women being raped, then you must be a strong supporter of the Russian denazification programme. Rapes will decrease considerably when the Ukrainian Nazi population is eliminated.


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His sentimentality for Ukrainian "brotherhood/kinship" is what I believe blinded the man for taking a military action in such a haphazard way. He's military intelligence either misled or miscalculated the Ukraine's ability and will to resist the Russian actions or Putin was too sure of his own kool-aid that he may have dismissed the advice given to him from a combination of group think (afraid to give bad news to the leader) and Russian hubris.

But the war must succeed at all cost otherwise what the f..k was the point of executing such a ham fisted operation if the best he could extract from all the losses Russia is experiencing is a measly little territory.

No matter how one look at this situation the Russian so called "special operation" which is essentially an invasion is unmitigated strategic disaster. And as you said, it definitely exposed the glaring weaknesses in the Russian military which was one of Russia's strategic asset in terms of protecting power, and the ability to intimidate European nations into capitulation pre-Russian invasion. Now, with the embarrassing losses of the once vaunted Russian military nations that used to fear Russia has seen that credibility withered away, and if it wasn't for Russian nuclear power, NATO would have definitely gotten involved in the conflict and that would have been very difficult for Russia to manage, ditto for NATO.

I don't know why Putin took this action with such immediacy without considering all the geopolitical ramifications his actions entail. Putin, if he has any semblance of strategic acumen left ought to reevaluate the people he has surrounded himself with which means, he should now see the value in retaining people with great skills, and further more people that has enough courage to speak up against dumb ideas (Russian invasion of Ukraine) and to commit one's armed forces in trying to achieving one's goal must no be hijacked by nonsensical sentimentality (Russians are loved by Ukrainian people) and not all Ukrainians want to be Russians to avoid the stupid severe constraints placed on the Russian military ROE.
In the end, regardless of whether Putin is right or wrong in this situation, one must feel for the fact that this event has in the end benefited China a great deal and has done a fair bit to weaken the EU and the USA by showing as well the limits on how powerful the USA is when it comes to sanctions and basically how weak the US is in regards to its response and this is something that the middle east is definitely taking note of. Of course this event has done Russia great harm and of course it is possible that Russia didn't plan for everything, but one must appreciate the fact that this incident has also done a great deal of damage to the EU in regards to its sustainability and future food supply which in turn will limit how much they can really aid the USA in its future fight with China (especially when they have to deal with the inflation going up to the point where the people will eventually revolt if the government fails to handle the food and energy shortage, meaning that the USA has to divert a great degree of capital handle this crisis which means more time for China to prepare itself).

Also note that this crisis alone has also done great damage to the primacy of the US dollar which in turn lessens the grip that the USA will have on the world. I believe that the sentimentality for Ukrainians is simply something that Putin would like to see fixed but ultimately the real prize is the eastern part of Ukraine with controls a lot of industry that is critical for the worlds grain and industry and that is something that the west doesn't seem to really factor in when it keeps on reporting about how they have repelled the Russians from the capital which quite frankly isn't the main concern compared to the destruction of the Azov battalion and dominate of the eastern part of Ukraine. In a strategic sense, yes Russia wasn't prepared for the extent for how far the USA is willing to go with regards to sanctions and outright stealing of Russia's foreign reserve, but the west is equally if not more so unprepared for the prospects of Russia cutting off all of its energy supplies to Europe along with the grains and fertilizer that is absolutely critical for Europe to grow there crops for the next year. Not to mention that this action by the west has shown to the middle east how untrustworthy the USA is in regards to its currency and are now looking for alternatives even more then before with the whole deal with Saudi Arabia and China and how many nations in the ME are not taking Bidens calls even as he desperately tries to get Iran and Venezuela as back ups for his complete stuff up with cutting off Russian resources to no real avail. Hence, I sense that while Putin would love for things to be better, his main objectives are being ticked off slowly but surely and that is ultimately the main thing he wants done as opposed to doing it for praise and that in the end is more important given that the eastern part of Ukraine is falling to Russia no matter what the west says or does. Also long as Putin doesn't cede the territory taken to the west in exchange for some kind of peace agreement that the west will never honor, then in the end that is a victory in itself, given that in the end Ukraine will ultimately cease to be relevant in the future once the dust settles given the incurred loses

Also, I am quite scared of a hardened Putin in that should he cut all ties with the EU and the west, the less likely he is going to hold back from using the real dangerous stuff which I believe that the collective west is far from prepared to face given the fact that the EU as it is now is simply ill equipped for the future given how crucial gas/oil is for their futures and how easily they lost this chance due to the meddling of the USA which funny enough is also going to eventually lose the world reserve currency given its untrustworthiness as it was exposed just now. In the end, the real winner from this conflict will eventually be China and maybe Russia given that well, they have cut themselves off from a bunch of backstabbing neighbors that are simply not worth their time and money. Of course Russia will suffer from this crisis but given how tough they are, they will eventually adjust. Putin may be slighted because of the geopolitical ramifications he will suffer as a result of this operation, but provided that he succeeds in his main objective of taking back the east of Ukraine and bring down the Ukrainian military along with the Nazi elements within, he still will end up having the last laugh and also his people (the majority of Russia) will end up living him more should he succeed which by most accounts, he eventually will.

In the end, I guess what I am saying is that you win some, you lose sum but should Russia complete its main objectives despite what the western media says, well, the USA can bitch and whine as much as they want, it will not change a thing in the grand scheme of things, in that Russia has won this conflict that thus the strength of the west is something to question as to whether it is worth much in the future given how weak their response has been compared to the cuban missile crisis.

Also to note is that I take the western media coverage with a grain so salt because they seem to love commenting on the situation with regards to Kiev where the fighting isn't really all that much when compare to the fights in the east of ukraine and especially mariupol which is basically where the main lot of Azov fighters are located. Given that the Russia figures in regards to Russia deaths being within the 1.4k+ figure rather then the 15k+ figure that the west gives is very different, I would wait so see if Russia has taken Mariupol, Karkov and the rest of the eastern part of Ukraine. Should Russia succeed in taking these places, I would hence advice you to avoid the western figures and narrative like the plague and simply celebrate the fact that the west with all its media power, stands no real chance against reality and that is more important then anything.
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Learn how to read and stop putting words into my mouth!

"So now you're shifting your position from "Most Russian (sic) does not support the war"...

I never wrote that or believed that. Can you quote where you fantasize that I wrote that?
Your 'reading comprehension' is abysmal if you believe that I wrote or implied that.
Those are words that you put into my mouth.

I always have believed (as I made clear enough in multiple posts) that only a brave small minority support the anti-war
movement in Russia for various reasons, including nationalism, state control of information, and penalties for criticism.
It's Natasha's belief (which I quoted) that many Russians are brainwashed by propaganda.
I have not met her Russian acquaintances, so I have no basis to confirm or dispute her belief.

It's a waste of time to keep arguing with someone who's so arrogant (note his conceit of 'intellectual superiority)
and so stupid that he utterly fails to comprehend the basic meaning of my statements.
It's just a misunderstanding, and @enroger misunderstanding of what your wrote has nothing to do with conceit. Please, let's not cast aspersions or malicious intent on someone based on some few disagreements. I am guilty of being an idiot, and also being accusatory from time to time. I think that's okay, because it is what makes us fallible, meaning we're human. After all it is said that: To err is human, to forgive is divine.

Let's agree to disagree on things we have firm positions over, but let us not cut or block each other off out of spite, and petty squabble.

I like reading your perspective because it's unique, and your sense of insight does bring a much welcome thought process that's in short supply on this forum.

Also, am not trying to mansplain, am simply expressing an opinion as a human being who happens to proudly identify myself as a brute a.k.a. man.
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