Ukrainian War Developments

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Piss off, you're just a Kerbal little green dudes
We have made great sacrifices to achieve our goals!

In real news tho:
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The White House had to qualify those comments saying: "What the President meant was that Putin cannot be allowed to exercise power over his neighbours or the region."

"He was not talking about Putin's power in Russia, nor about regime change" the White House stated.


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What exactly is his point?
To be blunt, he talks a lot, but what exactly is his point?

continue Adolf's war

which is what Washington did

Washington and those nostalgic of the 14 Waffen SS dream of chopping up Russia as this guy says in the video

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the idea was to provoke "a great war with Russia" and defeat Russia with the help of Washington and the european vassal club

It may sound crazy, but that is his belief

partly because they want to believe it in his crazy fanaticism and partly because Washington filled his head with promises


Registered Member
Note another failure to grasp the context. (This forum has a common low level of literacy.)

"I don't necessarily agree with Melissa Chan on many issues, but I concur that there's regular condescension (at best)
toward women who dare to think independently and express their views in male-dominated spaces."

Note that I *already* made clear that I don't necessarily agree with Melissa Chan on many issues.
Yet I concur with her that women tend to be treated differently (condescendingly) in male-dominated spaces.
Of course, if you are not a woman, you have not experienced that and may find it impossible to believe.

If Melissa Chan reported that she was sexually assaulted, then would you say:
"Melissa, I cannot believe you because I regard all your opinions on other issues as garbage."?
don't necessarily agree with Melissa Chan on many issues, but I concur that there's regular condescension (at best)
toward women who dare to think independently and express their views in male-dominated spaces."
Her opinion is pure garbage drivel, and that she happens to be a woman doesn't make her opinion any less idiotic. Don't try to make her stupid, let alone anti-China opinions about gender for all we know she's actually a person who identifies/occupies both genders or non-binary so your criticism is moot.


Registered Member
Note another failure to grasp the context. (This forum has a common low level of literacy.)

"I don't necessarily agree with Melissa Chan on many issues, but I concur that there's regular condescension (at best)
toward women who dare to think independently and express their views in male-dominated spaces."

Note that I *already* made clear that I don't necessarily agree with Melissa Chan on many issues.
Yet I concur with her that women tend to be treated differently (condescendingly) in male-dominated spaces.
Of course, if you are not a woman, you have not experienced that and may find it impossible to believe.

If Melissa Chan reported that she was sexually assaulted, then would you say:
"Melissa, I cannot believe you because I regard all your opinions on other issues as garbage."?

Note another failure to grasp the context. (This forum has a common low level of literacy.)

Well, aren't you the smart one. We're not worthy of thy presence.


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In 1941, many Ukrainians (at least in western Ukraine) threw flowers and welcomed the German soldiers as their liberators.
I have not noticed Russian propaganda yet claiming that Ukrainians now have welcomed Russian soldiers like that.

It's disingenuous to claim that if hungry civilians accept food from occupying soldiers, that means that they welcomed the invasion.
In 1945 Berlin, starving women would queue for any food distributed by the RKKA even when these women already had been raped
by Soviet soldiers.

Marie Jalowicz was a young German Jewish woman who had survived the Shoah by hiding (with the aid of friends) in Berlin.
She was 'liberated' by a Soviet soldier, who 'naturally' (her word) celebrated by raping her all night long.
She did not resist. She later said that it was no worse than what she had expected as a conquered woman, a spoils of war.
As her reward, the soldier gave her a bit of food and a signed note (in Russian) saying that she was his fiancée.
The note warned other Soviet soldiers to leave her alone because he had already claimed her, in effect, as his exclusive property.
The next time that a Soviet soldier attempted to rape her, she showed him the note and was able to escape.
(He presumably quickly found another vulnerable woman, who did not have a note signed by a Soviet soldier.)
Marie Jalowicz accepted his aid, but that does not mean that she desired, encouraged, or enjoyed what the soldier did to her.
Thanks for that Interesting insight.


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This is The (Angloimperial) Idea

The Russians (ca. 2022) are Bolsheviks


Ukraine is the pinnacle of Western narrative delirium:

The terror suffered by the Ukrainians at the hands of the Bolsheviks who in their time were seen by Ukrainians as yiddish-Bolsheviks ... and the terror suffered by the Yiddish people at the hands of Ukrainians ...

now has become Russophobia


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Her opinion is pure garbage drivel, and that she happens to be a woman doesn't make her opinion any less idiotic. Don't try to make her stupid, let alone anti-China opinions about gender for all we know she's actually a person who identifies/occupies both genders or non-binary so your criticism is moot.
Melissa Chan is not the only person who makes a connection between war and sexual violence.
The image of Ukraine as a 'provocative' woman in a short skirt and Putin as her rapist is not new.

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"Rape Rhetoric and Russia’s War on Ukraine
Putin’s rhetoric towards Ukraine is characteristic of rape culture—and the international community can’t afford to ignore it."

"Those who enact state violence also often employ rape rhetoric. Two weeks before giving the order to invade Ukraine, Putin
was reported to have made reference to a joke about marital rape, saying, “It’s your duty, my beauty” when he spoke of compelling
President Zelinsky to comply with the Minsk agreements. Putin takes a “whether you like it or not” approach in the case of an accord
that Ukraine finds unfavorable, and feels to have been “foisted upon the country’s leaders with little room for recourse.”
Zelinsky demurred, agreeing that Ukraine was a beauty, but objecting to Putin’s use of the possessive adjective “my” in his statement."

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"Sexual violence as ‘weapon of war’ to rise after Russia’s invasion, campaigners warn"

"Increasing numbers of Ukrainian women will endure sexual violence wielded as a “weapon of war” in the wake of
Russia’s invasion of the country, campaigners have warned."

"Oksana Pokalchuk, the director of Amnesty International Ukraine, warned female civilians will bear the brunt of Russia’s invasion.
Speaking to The Independent from a bomb shelter in the Ukrainian capital of Kyiv, Ms Pokalchuk said: “It will have a bad impact
on women in the country. Domestic violence and sexual violence rises in wars.'

I expect that feminist analysis would be hardly tolerated, if at all, in this generally conservative male-dominated forum.


Registered Member
"he [Putin] should now see the value in retaining people with great skills, and further more people that has enough
courage to speak up against dumb ideas."

Few organizations sincerely encourage people to be very critical of their superiors, particularly the leader at the top.
And that's true whether the organization's in a democracy or a dictatorship.

I have attended work meetings where the boss boasts that he's doing a great job and most of his subordinates eagerly
chime in to assure him that he's doing a great job, even when they privately say the opposite to me.

When I have spoken out 'against dumb ideas' at work, I almost always have been ignored (at best), demoted, or sacked.
Later, someone else may say exactly what I did and get praised for it, but it's too late to erase my 'original sin'.
When I have spoken out 'against dumb ideas' at work, I almost always have been ignored (at best), demoted, or sacked.
Later, someone else may say exactly what I did and get praised for it, but it's too late to erase my 'original sin'
On a personal note: On this particular aspect, you and I share the same gift. I for one never regretted voicing out my opinions solicited or not if and when I see any glaring deficiencies at all levels.


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"Marie Jalowicz (...) who had survived the (Ukro-nazi terror) was 'liberated' by a (Ukraine-soviet) soldier, who 'naturally' (her word) celebrated by raping her all night long"

western fantasy loves puns and labels

I know how to play that game too

what I find outrageous and a complete joke is to turn into 'feminists' those nostalgic for the 14 Waffen SS and the fanatics of London and Washington who have caused this tragedy by organizing the "Ukrainian gambit"
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